A few months had passed, we finally found a house and we moved into it as soon as we were able to. It was nice being out of that house. Now it was all when to report him, but with a new school year and finishing moving in, it just wasn't time yet. Everything was so chaotic and stressful, I didn't want to add anymore weight on everyone's and my shoulders; not yet please.
Everyone always had an eye on me, constantly checking if I am okay. Which don't get me wrong, I really appreciate it, but it makes me feel suffocated. I feel like a toddler and they are watching my every move, because I simply fall. I was relieved they knew I wasn't okay, but at the same time, I wish I never told them. I should be relieved and happy. I actually feel cared for and getting the attention and love I never got.
"Sam, let's go. We gotta get to the football game." Luna shook me from my thoughts, me looking up and slowly nodding my head. It was a Friday night, Valentine and Luna were sleeping over so we could go to the football game together and so we could spend time together. Well, more like they convinced me to. They thought I needed it, which they aren't wrong. It was mainly just us three, Valentine and I were the closest though "Oh, right yeah." I mumbled and got up, going to put my shoes on.
They knew if I was oddly quiet or being a little rude to not bug me or ask if I am okay. They learned that the hard way, which was me saying very hurtful things I did not mean. Usually after I calm down, I go back to how I usually am. Everyone is still getting use to the new things I do.
Valentine and Luna tried to be a bit more cheerful to get a smile on my face, dancing and singing in the car, playing my favorite songs to get me out there again. They both really did know how to help me reconnect with my body again. Soon, I was dancing and singing with them, excited for the football game and for the sleepover with the girls.
Once we arrived, we got out the car and went to pay for our tickets. Now, we aren't the types to watch the football game usually, but nor are we the type to be wearing booty shorts and flirting with our crush that's going to be there. I don't want to call out freshmen and middle schoolers, but I'm not wrong. We usually just hang around with our friends and go down to watch here and there. I personally didn't know anything about football, so it was hard for me to watch and understand. I would just cheer when the others in the student section cheered. "Val! Sam! Lu! Over here!" Our friend, Jaxyn, called out to us. Jaxyn was with Marciline, Rayne, and his best friend, Chandler. This was our little group.. well Rayne wasn't part of the group but she was in our little girl group.
"Hi, Jaxxie! Hi Chans!" I gave them a big smile, hugging Jaxyn then hugging Chandler, the other two doing the same. We all chatted and messed around, getting snacks and talking to our other friends. The game was just about to start, so Marciline, Jaxyn, and Chandler let the rest of us know they were going to watch the game. Rayne also decided to go see her other friends, ones I don't get along with very well. "We might come down soon.. maybe." We enjoyed staying up at the top, because it was fun to see the girls dress like it wasn't cold outside and wearing the most tight clothes. Especially when a little argument would go on, because someone's best friend was casually talking to their boyfriend. "Man, We were never like this in middle school, why are they so childish." We all laughed and continued to look at everyone and point them out.
Now, we weren't bullying. We were simply calling out the people that were doing a little too much and the ones who were causing childish, middle school drama. "Look, that's Greyson. He is in 7th grade and lies saying he is a freshman. He is homeschooled so he doesn't get caught." My eyes widened as Luna told me this. Luna knew everyone, she was best friends with everyone from our school and not from our school. "No way, you're lying. He can't possibly get away with that... He looks 10!"
"Yeahhh, he is going to get someone in big trouble one day. I can't wait to see that." Valentine shook her head and crossed her arms, looking away from him and towards us. The three of continued to chat and laugh, enjoying our night, then deciding to check on the other three that were watching the game.
The night went by really fast, our team winning like always. We all said our goodbyes and the three of us headed back to my house. We weren't sure what to do but we hoped we can go someone the next day and hang out, well that's if we wake up in time. "That was fun." I sighed and fell onto my bed, already feeling sleep take over me. "Thank you for getting me to agree to go, I needed it." The two smiled and said you're welcome, taking turns to use the bathroom in order to get ready for bed. When we all finished, we all settling in and opened up Sims 4. There girls don't have it so I told them they could play as long as they wanted. I told them I was going to lay down, promising to not fall asleep, which we all knew it was a lie.
My eyes grew heavier and heavier, the more comfortable I got. Soon, I fell into a deep slumber, soft little snores coming out of my mouth.