
Apocalypse - World Traverse System

Transported to a post-apocalyptic world, Seth gains the World Traverse System. He discovers that beauty from two different worlds can sense each other. In the 1993 post-apocalyptic world, Nicole, who swore allegiance to Seth for survival, remains a superstar in Hollywood in 2006. However, the moment she sees the protagonist, she can't help but feel the urge to kneel...

AllenWorker · Sci-fi
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369 Chs

Killing Zombies

"Clang!" The villa's security iron gate was suddenly flung open. Seth, armed with a homemade spear and covered in protective gear on his arms and legs, rushed out with Philip-Harris, who was wielding a fireman's axe.

Hearing the noise, the eight aimlessly wandering zombies under the eaves immediately became excited. They let out a "heh heh heh~~~" sound and charged towards Seth and Philip-Harris.

"Bang!" Nicole-Todd quickly closed the security door, while Philip-Harris rushed towards the SUV without looking back.

In the yard, Seth was left alone to face the eight slowly approaching zombies.

This was his first real battle against zombies alone. Only by surviving this fight could he truly integrate into the post-apocalyptic life and start his journey in this new world.

Killing zombies was a fundamental skill necessary for survival in the apocalypse!

He had to quickly overcome the fear in his heart and the disgusting feeling after killing zombies, and adapt to the life in this new world as soon as possible.

And the best way to do that was by killing zombies!

Seth gripped the steel pipe nervously, his sweaty hands making it somewhat slippery. This made him regret not wrapping the pipe with a layer of non-slip hemp rope.

"I still lack experience!" Tightening his grip on the spear, Seth took a deep breath and focused on the closest zombie to him.

It was a female zombie with beautiful black hair, still retaining her appearance from before she turned. Unlike the other zombies he had seen with rotting faces, she had an oddly stunning beauty.

If not for the bite mark on her neck and her now grayish-white pupils, Seth might have mistaken her for a living person.

She must have been infected recently, perhaps just yesterday she was still alive.

Although Seth knew that the figure before him was an emotionless female zombie, a mere corpse, he still felt a psychological burden at the prospect of attacking a zombie with human form and appearance.

"Ugh ugh ugh~~~"

"Heh heh heh~~~~"

"Ugh~~~ ugh ugh~~~"

The other four zombies were also slowly approaching from behind and to the left of Seth. He understood that if he didn't act now, once the zombies surrounded him, any small mistake could cost him his life.

Now was the time!

Take advantage of the zombies' clumsiness.

Break through these scattered zombies one by one!

"Kill!" Seth roared inwardly, thrusting his spear towards the head of the female zombie lunging at him.

He dared not shout out loud; in such a post-apocalyptic world, yelling while fighting zombies was akin to suicide.

Human screams are the best stimulant for zombies, not only making the ones in front agitated and excited but also attracting all nearby zombies.

Seth had thought about all this clearly while making the spear in the bedroom.

No matter what, he absolutely couldn't afford to scream.


The spear accurately pierced the left eye of the female zombie, easily penetrating her skull.

Blood mixed with brain matter spurted out from her luscious golden hair, and the stench of rotting flesh nearly made Seth vomit.

This feeling, as if he had just speared a living person, made Seth's body tremble uncontrollably, his stomach churned, and a nauseating dizziness overwhelmed him.

[Ding Dong! Host has killed a zombie, system is automatically collecting zombie brain core energy...]

[Collection successful, recharging in progress...]

As the synthetic voice of the system rang out, a white energy orb once again flew out from the zombie's brain and seamlessly integrated into Seth's body. 

All the negative emotions such as tension, fear, dread, and disgust instantly vanished from Seth's mind. 

His body, initially dizzy and trembling from nervousness, suddenly became much steadier and stronger.

Fueled by this surge of energy, Seth forcefully kicked the female zombie in the stomach and smoothly pulled out his spear. With a swift turn, he thrust the spear at another zombie behind him. 

Unerringly, the spear pierced through the head of the next zombie with precision.

[Ding Dong! Host has killed a zombie, system is automatically collecting zombie brain core energy...]

[Collection successful, recharging in progress...]

[Recharge 30% complete...]

After killing two zombies in succession, Seth no longer felt any fear or disgust. Instead, he started to relish the feeling of killing without restraint. 

His body, seemingly empowered by the white energy orbs, became even more agile and powerful.

Just then, three zombies from the left almost simultaneously lunged at Seth.

Calmly stepping back, Seth killed the leftmost zombie with his spear, then quickly turned to dodge the other two, pulling out the spear in the process. 

Striking with the spear, he pierced through the zombies that missed their attack.

He killed three zombies in a row!

Seth's movements became increasingly stable and proficient, clean and efficient.

The psychological burden he felt during the first and second zombie kills had now completely disappeared.

Facing the remaining five zombies, Seth handled them with ease.

"Fuck!" Just then, a curse came from the gate. Philip-Harris, frustrated, kicked the SUV hard:

"Damn it! I can't find the car keys!! Damn it!!!"

A dull thud came from the trunk of the SUV, followed by the hazard lights suddenly turning on...

"Beep! Beep! Beep!..." A sharp and piercing car horn suddenly sounded.

"Idiot!" Seth, engaged in combat with the remaining five zombies, couldn't help but curse softly under his breath!