
60.Reward for Chen Zhenghao

Outside, the cries of pleading were incessant, their bowed heads bleeding, and they looked utterly pitiful.

Zhang Ye sighed and walked up to the window. He said, "Everyone, please don't be like this. Watching all of you makes me feel uncomfortable!"

As he spoke, he raised the piping-hot noodles in his hand.

"When I'm feeling uncomfortable, I want to eat something."


Zhang Ye heartily ate the noodles, making the neighbors watching through the window salivate.

Upon hearing this, the cries grew louder, and the head-bowing became even more vigorous.

"Zhang Ye, we were wrong. We just want to survive!"

"Please give us some food, so we can live like dogs!"

"Whatever you want us to do in the future, we'll listen to you, alright?"

Zhang Ye continued to eat his noodles with his head lowered.

When people are hungry, being able to eat noodles like this is such a great luxury!

After eating half a bowl of noodles, he casually placed the leftovers by the floor-to-ceiling window.

In front of these neighbors, separated only by a window, they could see it but couldn't reach it.

Everyone pressed their faces to the glass like they could get a bite that way.

"Don't blame me for not giving you a chance. Whoever brings me Chen Zhenghao's head, I'll give him this bowl of noodles. He can eat to his heart's content for a week!"

Naturally, Zhang Ye couldn't sympathize with these people.

But they had been quite a nuisance, constantly trying to break the walls and windows every day.

So why not let them fight amongst themselves? That would be more interesting.

Zhang Ye sent this message to the group, informing everyone in the entire building.

The neighbors by the window heard this and showed a hesitant expression on their faces.

Chen Zhenghao had a gun in his hand. If they tried to take his head, they might lose their own.

But could they deal with Zhang Ye after failing to deal with Chen Zhenghao?

There were still three or four dozen corpses laid out in front and behind Zhang Ye's house.

The fact was, Zhang Ye was much harder to deal with than Chen Zhenghao!

At this moment, Chen Zhenghao watched the situation from the balcony next door.

He hadn't heard what Zhang Ye had said, but he furrowed his brows, contemplating his next move.

Two of his people had died this time.

To continue controlling the entire building, he needed to replenish his manpower.

While he was pondering, Chen Zhenghao suddenly felt a piercing sensation in his back, causing his hair to stand on end. He quickly turned around, raising the gun in his hand, but he found that everyone was looking at him strangely.

"What do you want?"

Seeing the gun, they retreated, wary.

"Get out of our way!"

Chen Zhenghao shouted.

Yet everyone continued to give him odd, even eerie glances.

It wasn't as if they were looking at a person but rather at food.

Chen Zhenghao shivered, quickly led his men away.

"What about Zhang Ye's house?" Sun Zhichao asked.

Chen Zhenghao cursed, "Damn it, we can't break in. We'll figure something out later!"

With that, he left in a huff.

The neighbors who had been bowing and pleading by Zhang Ye's window began leaving, unable to withstand the bone-chilling snowstorm any longer.

Zhang Ye lay in the warmth of his home, waiting to see what would happen next.

After this battle, the building had lost around forty people.

Moreover, nearly everyone had participated in the invasion of his home, which had consumed a considerable amount of their energy.

This made resources even scarcer and escalated the conflicts between people.


Soon, Zhang Ye received many private messages from people.

After this battle, the neighbors had thoroughly surrendered.

Their energy was nearly depleted, and they could no longer launch a large-scale attack on Zhang Ye's home.

Furthermore, faced with Zhang Ye's impenetrable defenses, they had lost hope.

Many people began to beg Zhang Ye for mercy or propose exchanges of interests.

For example, the rich second-generation heir, Xu Hao.

He filmed his girlfriend from head to toe, saying, "Zhang Ye, I can let you have my woman. Just give me some food, okay?"

"She's a famous car model in Tianhai City. Look at these headlights and this tail wing. Just her long legs can keep you satisfied for a year!"

Zhang Ye recognized the model. Xu Hao had bought a house in this building to be with her.

Usually, she dressed provocatively and oozed an alluring scent that captivated men. She never paid any attention to the men around her.

But now, Xu Hao was willing to trade her for a few meals.

And this woman looked much worse now, seemingly very eager for an exchange.

At least she knew that Zhang Ye had plenty of food, so she had put a lot of effort into the filming.

"What a wretched person!"

Zhang Ye scolded.

Nevertheless, this model had a great figure. She could go head-to-head with imported cars and must be fun to ride in.

But women who would sell their bodies for money couldn't be trusted. She might even stab him in the back while he slept.

Zhang Ye couldn't let her into his home.

She might try to take over his home herself while he slept. A woman who would sell her body for money had no moral boundaries.

Zhang Ye disdainfully watched her video five times, then scornfully closed the chat window.

There were other messages from people below.

Not many men contacted him, as they lacked the capital to exchange food with Zhang Ye.

Uncle You only congratulated Zhang Ye on repelling the attackers.

But more women contacted him.

For example, Fang Yuqing, who excitedly said, "Zhang Ye, you're amazing! I knew you'd be fine."

"Fang Fang is currently tied up and can't get away. They're so despicable, keeping me locked in the house all day. Don't worry, Fang Fang will come to you once she gets a chance!"

Zhang Ye sneered and ignored her.

Zhou Kewu also sent a brief message of congratulations, her tone cold, but Zhang Ye knew that it was just her personality.

Night fell quickly, and now it was dark around 5 p.m., with a short day and a long night.

In the evening, the temperature dropped by another ten degrees or so.

On the TV, a few remaining official channels continued to broadcast programs.

"Thanks to the government's strenuous efforts, the snow disaster in our country has been effectively alleviated."

"Everything is gradually improving."

"According to statistics, Tianhai City had one death due to the snow disaster yesterday."

Zhang Ye found the news on television much funnier than the sketches he used to watch.

But he was also curious about where these TV stations had moved to and how they were still operating.

While listening to these absurd news reports, Zhang Ye flipped through the chat records.

Looking at the messages from his neighbors, whether cursing, begging, or seeking mercy, made Zhang Ye find it all very interesting.

Most of the people who cursed him had lost family members.

Zhang Ye sometimes offered his blessings when he was in a good mood.


to those of you who lost family members; you can now have a barbecue and mix the ashes with rice!"

After all, more than ten people had been burned to death, saving them the trouble of handling the bodies.

Zhang Ye playfully taunted them, causing those people to curse him even more.

Suddenly, he noticed some activity on the balcony.

Zhang Ye curiously walked to the window.

Outside, the snow provided ample illumination.

Then he saw some people secretly moving the burnt corpses.

Or to be more precise, the charred corpses.

They were all wrapped up tightly and were startled when they saw Zhang Ye looking at them.

"Zhang Ye, we're not here to harm you, don't get it wrong!"

"We've just come to move the bodies."

When they spoke, their voices trembled, and they couldn't meet Zhang Ye's gaze.

Zhang Ye slightly raised his mouth.

"Oh? Moving the bodies? Are you their relatives?"

"Moreover, if you want to bury them, you can simply throw them down below. Are you planning to make a grave inside your homes?"

These people didn't know how to respond to Zhang Ye's questions.

"In any case, you don't need these corpses, so don't worry about us."

With forced courage, they quickly left, dragging the corpses with them.

Zhang Ye waved to them through the window.

"Enjoy your meal!"