
59.Hit it hard, didn't you eat?

On one side of the glass, the people outside struggled to break the window, enduring the biting cold of the snowstorm with contorted expressions.

On the other side, Zhang Ye leisurely reclined on his chair, savoring delicious food.

This stark contrast drove the neighbors outside to the brink of madness, their mouths cursing loudly, faces red with anger.

"Zhang Ye, just wait for me! I'll kill you soon!"

"If I break this glass, you're finished, you selfish bastard!"

"You don't have much time to be arrogant! Today is your death day!"

"All that delicious food and hot coffee will be mine!"

Zhang Ye raised his coffee cup in a sarcastic toast.

"Keep going! You can do it!"

Soon, the group outside began to show signs of exhaustion. After all, they were on the 24th floor, and the strong winds, along with the heavy snowfall, were causing their body temperatures to plummet.

They had to rotate teams every ten minutes or so, but after half an hour, all they had achieved was a few scratches on the glass. Their hearts sank as their efforts seemed futile.

However, the jealousy of watching Zhang Ye live comfortably on the other side of the transparent glass made it difficult for them to give up.

After half an hour, they were still trying, even though it seemed fruitless.

In the crowd outside, Zhang Ye noticed Chen Zhenghao's subordinates, the "Little Karambis."

Evidently, this wasn't a solo effort on Chen Zhenghao's part.

Zhang Ye felt it was about time.

So, he got up from the lounge chair, walked to the coffee table, and picked up a bottle. At first, the neighbors outside didn't know what he was holding and thought it was a drink. But in the next moment, they saw Zhang Ye take out a lighter and ignite something.

Then, a hole appeared in the roof above them, and a firebomb was thrown out.

As a countermeasure, Zhang Ye's house had shooting holes both in the front and back, and not just one.

The bottle sailed through the air in a yellow arc and landed on the balcony.


A crisp sound, and then a raging fire ignited.

This was a homemade Molotov cocktail, and even under the extremely low temperatures, gasoline could still burn and release heat.

Gasoline from the bottle splashed everywhere, instantly igniting a large fire.

With limited space on the balcony, these ten or so people, wearing their down jackets and heavy clothes, became soaked with gasoline, and soon, flames engulfed them.

Zhang Ye smirked and continued lighting another Molotov cocktail, throwing it outside.

"Ahh! Fire, fire!"

The crowd shouted, but it was challenging to jump to the next-door balcony. These people couldn't escape; their bodies were being consumed by the fire.

Zhang Ye watched them turn into twisted fireballs.

Some tried to roll on the ground to extinguish the flames with the snowflakes, but it had little effect.

Even some people attempted to climb to the neighboring balcony, but in their haste, they fell from the 24th floor!

With a long, agonizing scream, followed by a loud "boom!"

From the 24th floor, no one knew if the snow below could dampen the impact, but based on physics, even if they survived, their bones would be broken, and their internal organs would be ruptured.

In other words, they were as good as dead.

Zhang Ye remarked, "At least falling to death is better than being burned to death!"

One of the grim-faced people suddenly pressed against the window, their expression twisted and terrifying as they stared intently at Zhang Ye.

"Help me, save me!"

In extreme agony, he cried out for help from Zhang Ye.

Zhang Ye raised his coffee cup in a mock toast.

"I'll save you? Get lost, you piece of trash!"

That person let out a desperate cry as the flames consumed him entirely.

On the neighboring balcony, there were still dozens of people waiting for their turn.

Seeing this hellish scene, they turned pale with fear.

"Help, please, save me!"

"I don't want to die, please, beg you!"

The people burning with flames tried to crawl over to seek help. They grabbed the railing, trying to climb over.

At that moment, a man from the neighboring balcony, without hesitation, fiercely kicked his hand.

"Go away! You're beyond saving in this state, don't come and endanger us!"

He kicked again and again, even breaking the fingers of the burning person who clung to the railing.

The man struggled for a while before looking at them in despair and slowly fell in front of the railing.

The air was filled with the smell of roasted flesh.

Within a short time, all the people on the balcony had died.

Some, although initially not severely burned, tried to escape but were blocked by the neighbors in the next-door balcony. They were afraid that the fire would spread to themselves and chose to let these people die.

Others were burned too severely and chose to jump off the 24th floor.

Human body fat is an excellent source of fuel, and the raging fire provided a small measure of warmth to those left behind.

As they moved closer to the fire, they extended their hands to warm themselves, their faces revealing a faint smile that they hoped others wouldn't notice.

The flames finally stopped after burning for over twenty minutes.

The neighbors watched the charred corpses on the ground with fear.

To deal with Zhang Ye, they had lost three to four dozen people!

From every angle and every door, they had no chance to break in. What else could they do to get Zhang Ye's supplies?

*Sniff, sniff*.

A young man who hadn't eaten for two days sniffed the air.

He suddenly found the smell of the burning fat quite appetizing, reminiscent of the self-serve barbecue he used to enjoy.

With that in mind, he couldn't help but glance at the charred bodies on the ground.

Involuntarily, he swallowed his saliva.

The sound of

people swallowing saliva filled the air.

The young man looked at the rest of the group, who had become emaciated and numb. On their faces, he noticed that more than one person was revealing a desire to eat.

However, due to the large number of people present, the remnants of their moral boundaries made them hesitant to act.

But if there were no other people around, they might really have gone to eat the meat.

Suddenly, a woman burst into tears.

"I can't take it anymore!"

After a long day of struggling, they had initially thought they could easily break into Zhang Ye's house.

However, the final result left them in despair.

So, she ran up to the front, climbed onto Zhang Ye's balcony.

Zhang Ye thought that the next group of people had come to break the glass, but she suddenly *thumped* and knelt in front of the window.

"Zhang Ye, I'm starving. Please, save me! Just give me a piece of bread, please!"

Not only her, but other people also began running over, kowtowing to Zhang Ye, tearfully begging him for a bite to eat.

This scene was truly heartbreaking, making even onlookers feel a sense of pity.

Most of the people kowtowing were women, trying to win Zhang Ye's sympathy.