
Arcane Exorcist

Yin and Yang, Order and Disorder, Life and Death, The Universal Equation of Balance. My world was once in Balance, until it came, The Arcane Drift. A massive flare of Mana flowed through Earth, giving birth to The Arcane Prime, soul like entities formed from pure Arcane energy. Humanity was devastated, as half of earth's population were wiped out due to Mana toxicity. The Half left behind were soon preyed on by The Prime's. We couldn't defend ourselves, as Humanity brought down to it's knees. Decades Later, we had a breakthrough. Humans, who were once preys, instantly became predators. The Hunted became the Hunter. Despite the fact we couldn't wield Arcane, we found other means to defend ourselves. By drawing power from Yin Yang Force Factor, Humans finally had the upper hand, as they went into all out war against The Primes.

David_Volpir · แฟนตาซี
20 Chs

My Squad Mates

"Whoa, my Exorcist ID!" Jeremy brightly said, waving his Card on the air.

"Yup, now you're officially a Tier One Exorcist" Adam responded.

"Tier One?" Jeremy confusedly asked, wearing an awkward look.

"Oh shoot, I forgot to explain the Hierarchy of Exorcist" Xavier said, lightly smacking his head.

"There's a Hierarchy?" Jeremy inquired with his interest piqued.

"Yes!" Adam immediately replied.

"The world of Exorcist's is classed from Tier One to Six. Every Exorcist starts from Tier One, and as their skills and power increases, they get promoted" Xavier explained.

"Is they anything after Tier Six?" Jeremy curiously inquired.

"Yes!" Adam promptly replied.

"Those people are called Freaks" He added, staring solemnly at Xavier.

"Wait, are you calling me a Freak?" Xavier erupted, yelling at Adam.

"Yes. You're freakishly strong!" Adam said in his usual manner.

"Well that's true!" Xavier boasted.

"I think I understand. So what Tier are you?" Xavier said, staring at Adam.

"I'm a High-level Tier Three Exorcist. I'm supposed to be a Mid-level Tier Four but someone keeps delaying my promotion" Adam furiously said, wickedly glaring at Xavier, causing him to choke on his saliva.

"I wonder who that is" Xavier awkwardly exclaimed, trying to avoid eye contact.

"So If I get stronger, I'm going to get promoted!" Jeremy said, tightly clenching his fists.

"Yes, that's the concept" Xavier said wearing a mischievous smirk.

"Alright that's what I wanna do, I want to get strong!" Jeremy cheerfully exclaimed.

"I'll need your help to do that!" Jeremy said, simultaneously staring at Xavier and Adam.

Hearing Jeremy's proclaim, Xavier and Adam immediately stated at each other, " Alright, You're training starts today!" They simultaneously said.

Minutes later,

The trio were seen heading back to the Bureau's HQ. Just like before, Jeremy fell behind, as he gazed upon the magnificent sights In the Merchant Square.

"It's going to be really hard to train him" Adam said with indifference.

"What do you mean?" Xavier inquired, staring at The Stoic youth.

"Most awakened Individuals, instantaneously attribute their Augmented abilities, but the case is different for him" Adam responded, stroking his chin.

"He might be one of those abstracts that can't use an Augmented ability!" Xavier replied.

Abstracts, a term given to Exorcist who are unable to achieve an Augmented ability, allowing them to fully utilize their Innate flow of Negative or Positive Energy.

"Most abstracts, possess refined control over their energy but he doesn't seem to be able to do that!" Adam commented, prompting both guys to turn around, placing their attention on Jeremy.

In their own perception, the entire world turned monochrome, as they saw everything in grey. Around Jeremy was a vicious aura of Negative energy. His aura was so large, Adam and Xavier felt like it was going to devour everything in it's path. Slowly the monochromatic perception, returned back to normal.

"Well you're right about" Xavier responded, as his smile turned into a frown.

"But that's what we're here for. We are going to teach him everything we can" Xavier promptly added.

"I guess you're right" Adam replied, turning towards Jeremy.

"Jeremy, Catch up!" Adam exclaimed.

"I'm coming!" Jeremy yelled, dashing towards the duo.

Immediately, he caught up with the duo, Xavier placed his right hand on Jeremy's shoulder, with his latter hand on Adam. Right in the middle of the square, the trio vanished without a trace, gravely shocking the traders.


Bureau of Exorcism HQ.

The trio suddenly appeared in a seemingly abandoned and empty warehouse. Obviously looking at the interior of the warehouse, one could tell a huge battle went down in there. Surprisingly the building was still upright.

Jeremy confusedly stared at the building while he pondered about the reason, why Xavier brought them there.

"What are we doing here?" Jeremy inquired with his interest piqued to it's peak.

"This is your training center" Xavier immediately replied.

"This is where I and Adam are going to train you" Xavier added, brightly smiling.

"Alright, what do you want me to do first?" Jeremy asked, pounding his fists into each other.

"Hold up Hot shot, there's still something I'd want to tell you" Xavier said, waving his right hand at Jeremy.

"Okay, what is it?" Jeremy commented, releasing his hands.

"What I wanted to say is that, you can't use an Augmented Ability" Xavier out rightly exclaimed.

"Ah, does that mean I'm useless" Jeremy said, diminishing his enthusiasm.

"No, it just mean you're an Abstract. An exorcist that rely on the Innate flow of Negative energy" Xavier commented.

"Alright!" Jeremy said, rekindling his enthusiastic flame.

"But for you to utilize that Negative energy, you have to aware of it and also be able to manifest it, which you can do" Adam suddenly said, breaking his apparent silence.

"What!" Jeremy disappointedly exclaimed.

"Don't worry about it. The Awareness and Manifestation usually happens naturally, but to help speed up that process, I'm gonna give you this!" Xavier said, dramatically extending his right hand.

Slowly, a staff materialized itself in Xavier's right hand. The Staff had a bright silver color, with black colored Astral symbols engraved into its body. On both ends of the staff, were grotesque shaped blades which glittered brightly.

Seeing the staff, Adam who was formerly stoic soon exclaimed in shock.

"What the hell?" Adam exclaimed in shock.

"What's your problem?" Xavier curiously inquired, glaring at Adam.

"That's….. That's a... That's a S-grade Exorcise tool" Adam stuttered.

"Yeah, so what?" Xavier awkwardly asked.

"Are you really going to give it to him?" Adam inquired, as his left eye involuntarily twitched in annoyance.

"Yeah!" Xavier responded, handing the staff over to Jeremy, who was currently staring at it.

"Tsk, I once asked you for an A-grade tool but you declined!" Adam said, obviously holding a grudge.

"Because you didn't need it!" Xavier answered, wearing a wryly smile.

"Whatever!" Adam commented, returning to his former stoic attitude.

"What does this do?" Jeremy said, while spinning the staff.

"While unlike other Exorcise Tools that have Negative or Positive energy imbues into them, this one doesn't have that.

What makes this tool special, is it's ability to feed on its user's Innate energy. The perks about it, is that, it gives the user some sort of Energy awareness and Manifestation." Xavier explained.

"Whoa that's great, but how do I use it" Jeremy said, gazing on the majestic staff in his hand.

"Just clench it tightly and let it do the rest!" Xavier brightly exclaimed.

"O.. kay!" Jeremy said, strictly obeying Xavier's orders.

Immediately he clenched it, the staff absorbed his Energy, forcefully manifesting a Negative energy construct around itself. The Energy construct had a bright violet color alongside an eerie black glow.

Slowly the construct changed it shape, as it manifested on Jeremy's body as an aura of Negative energy.

"Whoa, this is awesome!" Jeremy excitedly exclaimed, dramatically swinging his staff.

"Yeah, that's great!" Xavier said, wearing a prude smirk.

"So, what's next!" Jeremy inquired, lessening his grip on the staff, deactivating the Manifest.

"From now till next week, I want you to fight Adam!" Xavier said, wearing a maniacal grin.

"What?" Jeremy exclaimed.

"He's going to kill me!" He promptly added.

"That's true!" Adam replied, nodding his head in affirmation.

"Hmm, alright. From now till next week, you'll be sparing with Adam's Low Tier Shadow Marionettes" Xavier said, brilliantly stroking his chin.


A Week Later,

Abandoned Warehouse,

Bureau of Exorcism HQ.

Adam and Jeremy were seen in the Warehouse. Adam was dressed in his normal outfit while Jeremy was only putting on his jean trousers which meant he had no shirt on.

He was presently sparing against Adam's Shadow Pawns/ Marionettes, using his S-grade staff. As he fought against the shadows, sweat dripping out of his body, highlighting his glorious muscles and abse.

"Hmm, he's getting better at this" Adam thought to himself, stroking his chin.

"It seems like he is evolving but how can he just kick my Pawns around.

Even my Low Level Shadow Marionettes are able to fight a Tier Two Exorcist to a stand still but here he is, just kicking them dead.

I'm not even sure most of his attacks are even imbued with Negative energy. So why is he this strong?" Adam thought to himself as he watched Jeremy's furious beat down.

"Could it be he mutated? Yeah, that should be it. All that trapped Mana in his body must have tampered with his genetic build. It's enhancing his perceptive sense, agility and strength." Adam worriedly thought to himself, canceling his summons.

Immediately Jeremy realized this, he ceased his attacks, heavily panting for breath, as sweat flowed down his body.

"Where's Xavier?" Jeremy curiously inquired.

"He's coming, with your squad mates!" Adam stoically replied.

"My squad mates?" Jeremy confusedly inquired.

"Yes, your squad mates!" Xavier's voice boomed into the empty Warehouse.

Immediately, Xavier entered into the Warehouse, alongside three teenage youths who were roughly same as age as Jeremy.

"Jeremy, say hello to your Squad mates!"