
As Luffy in One Piece

A man was transmigrated into One Piece as the main proganist of the series.. Monkey. D. Luffy... "Well.. That was unexpected but Luffy won't be stupid anymore..." The fan-fiction goes on with the plot.. except the changes in the character of Luffy and have a harem of course. Update schedule: Random number of chapter but it will be updated everyday..

AFKing_000 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
11 Chs

Chapter 8: Hawk-Eyes Mihawk!

There was complete silence inside the restaurant.

Gin narrated the story that occurred in their journey in Grand Line.

"To think all 50 ships of the Krieg pirate fleet were destroyed by a single man..."


"WHAT!" shouted the people who heard it in disbelief, "The entire Krieg pirate fleet was crushed by a single man!?"

"Its unbelievable!"

Gin continued shivering in horror, "While we still had no idea what was going on, our ships sank one by one... And if it weren't for that storm that whisked us away, even our main ship would've sunk. I don't know how many ships managed to survive... It's just too terrifying to believe as real...!"

Gin caught his head tightly, "I~i don't even want to think about... That hawk-eyed man whose glare is sharp enough to kill a man...! I don't! I don't want to think about him!"

"How could the entire fleet be sunk by a single man?"

Zeff held his chin and said in a serious tone, "That had to be... The work of the Hawk-eyed man, without a doubt..."


All of them looked at Zeff and shouted in confusion.

Zeff folded his arms and explained, "You saying that you witnessed a man, whose glare was as sharp as that of a hawk doesn't necessarily prove it was him. But the fact that he sunk your entire fleet, is more than enough proff that it was really him...!"

Usopp: "H~Hawk-eyed...!? Who's that?"

Zoro: "He's the man I'm searching for..."


Hearing Zoro's word, they all looked at him confused. Zoro started to explain, "According to what Johnny said... Shit! That idiot got his information mixed up! Never mind... Ugh!"

He was about to explain but got messed up half away as what Johnny told him was nothing useful.

Johny only told him that Hawk-eye was a red-eyed man who got so piss-drunk from wine that his eyes turned red and he got caught on fire and blew up.

Sanji turned back to Gin and asked, "Did he bear some ill grudge against you guys, for him to destroy your entire fleet like that...?"

Gin: "I don't remember anything like that! He just attacked us all of a sudden!"

Zeff: "Perhaps you disturb his afternoon nap..."

"That's bullshit! You mean to tell me he destroyed our entire fleet like that!?" Gin immediately got irritated and shouted.

"No need to get so irritated, it was just an example. That's just the kind of place the Grand Line is." said Zeff caring his mustache.

Zoro: "A place where even the abnormal is normal, huh. Maybe it might be interesting there..."

Usopp: "You idiot! Could you at least think about the DANGER!?"

Zoro: "But with this it looks like my own goal, is inextricably tied to the Grand Line, considering that 'that man' is still there as well!"

Kaya: "U~um... I'm fine as long as I can sail with everyone..."

Usopp: "K~Kaya! You are affected by the two freaks too!?"

Hearing their words, Sanji puffed out some smoke and mockingly said, "Bunch of idiots, you lot are the type to rush to their deaths."

Zoro: "I'd rather have you leave out that 'idiot' part.. Ever since I've decided to become the world's greatest swordsman, I threw away my attachment of life, the only one who has the right to call me an idiot is me alone."

Usopp: "As a real man, the same goes for me too."


Sanji: "...Psh! What a load of crap."

Suddenly, the cook Patty shouted towards them,

"Hey, retards! Haven't you realised the situation we're in right now!?" He continued, "The gigantic galleon that's parked in front of our restaurant, belongs to the pirate fleet admiral Don Krieg! The ship of the strongest pirate in East Blue! You got that!? So you can continue your little conversation after we've gotten ourselves out of this mess!"

"Don't worry about him! He won't be the strongest from today... Hehe!" A mocking voice sounded and Luffy and Nami appeared beside the others.

Patty: "Haha! What can a kid like you do!?"

"Sigh! You guys are all just a frog in the bottom of the well..." Luffy shook his head disappointed. He then continued, "Do you know what the East Blue is called? The weakest sea... The other seas are several times dangerous than this one. The Hawk-eyed man you all talked about is called Dracule 'Hawk Eyes' Mihawk, one of the 'Seven Warlords of the Sea'..."

"EH! There's seven super strong people like him!?"

All of them widened their eyes in shock hearing Luffy's word. Luffy only nodded and continued,

"That's nothing, they're just small characters... In the final sea which is called 'New World', there resides the four strongest pirates in the world called the 'Four Emperors'. They are on a completely different league than the others. Even if the marines attack one of them using their full force, there is a little chance for them to win..."


The peoples who heard the words swallowed their saliva, their bodies trembling in terror. They now have a new opinion of the world they're in. They could think of only one sentence,


Sanji: "How do you know all this stuff?"

Luffy slightly smiled and touched his straw hat,

"Because I've met one of the 'Four Emperors' in my childhood. He gave me this hat, and in return I made a promise that one day I'll become the 'Pirate King'. So, this sea is just one of my stepping stones..."

Hearing the mighty words, they didn't even mutter a word and looked at Luffy with admiration.

Zoro: "Hehe! That's our Captain..."

Usopp: "Sure enough, he's good at everything..."

Nami: "I'll always support you, Captain!"

Kaya: "He's really a great man..."

Zeff: "Hahaha! You are a tough kid, your guts are quite big..."

Sanji: "Tch! Another dreaming idiot."

Luffy: "Hey! You talk too much, from now on you'll be one of our crew..."

"When did I say I'd join you? Don't decide it for yourself!"


Outside... On Krieg's gigantic gallon,

"Woohoo! We're saved!"

"We've finally escaped from that nightmare! We've returned alive from the 'Pirates Graveyard'...!"

Looking at the cheering crews, Don Krieg smirked slightly and said, "Yes... And we'll set sail back to Grand Line once again."

"WHA!?" the cheering suddenly stopped and looked at Don Krieg with wide eyes.

Krieg: "Hmm? What's with your expressions...?"

"W~We're... Going back there...?" 'Aghh!!?'

Don Krieg immediately punched him, looked back fiercely at the others and asked with a cold voice,

"Well? Any others who disagree?"

"N~No sir! All hail Don Krieg!!" the others didn't dare and started cheering again.

Krieg: "First, we'll abandon this pattered old ship that might sink at any moment and take over that floating restaurant. Your enemies are just a bunch of measly cooks. This should be a piece of cake."

Soon, they roared loudly and started rushing down their ship towards Baratie.

"I can hear them coming!"

"Brace yourself! This ship is our restaurant!"

The cooks started preparing for battle holding different weapons tightly.

"Move it you damn cooks!!" they shouted while rushing.

Luffy: "Hehe! So, he's finally here..."

"What do you mea~" the peoples inside who heard Luffy wanted to ask him but an unimaginable scene suddenly happened which shut their mouths.


Don Krieg's huge galleon was instantly split into half...


Several pirates exclaimed loudly as their ship was directly cut into half without even noticing.

Krieg: "What was that just now!?"

"Don Krieg! Our ship...! Aghhh!"

"Our ship's been cut!"

Krieg: "Cut!? The hell do you mean cut!? How can a huge galleon like this be cut? Thats impossible...!"

The huge galleon split making the sea waves very chaotic.

"Crap! Our ship was outside too, with Yosaku and Johnny still inside." Zoro wanted to rushed out but was stopped by Luffy.

Luffy: "Don't worry! I've already warned them earlier, so they should be okay."

"Raise the anchor! Or this ship's gonna get dragged under!" the cooks ran around checking their ship.

Zeff suddenly saw a figure between the chaotic sea and slowly muttered,

"Th~That man is...!"

He was sailing on a small boat with candles burning on the border. He had a huge and long cross-like sword on his back. But the most distinguished part was his sharp Hawk-like eyes.

Seeing the man, Zoro placed his hand on his swords and said with an evil smile,

"Hehe... Its really him. The man I've been looking for..."

"Don Krieg, its him! The one who destroyed our fleet!"

"He followed us all the way out here!?"

"He's come to kill all of us!"

The pirates soon recognised the mysterious man in their front. Hearing their words, Don Krieg had a cold sweat on his forehead muttering in a quivering voice,

"Th~That Bastard~is that... The Hawk-eyed man!?"

Patty: "He's the one who sank, a fleet of 50 ships..!"

"Then... He's the one who destroyed Krieg's ship just now! And it doesn't seem like he's carrying any special weapon..."

Zeff: "If you're looking for his weapon, then its on his back...!"

Usopp: "Wha...!? Y-You mean he cut that gigantic galleon by swinging that...!"

"Yes! That Hawk-eyed man is a renowned swordsman... More renowned than any other swordsman in this world." said Zeff with a serious look on his face.

"He's the 'World's Strongest Swordsman'....



End of Chapter...

See you guys next time...

Hope you like it and correct if there's any mistakes.