
Apocalypse - World Traverse System

Transported to a post-apocalyptic world, Seth gains the World Traverse System. He discovers that beauty from two different worlds can sense each other. In the 1993 post-apocalyptic world, Nicole, who swore allegiance to Seth for survival, remains a superstar in Hollywood in 2006. However, the moment she sees the protagonist, she can't help but feel the urge to kneel...

AllenWorker · ไซไฟ
369 Chs

Nicole Seeking Help

Seth couldn't possibly know what the couple downstairs were plotting. Right now, he was devising a plan to kill 10 zombies as quickly as possible to recharge the system. 

In the tool room on the second floor, he found a large wrench and a hollow steel pipe.

Additionally, he discovered a military dagger in the desk.

This made Seth very happy. 

The only regret was that he didn't find any guns in the house. 

In the United States, firearms are legal, and as long as one has a gun license, they can legally own firearms. However, evidently, the original owner of this house didn't seem to plan on having guns. 

Or, perhaps for some reason, they were not eligible to own a gun. 

Now, Seth planned to use the tools at hand to make a spear. 

Seth had already considered that the most suitable weapon against zombies like these would be a spear. 

The spear's length was an advantage; the longer it is, the stronger it is. Moreover, stabbing is more efficient than slashing, and slashing weapons like knives might get stuck in the zombies' bones and be difficult to pull out. 

With so many zombies, a good knife wouldn't last long before it became blunt, but a dagger wouldn't. 

Considering that the sound of the car crash earlier attracted a large number of zombies, it seemed that they were very sensitive to noise. 

Therefore, using firearms to kill zombies might not be a good choice. 

While securing the dagger to the end of the steel pipe with rope and rivets, Seth, drawing on what he had seen and heard just now and his knowledge from zombie TV shows, began to think about his next plan. 

"Thump thump thump..." 

A knocking sound came from the door. 

Holding the newly made spear, Seth cautiously opened the bedroom door. 

"Hello, sir!" A pleasant female voice came from outside the door.

Nicole-Todd seductively leaned against the door frame, her tall and slender sexy figure forming an enticing S-shape. Her snow-white and upright chest was partially visible from the side. Although not very full, it was shapely and firm. 

"Hello, Mrs. Harris, is there something you need from me?"

Seeing the stunning beauty visiting alone made Seth, a bachelor of thirty years, nervous and a bit thirsty, his mind wandering to fanciful thoughts. If it weren't for Philip-Harris, perhaps he could have had a post-apocalyptic "love" story with Nicole-Todd. 

However, the education and values from his previous life only allowed Seth to fantasize. He couldn't bring himself to do anything against his morals. 

All he wanted now was to coexist peacefully with these two, having some company in this apocalyptic world. 

Nicole-Todd glanced at the homemade spear in Seth's hand, frowning slightly, but quickly covered her reaction with a charming smile. "Sir, could you do us a favor? Some of our essential living supplies are left in our car. These items are very important to us, and I would like to ask for your help to retrieve them with my husband." 

As she spoke, Nicole-Todd gently placed her hand on Seth's shoulder, looking at him pleadingly: "I know you must be a brave and strong man, and your heart is kind. A good person like you will surely help me, right? You wouldn't want to let a delicate woman like me face the zombies..."

Seth felt the warmth and the delicate hand of Nicole-Todd as she touched him, causing his heart to flutter. However, recalling the sight of the dense crowd of zombies that had swarmed into the front yard earlier, Seth decisively refused without hesitation: "With so many zombies outside, I don't think it's a good idea to go out now. I'm sorry, Mrs. Harris, but I can't help you. If there's nothing else, I need to rest."

For an average man, faced with the pitiful and alluring request of the beautiful star Nicole-Todd, they would likely agree just for the sake of pride. 

But for Seth, was pride more important than life?

He didn't think it was worth risking his life for some daily necessities.

"It's noon now, and most of the zombies outside have already left. I just checked, and there are only five zombies left in the yard. The rest have moved on. With the two of us, killing those five zombies shouldn't be difficult, and besides, the damaged iron gate needs to be repaired," Philip-Harris joined in, nodding towards Seth.

"The zombies dispersed that quickly?"

Seth, surprised, stepped out of the bedroom and followed them to the living room window.

Looking outside, he saw that the front yard, previously overrun with zombies, now had only eight listless zombies lingering under the eaves, appearing very inactive.

"These zombies seem to dislike sunlight. The midday sun is strong today, so they've all hidden in shady spots. I only discovered this a few days ago. If it hadn't been for the heavy rain last night, we might already be at a shelter now!" Philip-Harris analyzed quietly on the side.

This was indeed good news for Seth. 

These zombies, already clumsy, would be much easier to deal with during the day if they also disliked sunlight and were less active. After the zombies dispersed, picking off the isolated ones would be much simpler. 

Now was an excellent opportunity to go out and kill zombies to recharge the system!

"Alright! I can help you. When we go out, I'll handle the zombies. You just focus on moving the stuff from the car!" Seth gripped his spear tightly, taking a deep breath. 

Helping Mr. and Mrs. Philip-Harris was secondary, the main goal was to kill zombies to provide enough energy for the system. This was a perfect opportunity.

Upon hearing Seth's agreement, Nicole-Todd and Philip-Harris exchanged a surprised and delighted look, their faces revealing a hint of complex emotions.