
Anubis Legend

Ivan died and it’s all thanks to his alcoholic mother. She passed out from the booze while cooking and I was sleeping, I was to late to escape. But then I learned it was actually an accident made by one of the gods before I was born. So his brother composited me and I was reborn. Now your probably thinking Isekai in a world of swords and magic. Well…………………. YOUR WRONG!!!!!! That’s right, instead of going to past. I’m going to the galactic era in an alternate time line. Maybe this time I can make my dreams come true.

Megan_Braceian · แฟนตาซี
1 Chs

Chapter 1

When Ivan woke up today, his head felt like a bunch of bricks just came crashing down over a thousand times. The lights were blinding and couldn't see but it added to his already painful headache. It was just not his day. Then memories of what happened. The fire, his mom was drunk and was cooking and caused the house to burn up with him in it.

The last he could remember was that fire surrounded him and his mom. Does that mean we survived, if so I'm so moving out? If she can't get the hint she has a big problem, with burning the house down then there is no saving her now or ever.

He looked around and all he saw was darkness. He thought the afterlife would have more anything. It's just a black abyss of nothing. If he has to spend here for all eternity he is 100% sure he'll go insane. Just as he was thinking that a person has appeared.

"I'm so sorry for this situation that my idiot brother did" he said.

"What" I asked

"Because of my idiot brother womanizing and distracting he messed up on your soul giving you mostly bad luck. He didn't realize until you died and since your in my realm now I will have to compensate you." He said

"WHAT?!!!" I yelled out.

"Don't worry I totally agree with you response" he said

At this time I get a look at him and I have to say he is very handsome. He has short black hair, tall maybe 6'4 looks 15. He's very pale as if he never seen the sun and has red eyes. I would not mind switching with him. Hey it's the 21st century, I swing both ways don't knock it till you try it.

"Sorry kid, but I'm demisexual and married and I'm not like my playboy brothers, however I appreciate the compliment" he said which makes me shocked great the hot dude can read minds also I never caught his name.

"Ah, sorry about that. My name is Hades God of the underworld and all that. Right now your in the Abyss. It's in between the underworld and Hell where Lucifer rains. You moms in Hell for the abuse and all that shit and you were supposed to be in that pantheon but since Zeus screwed up your soul here and I'll be responsible for you." He said

Well isn't that just great. I was fucked by freakin Zeus. That's why the universe hated me. So what was all my struggles for?

"Well now since this is all Zeus's fault I will be returning you to the world of the living with some benefits" Hades said. He noticed my confusion so he continued his explanation.

"Yes you will be reincarnated into another world. Now before you go into thinking it's some Isekai thing you read in those medieval fantasy entertainment, you won't be going to be doing that. Instead it's going to be in the Galatia era for a change. I mean come on, I don't get why they want to go there when there's no internet.

Most of them just want to be a hero and get a harem of beauty. Zeus always promises them that and Aphrodite, Ares, Poseidon just go along for the fun as their more freedom in sex and war. While my older sister Hera uses it as some punishment which I agree upon. Seriously the Medieval times were torturous before plumbing was invented.

Anyway getting off topic, so you will be going into the galactic era where people own planets and their different kinds of aliens and humanoids. People usually live till their mid 800 and technology is advanced but this is a parallel time line as well as most of earths history is long gone. So it's an advantage for you, but I won't say as that would ruin the disguise.

Now here is where you will create your new self, you have 5,000 points to make changes in your appearance and the skills you want. I'll give you some time let me know if you have any questions." He said and I was digesting all the info."

Just then I realized we were now in a room and I was in-front of a laptop. And then there seemed to be a virtual version of myself. On the screen it said my Ideal Self. When I clicked it it had all my information then in the corner it said 5,000 CP.


Hmm so right now everything is 0. So if I change something it will cost me.

NAME Anubis Legend 50 CP

Interesting next is sex. Not changing it. I like being male.

AGE. 30. 0 CP

AGE. 15. 100 CP

RACE. Human. 0 CP

I want to stay human but with alien dna mixed. As a humans lifespan is a lot longer than now. I want to have the moon crest tattoo markings like in the house of night series. I guess I'll ask Hades about it. It would be neat to pale with those mystical markings like Zoey Redbird.

"Hades can I do a custom made humanoid?" I asked

"Hmm you want marking like the book House of Night? That's interesting. There was an alien race that was similar markings but they had tails and scales on the lower part, but now extinct so you can be a hybrid like the others but instead of getting the tail and scales like normal hybrids of the Ozeal clan. So your life span will be 5x making in the 4,000. This will cost you are you sure?"

"Yes!" I said excitedly. He shrugged the waved his hand and i saw my custom made race as well as a feature to design my markings. So I do I have the iconic moon and then I have my tattoo in red and blue with music, and nature and hades serpents on my face. That cost me about 2,000 cp by the way but it was worth it. Next i changed my height to 5'10 and it will continue growing. Then my hair is now blueish black and my eyes are emerald green. And I became more handsome as well as adding muscles and a six pack which cost me another 1,000 cp.

Now I only have 1850 for my skills. And with skills there ranked F-S. Now it's feeling like rpg game or some Isekai shit. But moving on there are thousands of skills. Some of them are just plane stupid. Like burping the alphabet. So after thinking and reading for who knows how long I decided on my skills.


Singing S. 500 CP

Dancing A 200 CP

Modeling A. 200 CP

Musical Instruments B 100 CP

Acting B. 100 CP

Writing B. 100. CP

Interstellar Translator B. 100. CP

Technology C 50. CP


Artistic Bank from previous world S. 500 CP

And with that I finished creating the new me. And when I was done I pressed finish as I was satisfied with it. I look at the me in front of me and I am Hot. Hotter than I could of dream about.

"Hmmm, so your aiming to be a star, that's cool but not my cup of tea. I mean mortals have so many movies and books about me it's annoying. Since your a hybrid of the Ozeal it means you'll stop aging at 15, but your height will grow till your 21. Also your still a minor so people will think your just abroad. We will be paying and giving you allowances till a month after your 21, as well as an apartment and clothes and food expenses.

There will be clothes and food in the apartment as well you will be living in the capital planet. As well as the newest intercom that shows as your id as well as the internet and bank account. Also you can join an agency without your parents signature after 15. So your good." He said as I nod my head in understanding.

"Well this where we'll part ways. May you be happy in this life and make your dreams come true. And remember the support and money ends a month after your 21st birthday, so be prepared and do research when you wake up and you'll know what I was talking about" he said

"Thanks for everything and I hope Zeus gets a taste of his medicine for this mistake." I said.

"Oh Hera punishing him again for his fling, you don't want to know, so this shouldn't happen again for the next five centuries, hopefully. But that baby brother always know how to cause trouble. I swear he was born with a magnet that causes it or something." He said while I think he was just complaining just to himself.

And then everything was going black and, it felt peaceful for once to just let go. I don't know what this new life will take me but whatever happens, it's going to be fun!
