
Apocalypse shelter - Swarg

A nobody who had barely done enough to survive in the apocalypse is killed and reborn a day before the apocalypse begins. Unlike other stories he had read, the apocalypse he faced was truly a cruel one. With a much more simple system and little to no help from that, he has already witnessed the state in which the humans had once been reduced to. Can he get up once again and face his nightmare? If he can, does he have the ability to change the bleak future that awaits humans. Warning : Not an overly fast evolving world like most apocalyptic novel. Everyone will have to fight with everything they have to progress and survive. The M.C. will have a higher growth rate but do not expect him to be overpowered.

maddymudda · ไซไฟ
13 Chs


The world around me was quiet when I opened my eyes again. 

The sudden disappearance of more than half of a world's population tends to have this effect. 

The peace however lasted only for a few minutes before all kinds of wailing, laughing, cursing and swearing began. The survivors seemed to have woken up to their new reality and after processing the information they had just been given, their reaction was normal. 

The wailing sounds were coming from those weak willed and unable to come to terms with living in a world full of real monsters. 

The laughing was surely coming from those who had accidentally met the conditions of becoming the evolved. These people had most probably only killed the minimum number of zombies and that too because of sheer dumb luck, being in a pack or an opportune moment. 

The cursing and swearing was obviously coming from those who had lived entitled their entire lives and were upset about the sudden changes that were taking place in the world. They hoped that like always, if they complained enough they would get their wish. Unfortunately, the apocalypse was not their parent. 

The truly capable one's were the most silent. They were busy discerning the hidden meanings in the information they had been given. 

I already had my path decided and therefore moved towards my destination without any delay. The dormitories. 

I was aware of the fact that due to me killing the bully and his entire gang, the same scenario would never befall Sam, but I still needed to build my team and a girl with such potential could not be left out. 

The dormitories were a mess by the time reached there. It was to be expected as the number of students staying here were huge and the apocalypse would be chaotic here. As I reached the floor which had Sam's room I could clearly see the amount of blood splattered all over the floor and walls. It seemed that her becoming so strong was no lucky shot. In order to protect her brother she must have gone through hell and back. 

As I knocked on the door, a sudden push on the door happened and I was sent back. If I was not prepared mentally for any and all attacks and ambushes, I would surely be knocked down. 

A fairly beautiful girl with a well toned body moved out of the room with a cricket bat in her hands. As we looked at each other, we both were a bit shocked. She was probably shocked to see me standing and I was shocked to see the metal barbed wire that was circling around the tip of bat. 

I was impressed by the killing weapon she had in her hands. This explained the messy corridors. 

I was aware that she was most likely trigger happy right now and would attack me with her full might if I did not do something quick. I shouted at her to stop and look at me properly before attacking. I was a human after all and no ordinary person had yet fallen so low that they would be okay a random person. She took a quick glance and after confirming that I was a human, she lowered her bat and went back into the room. 

In these times thinking of getting apologies was but a pipe dream. With everyone being on edge it was not wise to poke someone and her reaction was normal. 

I once again knocked on the door and announced myself. 

Me - " Hi, I am Shaurya and I want to discuss cooperation with you. "

For a few seconds there was no reply from the other side. I knew it would not be so easy to get her to come out, so I continued. 

Me - " I know your name is Sam and that you are skeptical to come out because you have your younger brother inside with you..." 

I was cut half way when the closed door once again opened with a jerk and Sam now had a mad look on her face. Before she once again misreads my intention, I hurriedly explained. 

Me - " I am not threatening you, as a matter of fact I have come here to recruit you and your brother to join my shelter. I promise to keep your brother safe with all my power. "

Hearing me make such a proposition and promise made her stop. 

Sam - " I do not know you, I have never even seen you, so how do you know about me and my brother and even if you knew the apocalypse just happened and you are here recruiting as if it does not bother you. Are you a normal civilian or someone special. "

I knew such questions would come so I had already thought of the answers. 

Me - " Of course, I am a normal civilian. If I was someone important or special don't you think I would be somewhere with the protection of the government or military. "

Hearing this made her noticeably relaxed. 

Me - " I am an orphan and used to stay at the orphanage near your college. When tragedy struck, everyone in the orphanage turned and I had no choice but to kill a few and run out. I thought of coming to this campus since there were so many students here, hoping that I would be safe till I understand what was going on.

The scene in the campus was however much more brutal. I was lucky that I found an electric saw near the campus. I killed as many zombies as I could see and somehow found my way near your dormitory. As I was killing the zombies relatively easily, some girls rushed towards me. They wanted my help to escort them of the campus. 

I had already come from outside and knew that nowhere was safe so I told them to go back and hide in their rooms. It was then that they told me about you and your brother and how you were fighting valiantly to save your brother. 

I wanted to rush in to help but the number of zombies outside did not allow me the chance. 

Once I heard the explanation from the strange voice, I knew that if I have to survive I have to have a strong shelter with trustworthy people. This is the reason that as soon as we came back I rushed here. "

She seemed to be processing the explanation that I had just given. I was confident that this was an excellent explanation without loopholes because I could easily prove my orphanage story, my chainsaw was just downstairs, and there were no girls remaining in the dormitory to oppose my story and neither were they coming back. Now that the zombies had vanished I was sure that everyone would rush home or to their loved ones. 

All I had to do now was wait of her response. Unlike others, neither she nor her brother anyone to return to. 

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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