
Arthur Liones in Highschool Dxd!

Arthur Liones. A college student who dies at the age of 18 is reincarnated into DxD as the inheritor of the shadow monarch system among other things! Follow him on his journey through the world of DxD. (Kinda on hiatus right now as I’ve started college again, I’ll probs update at some point soon, I’ve started a chap and have ideas, just have no time. Sorry my duds) OP MC (Skip first three chapters if you want to, its baso an intro, nothing necessary, but you might enjoy it) A/N: Hear me folks! Hear me. If you find the mc cringe and write a review based on that. Im sorry but your review is getting yoinked, I've kept a couple from when i first started the story because there wasn't really a warning, but there has been one for a while, and if your going to leave a review, at least read until chap 15. Thanks Please read the authors notes, I explain the things I do in my stories! The MC is going to be a little edgy when fighting others who would see him or his loved ones harmed. i like them that way :) (I don't own Highschool DxD, all rights go to Ichiei Ishibumi. I only own my OC's and some other ideas) Will most likely be a harem (up to you guys really but I like em personally) Lemons might included if you’d want them. (Never written them before) Mc will be cringe so don’t read if you don’t like that. First 10 chapters will be a cringe fest Schedule is set on my profile, though it could alter some days based on my motivation, ideas etc. Friendly comments always help! :) I’m just doing this for fun, and have a lot of free time due to being on summer holiday getting ready for my third year at college! Book will follow what people want and based off the suggestions I get! I will try to follow good spelling and grammar, feel free to point any mistakes out, this is my first time writing. I appreciate all reviews I might receive. (Unless your below 5 IQ that is)

lazybod · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
47 Chs

Hey old man!!

Arthur POV

'YESSSSSSSSSS' I screamed within my mind. 'Okay, okay...*imaginary breath outwards* calm yourself Arthur'. I managed to reel in my thoughts and think about the situations I could find myself being involved in within the near future.

Arthur-"okay, so let's run through what could happen. Number one and the one I'm obviously hoping for, I meet a God and am reincarnated with wishes! Number 2, I go to hell or heaven. Number 3, I become a Gods plaything for its entertainment until it gets bored of me and I'm throws me away like a piece of trash. '*sigh* holy shit, I'm dead and I still somehow manage to stress myself out'

"Okay, lefts think about the last two options first before I get my hopes up. Right, so heaven and hell...one of the options is obviously better than the other" my mind suddenly searches through any and all of the bad things I could've possibly done in my life. 'Okay, I wasn't a bad person, or at least in my opinion I wasn't. Shit.. is jerking one a sin? Surely not....Wait, I'm off topic! FOCUS ARTHUR COME ON!'

"Right yeah, so heaven! That would be quite nice in my opinion! Eternal peace sounds pretty good, I would be fine with that. Hell and it's whole eternal damnation thing on the other hand.. Yeah that's not really for me. I don't think any sane person would want that." I mulled over the two for a couple minutes, thinking of the benefits that could come with going to hell and all that malarkey. Safe to say that I didn't find any.

"The third option in my opinion could really go either way, the bad side is that if I happen to not entertain the God enough, well in simple terms..I'm done for. The good side being that if I entertain the God I could quickly become strong due to the Gods attention on me and it's help, it might even give me a few wishes to help along the way!" I thought over that for a few minutes with my final conclusion being that, it might be that bad being a Gods plaything!

???? POV


"The fuck was that? A disturbance in the force maybe?"

'*sigh* must have been my imagination'

I turn the ???? next to me and continue my story about how I was once shot in the knee with an arrow.

Back to Arthur's POV

My thoughts raced around in my head. '*groan* is it possible to get a headache in the void while being dead?' I thought to myself.

"Right. Finally onto the good option *giggles childishly*. Reincarnation to a world of my choice with wishes. Let's go through the options. First things first, the world I would be reincarnated into! Let me list them in my head.

World options~

Overlord (anime):

Pros- lots of waifus. Strong magic but not strong enough to match myself once I get stronger. Medieval type world that I personally enjoy. Many different scenarios you could follow (no specific timeline that can't be changed easily)

Cons: if I go there first, Momonga could be a problem! Could I get albedo as lover if Momonga changes her settings? Might have to use a wish to be him myself if I can't think of a solution.

Highschool DxD:

Pros- literally the world of waifus! Interesting story line to follow. Can easily get rid of Issei early to claim his place as harem king *giggles with evil intent* . Did I mention the waifus? A modern world that can be easily adapted to. I know the story very well. I can introduce things from my world to get money i.e manga/anime or songs!

Cons- A LOT of powerful characters that could threaten my existence!

MCU (movies):

Pros- some waifus- interesting story line over a long time (wouldn't get easily bored). I know the story quite well.

Cons- there are so many powerful characters that could insta-delete me if I fight them. I'm not overly sure I know the timeline of things"

I thought over the options I came up with, listing the pros and cons for each. 'Ah there's so many waifus *grinning from ear to ear with a little pervyness added in*. After thinking over the options for what seemed like years, I came to a conclusion! "Mhm yep, no doubt DxD would be an amazing world to go too! I will look over the other ones if I have a chance after the DxD storyline!" I pondered to myself a little bit, I then thought of another idea. 'I'll have to include multi-dimensional travelling into my wishes!"

After sorting through the worlds I would like to be reincarnated into and finally deciding on DxD, there was only one more thing to go through and it was arguably.NO!. ALMOST CERTAINLY the most important thing to think through! And that was the wishes I would request during the meeting with the God.

"Okay, lets think about this for a pretty minute, can't be rushing this! Yeah, I'll do what I did last time and list them with the pros and co-" whilst I was talking to myself debating on what wishes I would choose, I was suddenly interrupted by a thunderous, booming, yet almost calm and wise voice ripping through my head and ears!

????- "hello there" the booming voice came through. 'One way.' I said to myself 'There is but a single way I can reply to this' I confidently thought.

Arthur- *raised eyebrow* General Kenobi" I said back to the loud voice with little to no emotion, other than the slight hint of amusement.


*void crickets chirping*


After not getting a reply around 10 seconds later I grew worried and panicked slightly. Just as I was about to say something a booming roar of laughter carried its way throughout the never ending void! I could feel my entire being (whether I was just a simple soul or not, I really didn't know) vibrate and shake as the sound reverberated throughout me. 'Holy fucking shit, I feel sick. Is that even possible? I don't know, but I can say with certainty I don't feel good right now' I internally cringed as some sort of sickness wrapped itself around me.

????-" ah, I'm awfully sorry young man, I sometimes forget that I can be a bit loud" the voice said to me. I could almost picture him scratching the back of his head. 'Oh wow really, that's a surprise" I said to myself, still recovering.

"Well, anyway" the voice said "I think it's time for an introduction, most of you know me as God, but over the last century or two I have taken a liking to being called Rob" I heard him say in a proud voice.

I came to the conclusion it was now my turn to introduce myself. "Ah yes, it's good to meet you I suppose, even considering the shitty, oh sorry excuse my language, *clears throat* rather dire circumstances. Anyway, my names Arthur, born and raised in London before moving to Japan where I experienced my untimely death" I said with a rather calm smile, even after knowing the situation I'm in.

The God seeing I was finished decided to speak "ah yes...sorry about that, it's the easiest way to carry out the wish you requested". I was rather confused from what he just said until I remembered 'oh shit, the wish notification I received in the morning?' After deducing what god said I grew excited, even after remembering what me, Rin and Kuro went through before I died 'well, fuck them anyway, I'm about to get reincarnated *laughter*' and then I realised hat was about to happen 'oh my god, I wished for a reincarnation into whatever world I wanted with w-' just as I was about to finish my thought, the God interrupted.

"With wishes, indeed you did child. Shall we move swiftly on and get to it, or do you want more time?" The voice asked

I quickly replied even after realising he can easily read my mind 'oh...He can see what I was thinking earlier then, ain't that fine and dandy' I thought with a little worry. "yes we can start, sorry for taking my time your grace" I said with a reverent tone.

I could hear the God chuckle as he said "perfect, though there is no need to call me that. Rob will suffice". I was suddenly blinded by a flash of light and before I knew what happened, I was stood next to someone who looked exactly like what you would expect a grandad would. A nice, well groomed moustache, and a comb over hairstyle. 'Hm, he almost looks like colonel Anders from KFS' I thought to myself.

"Of course Rob" I replied with a smile. Rob then proceeded to tell me about what we would be doing "okay first you will say what world you wish to be reincarnated into and at what age, and then we will go over your wishes. I have chosen to give you 5 wishes due to the fun we had earlier, I haven't laughed so much in 3 million years" he chuckled and carried on " okay, let's start with what world you wish to be reincarnated into" he said seriously.

Deciding to not joke around anymore, I decided to reply with the same fervour. " I wish to be reincarnated into the world of Highschool DxD in the same year as Rias please" I finished and awaited a reply "haha, no problem child" Rob replied and further said "now, onto your wishes, be sure to go into detail, I will give you a piece of paper which will write down what you say. No take backs *chuckle*"

'Jesus Christ Rob, now I'm nervous.' After a couple of seconds I decided to answer.

"My first wish will be-

Core creation- this wish will allow me to use all of the energies I come into contact with as well as slowly creating a core to establish a foundation for using that type of energy, this works for magic types as well, for example the elements, ki, and demonic magic. These energies can be used separately or combined. An infinite number of cores can be formed and carried onto other worlds.

My second wish will be-

Catch 'em all- this allows anything found and stored in one universe to be used in another, as well as any skills I might get. (Includes:skills, bloodlines, items, weapons, etc.) Anything stored will have a duplicate.

My third wish will be-

Multiverse travel- can travel to any universe once the criteria for a world has been reached (one after the other). Can travel back to previously visited worlds. When visiting other worlds, the time in a previous world will stop.

My fourth wish will be-

Solo levelling system- Have the very same system the shadow monarch used to level. Ability to become shadow monarch if criteria is met. System will have stats, store, storage, map. AI included with system. Store will include items from all universes, some will be locked until criteria is met.

My fifth wish will be-

Free stuff- 8 things from the store will be free of price.

After listing my wishes to Rob, I awaited his long drawn out reply after reviewing the wishes I had presented to him. After a while, he turned to me with a smile and said " everything from the list is acceptable other than the final wish, I will only allow 3 free items from the store" hearing what Rob said, I pouted childishly "how about 5" I asked with a grin. I saw Rob rise his eyebrow in amusement and reply "4 store items for free and 1 for half price". After hearing the deal I came to an agreement with a smirk 'hehe gotcha old man' I thogut and quickly replied "done, no take backs" with a cold and sure voice to show I was adamant on finalising the deal there.

Rob barked out a laugh at what I said and said" fine, fine. You win *laughter*. It's the first time a mortal has ever bartered with me so I'll let you have it this time child" hearing him two I couldn't help but chuckle "hehe, thanks old man, I appreciate it" Rob smile warmly at my reply and said "well, that was all child, I'll send you off to your new home. When you get there you will have everything necessary to get started, including some money, your documents and your acceptance form into kuoh academy, I'll be watching over you child. I hope you have fun. Peace"

The next thing I knew, I was seeing some from of bright light . 'Fuck me thats bright' I thought to myself. In the next second, I was asking up on top of a comfortable bed.

"Ahh...What a day" I said to myself.

Hey guys, gals and other pals!

Sorry for the late submission (12:06) a whole 6 mins late :O

Sorry lol, was playing DnD.

He’s finally been reincarnated. yayyyy

Thanks for the wish suggestions, I hope they are okay, please give me your thoughts on them.

He will have to work to get power, not just instantly get it. I won’t use the free store stuff to get him insta op

Cheers my duds, hope you enjoy the chapter and tell em if there are any mistakes or if it doesn’t make sense and I’ll change it ;)

lazybodcreators' thoughts