
Arcane Exorcist

Yin and Yang, Order and Disorder, Life and Death, The Universal Equation of Balance. My world was once in Balance, until it came, The Arcane Drift. A massive flare of Mana flowed through Earth, giving birth to The Arcane Prime, soul like entities formed from pure Arcane energy. Humanity was devastated, as half of earth's population were wiped out due to Mana toxicity. The Half left behind were soon preyed on by The Prime's. We couldn't defend ourselves, as Humanity brought down to it's knees. Decades Later, we had a breakthrough. Humans, who were once preys, instantly became predators. The Hunted became the Hunter. Despite the fact we couldn't wield Arcane, we found other means to defend ourselves. By drawing power from Yin Yang Force Factor, Humans finally had the upper hand, as they went into all out war against The Primes.

David_Volpir · Fantasy
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20 Chs

My Exorcist ID

"I'm gonna kill him one day!" Xavier angrily exclaimed as he suddenly vanished.

An Hour later,

Jeremy's Ward,

Medical Department.

Francis was presently giving Jeremy a physical evaluation test. Jeremy was still putting on his dark blue tang top with cargo shorts.

"Alright Jeremy, you're completely fine and we'll discharge you in a couple of minutes" Francis brightly said.

"That's great!" Jeremy excitedly replied

"Can we come in" Xavier's voice boomed into the room, grabbing both Francis and Jeremy's attention.

"Yes you can!" Francis replied, prompting Xavier's entrance.

Immediately, Xavier and Adam entered into the room. Adam had a black colored bag in his right hand, while Xavier was being Xavier, wearing an awkward smile.

"Yo Jeremy!" Xavier said, waving casually at Jeremy.

"I'm great" Jeremy replied.

"Hey Adam!" He added, waving at the stoic youth.

"Hi" Adam reluctantly responded.

"Francis, is he ready to go?" Xavier curiously inquired.

"Yes!" Francis promptly answered, slowly exiting the room.

"That's great. Yo Adam, give him the bag!" Xavier said, staring at Adam.

"Alright" Adam replied, handing the black bag to Jeremy.

"What is this?" Jeremy curiously asked, staring earnestly at the bag.

"It contains your custom made Exorcist uniform" Xavier answered.

"Where it and meet us outside!" He added, immediately exiting the room, to give Jeremy his privacy.

Adam followed suit, leaving Jeremy alone in the room. When he noticed they had gone, he immediately took of his old clothes, laying them properly on his Ward bed. Opening the bag, Jeremy carefully took out his new outfit, wasting no time in putting it on.

After a couple of minutes, Jeremy walked out from the room, bumping into Xavier and Adam, who were currently waiting for him.

"Now that's awesome!" Xavier proudly said.

"Hm" Adam grunted while he indifferently shrugged his shoulder.

Jeremy was dressed in a classic black colored jacket, with a dark blue colored slim fitted jean trouser and a pair of black and white sneakers. He casually rolled up the sleeves of his Jacket, making him look totally 'dope'.

"So, this is my Uniform" Jeremy curiously asked.

"Yup, isn't it great" Xavier cheerfully asked.

"Yeah it is!" Jeremy promptly replied, wearing a cherry smile on his face.

"Alright, let's get going!" Xavier said.

"Where?" Jeremy curiously inquired, staring at Xavier for answers.

"I'm taking you out for Lunch!" Xavier immediately replied.

"Aren't you hungry?" Xavier inquired, curiously staring at Jeremy.

"Well yeah, I do feel kinda hungry" Jeremy commented, caressing his flat stomach.

Immediately, his stomach released an intense grumble, shocking both Adam, Jeremy and Xavier.

"That settles it, we're going out for Lunch!" Xavier said while laughing hysterically.

"Take my hand" Xavier said, extending his left hand to Jeremy and his right to Adam.

Without any hesitation, Jeremy took Xavier's hand, earnestly waiting for Adam.

"No, I'm not hung.." Adam said, noticing the weird glare, Xavier gave him.

"Alright, I'm coming with you" Adam replied, reluctantly grabbing Xavier's right hand.

"Let's go!" Xavier excitedly exclaimed, vanishing instantly.

The trio's who were formerly holding hands, momentarily disappeared without a trace.


Merchant Square,

New Chrisland City.

The Merchant Square, as the name implied, was a huge center for trade in The City. It was made up of several stores and Multi-complex building, soaring high into the sky. The blue reflective glass shone heavenly, as the sun light bounced off it's surface.

The Square was as busy as ever, as traders and customers went to and fro. Out of the blue, three guys appeared in the middle of the square, grabbing everyone's attention.


"Whoa, they just appeared out of nowhere"

"Those guys are Exorcist"

"That's Xavier"

"Yeah, Look at the guy, he's really handsome!"

"I think his name is Adam"

'I prefer Xavier!"

"Who's that kid with them?"

"I think he's a new recruit" The Crowd murmured, earnestly staring at the Trio.

"They sure are a lot of people here!" Jeremy said, gasping in awe.

"Where are we going to?" He curiously asked.

"We're going to one of the best restaurants in New Chrisland City!" Xavier proudly boasted, smacking his chest.

"Awesome!" Jeremy exclaimed.

As they strolled through the Square, Jeremy fell behind, as he gazed upon the majestic buildings and structures that were all round him.

"I know why you brought him out here!" Adam said.

"What do you mean? We're just going for Lunch!" Xavier said, obviously lying.

"If you wanted Lunch, why didn't you get it at HQ" Adam replied in his usual manner.

Hearing Adam's reply, Xavier released a hearty chuckle, "There's no fooling you aye" He brightly commented.

"Yes and also, you're a terrible liar!" Adam responded.

" You brought him out here to test him" He promptly added.

"Yes. I want to be sure if Francis' theory is right" Xavier said, nodding his head in affirmation.

"And it turns out his theory is accurate, He's not contagious" Xavier added, wearing a maniacal smirk.

"Oi Jeremy!" Adam exclaimed.

"What!" Jeremy responded.

"Catch up dude!" Adam said, casually waving his hand.

"Okay!" Jeremy said, dashing towards the duo.

"Finally, we're here!" Xavier said pointing at a small store.

In front of the store was a bright colored poster which said "Tasty Chuck Kitchen Shack". Seeing the place Xavier was talking about, Adam accidentally choked on his saliva, wickedly glaring at Xavier.

"What the hell!" He exclaimed.

"I thought you said we were going to the best restaurant in the City" Adam said, rolling his cold eyes in annoyance.

"Yeah, Tasty Chuck Kitchen Shack" Xavier commented wryly.

"This is literally one of the worst diners in the city!" Adam angrily responded.

"At least their food is cheap!" Xavier said.

Hearing what Xavier said, Adam immediately gave Xavier a wicked glare "When did you start being cheap?" He confusedly asked.

"Er…Since..Er!" Xavier stuttered, trying to dodge Adam's question.

"I get it. It's because of you're date with Lady Elena" Adam said.

"Well, I won't say it's because of the date" Xavier responded.

"Hey, what's a date?" Jeremy curiously inquired, staring straight at Xavier.

"A date is a, it's a….. Why don't go in!" Xavier stuttered, prompting Jeremy to enter the Diner.

"Okay!" Jeremy responded immediately entering the restaurant.

Inside the Kitchen Shack,

Jeremy wasted no time choosing a conducive seat, awaiting to be served. Shortly after, a teenage girl walked up to him. She was obviously a waitress, judging from her attire. She had bright pink hair which obviously showed it was dyed, with a rough, bright fair skin and black bulgy eyes. Despite her rough physical appearance, she still looked pretty and cute.

"What can I get ya?" She curiously asked, staring at the young male in front of her.

"Err…. I don't really know what I want to get" Jeremy said, awkwardly shrugging his shoulders.

"Alright, will you like to take a look at our Menu" She asked, handing Jeremy a square shaped cardboard, which was clearly the menu.

"Okay!" Jeremy said, taking the Menu card.

He immediately glanced through the Menu, wasting no time in making his mind.

"I've made up my mind" Jeremy said.

"Alright, what can I get ya?" She curiously inquired.

"I want to one of everything on the menu" Jeremy brightly said.

"Huh, Are you sure?" She confusedly asked.

"Yeah!" He replied.

"Okay, if you say so!" She said, walking towards the Kitchen.


Outside the Restaurant.

Xavier and Adam were seen furiously conversing amongst themselves. Their conservation was so loud, as they attracted the attention of many traders and customers.

"Where are you taking her to?" Adam inquired.

"Saint Stephens!" Xavier promptly replied.

"Hmm, fancy. I heard the Diner is fuckin expensive" Adam said.

"I know that" Xavier exclaimed, frantically waving his arms.

"That's why I'm trying to get cheap stuff, so that I can save up a lot of cash" Xavier added.

"I thought you were stinking rich" Adam responded, staring earnestly at Xavier.

"I was, until Elena cut my budget" Xavier subtly whispered.

"Why the hell would she do that?" Adam exclaimed, obviously shocked.

"I dunno, I guess she was still mad at me for postponing our wedding" Xavier said, caressing his hair.

"Whatever!" Adam said, waving his hand at Xavier while he attempted to enter the Diner, prompting Xavier to follow suit.

On entry, they immediately spotted Jeremy who was currently munching down on his lunch, alongside a pile of miscellaneous foods, which were arranged properly on the table he was on.

"What the hell did he do?" Xavier said, almost tearing up.

"He ordered everything on the menu" Adam commented, disappointedly shaking his head.

"Hey guys!" Jeremy exclaimed with a month full.

The waitress immediately walked up to Xavier and Adam, with a sheet of paper in her hands.

"Is he with you guys?" She inquired, glaring at the duo.

"Yes" Xavier reluctantly said.

"This is the bill. He literally ordered one of everything on the menu" She said, immediately walking away, leaving Xavier dumbstruck.

"Five thousand Yuion!' Xavier exclaimed, shifting his attention to Adam.

Yuion, a form of currency, similar to an average U.S dollar.

"Nope, this one's on you!" Adam said, walking towards Jeremy.

"Why me?" Xavier frantically exclaimed, causing a ruckus in the Diner.

Few minutes later

Jeremy was through with his food, clearing the entire pile of food, all on his own, shocking everyone in the Diner including Xavier and Adam.

"Ah, that was great!" Jeremy happily rejoiced, tapping his abdomen.

"Oi Jeremy!" Xavier called, wearing a furiously frown.

"Take it!" Xavier added, passing Jeremy's ID card to him.

Wasting no time, Jeremy took the card, waving it excitedly in the air.

"Whoa, My Exorcist ID!"