
Apocalypse - Infinite Plunder

Noah survived for ten years in the apocalypse, only to be reborn back to the beginning. Obtaining the 'Infinite Plunder', whoever he encountered was thoroughly stripped bare, as an evil gateway opened up before him. "You like hoarding supplies, huh? Bring it on!" "Your abilities are impressive, hand them over!" "Your level is quite high, hand it over!" "Even zombies have skills? Bring it on!" "The skills of apocalyptic beasts are even more formidable? Bring it on!" "This mall looks good, let's just take it away!" "This plot of land is nice, let's snatch it while we're at it!" In his previous life, he meekly survived nine cycles of the apocalypse, but in this life, he's going to traverse the apocalypse with an invincible posture, pushing through all obstacles along the way.

bomer_allen · ไซไฟ
321 Chs

Mutant Lizardmen

Seeing Xue Qingyu's guilty expression, Noah waved his hand dismissively. "Don't be too hard on yourself. It was my oversight." Noah hadn't anticipated that zombies could evolve into LV3 Exploders on just the first day, admitting his negligence. Fortunately, it was Xue Qingyu who acted; had it been Liu Xiaoyu, a baseball bat swing might have resulted in a dire exchange with the Exploder.

It seemed necessary to educate them on the basic knowledge of zombie types soon. "You two head back first. I'm going to check the surroundings."

Ordinary zombies typically remain inactive and enter a temporary hibernation state at night, awakening only upon hearing unusual noises. However, zombies of LV3 and above behave differently, freely moving about at night. 

If ordinary zombies are just corpses infected by the virus, then LV3 and above have evolved into a new species, with their own behaviors and a basic level of biological consciousness. The commotion here could likely attract other nearby LV3 zombies. If not dealt with promptly, allowing them to evolve near their base could become a significant threat.

Noah hadn't walked far when a bright light shone down the road. A double-axle truck slowly approached and stopped at the community's entrance. The two girls instinctively stood behind Noah, watching the truck warily.

Seeing the truck, Noah squinted his eyes. Driving around aimlessly in the middle of the night meant either foolishness or genuine capability, given the bloodstains on the truck's body, likely the latter—an Awakened, if not mistaken.

The truck door opened, and two muscular young men in tank tops jumped down. After glancing at the corpses littering the ground, one of them grinned and said, "Nice skills, buddy."

"I'm Ahu, and he's Xiao Shan. We were searching for survivors nearby and came over after hearing noises here."

Noah nodded in response, scanning the two men. Xiao Shan appeared to be just an ordinary person, while Ahu was an Awakened.

[Ability: Iron Arm F]

[Wealth Value: 100]

The ability was just the lowest tier of part enhancement, with a rating of F, two levels below Liu Xiaoyu. The wealth value wasn't high either.

"Why don't you guys join us? In these chaotic times, there's strength in numbers, and sticking together increases our chances of survival," Ahu said earnestly, though his gaze occasionally drifted towards Xue Qingyu and Liu Xiaoyu.

Liu Xiaoyu pouted and turned her head away without a word. Xue Qingyu remained indifferent, her eyes occasionally flashing with cold light. After the incident with Liu Chengyu, she had developed a certain disdain for the opposite sex. While not yet at the extreme level of misandry she exhibited in her previous life as the "Black Widow," she still harbored significant hostility towards unfamiliar men.

"No need," Noah replied coolly. He had no intention of joining any group or faction. With his knowledge of the apocalypse and personal capabilities, there was no need to submit to others. To put it bluntly, no existing force could offer him shelter, at least not at this stage. Joining a group would only burden him, a loss far outweighing any gain.

"Don't be so stubborn. As you've seen, the zombies are increasing by the day. It's going to be tough for just the three of you to survive. Take my advice and come with us. It's better to have each other's backs," Ahu pressed on.

"We've stockpiled quite a bit, food and drink included. It's better than starving out here. A big guy like you might handle it, but these two young ladies won't last long, right?"

Seeing that Noah didn't immediately reject the idea, seeming somewhat persuaded, Ahu quickly added.

"I won't beat around the bush anymore. Brother, you clearly have skills, and with you joining us, our safety would be guaranteed," Ahu said, approaching Noah with a broad, open gesture, draping an arm around his shoulder and walking him towards the truck. "Rest assured, brother, we'll provide three square meals a day, enough supplies to last us years – this whole truckload, see? Don't believe me? Let me show you."

"We've even got a bunch of seafood, but us rough northern guys can't stand the smell, so it's all yours if you like it," Ahu boasted.

"Really? You better not be lying to me."

"Would I lie to you? Just take a look, and you'll see—"

At that moment, the hand Ahu had on Noah's shoulder began to gleam with a metallic luster, and in the blink of an eye, his entire arm transformed into steel. Ahu's previously honest and simple expression twisted into one of fierce intent as his steel arm suddenly tightened, attempting to clasp Noah's head.

But in a flash, Noah's body sparked with electricity, and Ahu was horrified to find he could no longer control his steel arm, unable to move it at all despite his efforts.

"Boss, quick, there's something off about this kid; my arm's gone rogue!" Ahu yelled towards the truck in panic.

"Useless!" A cold, scornful snort came from atop the truck, followed by a shadow that leaped down, swiftly attacking Noah.

With another burst of electric light, the watermelon knife, glowing coldly, flew out, aiming for the incoming shadow. Instead of the expected splatter of blood and flesh, a spark flew as the knife was deflected and sent flying.

The shadow was also knocked back, landing some distance away. Only then could Noah clearly see the attacker's true form—a humanoid creature standing over two meters tall.

Covered from ankle to head in dark blue scales, with elongated claws on its limbs, sharp teeth, and dragging a thick tail over a meter long behind it, the creature looked more like a large lizard walking upright.

As Noah observed, two lines of text appeared above the lizard man's head:

[Ability: Beast Transformation B]

[Wealth Value: 16000]

Noah was somewhat surprised by the opponent's ability and wealth value. With a wealth value of 16000, the lizard man was essentially a fat sheep. Noah's own wealth value was just over 3000, indicating that this lizard man was the true leader of this small group, the real holder of the team's wealth.

As for the ability, it was a combat-focused Beast Transformation ability, rated B. Unfortunately, the awakening was incomplete, rendering the transformation irreversible, leaving him in this half-human, half-lizard state for life.

Noah internally expressed pity; he had no interest in an ability with such a significant flaw.

The lizard man looked at Noah, his earthy yellow eyes shining coldly as he lightly brushed his chest wound with his claw, smearing blood.

"Kid, your awakened ability seems quite impressive," he remarked. "I'll give you a choice: kneel and swear loyalty to me, and you can join my ranks. Once I'm done with those two women, I'll leave one for you. Or else... die. I've yet to taste what Awakened flesh is like."

As he spoke, the lizard man extended his forked tongue to lick the blood off his claw, his expression turning ferociously wild, resembling that of a beast.