
Another reincarnator who got lucky so he wants to live a "normal" life

[This is my first time writing and English is not my primary language] What to write here is the story of another reincarnator who got too lucky and is actively taking advantage of it. I don't own anything here except the main character and the cover is not mine

Russian_Hacker · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
6 Chs

I I'm coming and I'm coming

Somewhere along the empty streets, an ordinary-looking teenager dressed in a white shirt and pants was walking leisurely.

"Maybe I should have told him to stop," Luo Feng thought with an expressionless face. "But who cares what happened, it's already happened, and there's no need to go back in time over such trifles."

[New Notice Received]

"Well, what on earth happened there that I was summoned."

Cultivator of Fortune (especially dangerous): Why was I summoned?

Single Gamer: Can't you scroll up a bit and see the question?

Cultivator of Fortune(especially dangerous): believe it, but no, so explain it here.

Single Gamer: You can explain how my abilities work.

Cultivator of Fortune(extremely dangerous): I told you that you'll know when the time comes.

Cultivator of Fortune(extremely dangerous): Although if you ask nicely, I might be able to explain everything to you.

A girl of about seventeen or nineteen in appearance flew over Luo Feng's head, flying towards the barrage of lightning that had already begun to gradually subside.

Cultivator of Fortune (especially dangerous): and you know, I have a lot to do, so I'm leaving.

"It's still about fifty minutes away from the academy at a brisk walking pace."

With a silly change in his face as if he remembered something important.

"Where am I going to live now. I don't want to build a mansion from scratch, much less find a vacant plot of land. Live in the temple boring and no money for an apartment so far, although the question of money can be quickly resolved.

-I hope you don't mind if I borrow it for a while. Putting his hand through the spatial crack Lo Feng pulled out a tin can. "No no no no that's not it again" throwing the can back into the crack automatically closed. "I'd rather not pull out any junk again, I'll just go and sleep in my dorm if I can find it."

Walking the rest of the time through the increasingly busy streets of the city unaffected by the storm that was happening nearby. Lo Feng came to the gates of the academy where a bunch of reporters were standing around.

"Why is it that everywhere I show up there is immediately something happens. It's better to just wait for it to pass then go."

[Open chat]

Single Gamer: Lin Ji your world and Saitama's world are very similar and which one of you will win if there is a battle.

Kamiya Yato: I think comparing their strengths without seeing the battle is weird as the results will be subjective

Cultivator of Fortune: Allow me to make a few comments. I'm not sure how much more powerful Saitama is in terms of potential, but Lin Ji is stronger in terms of his current skills, experience, and chits.

Lone Gamer: How did you figure that out and why are you back in the group now

Cultivator of Fortune: The status sheet and the ability to learn all the techniques instantly did the trick. Why am I back now? The answer is simple: waiting for the reporters to leave.

Single Gamer: Is there anything you can't do?

Cultivator of Fortune: I'll answer like this.

[Start projection of the cheat world entry]

-It's not that you don't see a piano! It's that everything is a piano to him! All these mountains, fields, seas are all my grand piano! THE WHOLE WORLD IS HIS GRAND PIANO! - Laughing maniacally, he saw the truth of the world, he realized he had been blind and had not seen it, and now he could rule over all worlds and all creatures, for he!

*The camera was receding as far away as possible and one could see the outline of the continent on which our protagonist appeared. If there were an audience, just like in a movie theater, they would stand with their mouths open in shock! After all, his whole world was standing on a HUGE, BEAUTIFUL PIANO! Just like in that fairy tale about the elephants and the turtle, the MC world stood on a grand piano that only he, the chosen one, could own.

-Why is there an ocean around the piano? It would be better if there was more "land" - asked in a whisper one viewer to another.

- Shush! It's so necessary! Don't you dare go against the laws of heaven and earth, you understand nothing, you're like a moth trying to outshine the moon, like a frog at the bottom of a well that never saw the world, like a toad tasting swan's meat! Now fall on your knees and hit the floor three times with your stupid head, so that all bad thoughts disappear! - The spectator, who was clearly older than the first, instructed him.

*And he began to beat his forehead, for he was afraid to go against the laws of heaven and earth!

[Projection over]

Single Gamer: What I Just Saw

Ling Ji: I agree that it was even

Cultivator of Fortune: a clip that describes all my abilities in theory, and this is a grand piano with a grand piano, only they are not in the bushes, but just lying in my other world

Everywhere around the academy a multitude of blasts sounded, with multicolored clouds of smoke and paint rising into the air. Reds, yellows, pinks, blues, and blacks colored everything around them. Some of it splattered a teenager standing not far away.

-And together we... Rainbow Rangers! A group of cocked men dressed in tight suits with metallic inserts shouted out almost simultaneously.

Cultivator of Fortune: Sorry I have to divert for a moment, I'm having some problems.

Single Gamer: I can't even imagine what they did to you there.

-Listen, it's very hard to make me angry, but you fools did it!! The whole earth shuddered at this scream and people all over the world fell to their knees. The heavens were closed in an instant by a huge dragon figure.

-I don't know who you are, but I can tell you are not welcome on earth. The leader of the group, the man in the red suit with a slight note of fear in his voice stepped forward.

A cloud of dust was left where Luo Feng was standing, clearly indicating that his step could now be compared to lightning.

Apparently, today was not a good day for that team of heroes.

- Aaaaahhhhhhhhhh...

The blue hero's scream went way up. Both of his arms were already useless, so he was no longer a threat of any kind.

Luo Feng, on the other hand, had already run a few hundred meters away from his recent spot.

Instantly... no, even faster, supersonic movement and strikes.

Of course, no one's eyes could keep up with such a thing, much less an outsider's, but the man in the black robe and the remaining four were watching Luo Feng. He was clearly a dozen times faster than the speed of sound - moreover, there was a good chance that this was far from the limit.

-Dear heroes, I advise you to look around before you make any more of this spectacle or else....

-Shut up!!!

The black ranger's impact raised a huge pile of dust upwards, obscuring the picture of what was going on inside.

-Let's change the scene.

And after a couple of seconds, a foreign creature that remotely resembled a human being became visible, with an aloof look standing "it", and at his feet lies a skeleton in a worn out suit.

-...What the hell is that?

-... where are we?

The desert stretches as far as the eye can see.

A rough, barren landscape consisting only of red sand and randomly scattered rocks resembling sparse scales. In the center of the whole place stood the remaining three heroes.

Staggering, swaying, twitching like a broken scarecrow, it slowly approached them, emitting strange moans that cannot even be called a voice.

Disgust, discomfort, regret that it came into view at all. How does it even continue to live this way?

Outwardly, it clearly looks like a humanoid, with all the proper limbs, and not much more than a meter tall... Except that everything about it is turned inside out.

It's not the skin that's exposed. Its sinews, fat, and viscera contrast with the flashy color of its flesh, dancing its mad dance in the desert night landscape.

It's like a crude model of a human being. The work of a mad sculptor.

- Ouch!

A moment, and a thin scream reaches their ears. Turning around in amazement, the pink ranger sees the girl, numb with fear...

She was so focused on the creature that they stopped paying attention to their surroundings.

-It's no good, that's how she can get hit.

- Fool, look ahead, not at the sand!

Realizing that she, too, is numbed by the unexpected turn of events. Faster than the pink ranger has time to turn in accordance with the reproach addressed to her, the thick ominous air comes at her like a guillotine.

It is impossible to dodge... Just as she realizes this, someone at her side grabs her by the scruff of the neck and topples her to the ground with force.


At the same time, an indescribably dangerous gust of wind flies over her head. So much so that it seems like it could cut the hair off the back of her head and the skin off her back-no doubt enough to kill her.

-I'm sorry... Captain, I owe you one.

-You're welcome. You'd better look at this.

There's a cold sweat coming from the red ranger who covered her. What could be so frightening to such a brave warrior who has saved the world more than once? The answer doesn't take long.

-The bastard... What the hell has he got stashed away. The yellow ranger's comment immediately followed.

There's a nasty creature up ahead. Its aura remains faint and almost intangible, causing only a shiver of disgust.

The object in his hands, however, is not affected.


A huge one, many times greater than its owner, designed only to gather its grim harvest.

A pretentious weapon, but not so pretentious as to be called rare; since it was originally intended for work in the field, it is not so difficult to handle... In other words, most ordinary.

There is nothing special to be seen in its very construction. It was not created by some magical ritual.

And yet there is something eerie about it: if you can call it anything, it is the "history" it contains...

-How many people have been killed by it...

The smell of blood is extraordinary. The density of the death cries in it is maddening. This scythe alone is like another world, which has no place even in the universe of eternal struggle; exceeding any limits, repeated over and over again murder, murder, murder, murder...

It was as if people were about to lose their minds. An ordinary instrument that should long ago have broken down from the most brutal treatment, instead became a clot of tragedy, warping the space around it. No one has ever seen anything so deserving of being called a formidable weapon. Its mere presence makes one feel an irresistible urge to flee from this killer scythe as soon as possible.

And most important of all, one could be sure of being able to dodge it in peace. It takes a long time to swing, and the trajectory of the attack is simple, and yet this scythe inspires too much terror.

Even now, the legs are barely able to hold the heroes. The black stench of blood, so thick that you can barely stand it without tearing yourself apart. The countless screams and curses heard in it tell everyone over and over again that inevitable death awaits them.

-Ah, hah...

The creature emits an audible laugh. It may suffer indescribably from the slightest gust of wind, but its writhing and groaning body resembles a worm crawling in a swamp.

Its arm and loin muscles are torn from the previous attack, but it does not stop moving forward, sprinkling sand behind it.

-...From the looks of it, he's not used to swinging it at all.

-Yes... I suppose if we can dodge it a few more times, it will destroy itself.

It can't swing more than two or three times, four at the most, but you can't help but wonder if you should let it swing all it wants.

A heavy swing of the scythe and a barely distinguishable line of dark wind split the pink

Ranger in half. The remaining halves began to disintegrate right before my eyes and were gradually swallowed up by the sands.

[Outside this scene.]

-The second went. With a small smile on his face, Feng watched the four neatly folded bodies lying on the pavement.

-What did you do to them? A man in a black robe approached from behind and asked a question.

-Your options.

-Massive illusion?? Answering his own question the man nodded.

-Lo Feng Nice to meet you.

-Yan Sen.

After exchanging their names they both stared at them.