
Another reincarnator who got lucky so he wants to live a "normal" life

[This is my first time writing and English is not my primary language] What to write here is the story of another reincarnator who got too lucky and is actively taking advantage of it. I don't own anything here except the main character and the cover is not mine

Russian_Hacker · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

What are you talking about, creator?

The body of a certain blue-haired teen filled with a stream of translucent green energy. "What's happening to me this power overwhelms me, along with a sense of boundless freedom."

-Wow, Mr. Lo, that was cool, and by the way, where are my weapons?

With a lively face said the once ordinary guy, now an ordinary superhuman with a "good"

patron. Standing around the three people who were lying unconscious around him.

-Don't get cocky, you're 40 times stronger, but you're still the weakest in this group.

-What do you mean 40 times, I thought I'd be 10,000 times stronger? We multiply those values.

With obvious bewilderment the teenager spoke, looking around the area trying to find a complete figure

-The system adds up these values, not multiplies, as for your weapon and bonus, I'll give you.

*Clap* and four plastic knives popped out of the void and started flying around Kaito's hand.

-Weren't I supposed to get 20 knives and what kind of bonus it is.

With a somewhat puzzled face the teenager said as he was frankly cheated out of a very large *amount*.

-Twenty is too much for you, four is more than enough for you and the bonus you're about to feel.

Suddenly, from behind his back, silver chains sprinkled on the young man, aimed straight at his heart, with tremendous speed and hundreds of pops from overcoming the sound barrier.


Before he could finish his sentence, Kaito collapsed beside the other three.


Name: Higuchi Kaito

Level: 1

Strength: 560

Defense 400

Speed: 840~2000

Magic 840

Health 400


Magic speed, aura of madness (passive), Target imprisonment (passive), shackled martyr (passive), shattering shackles, reaction acceleration (passive), increasing visual acuity (passive)

"Well now at least he's not so weak in theory he can defeat a weak core hunter in one-on-one combat. And now to wait again when they wake up by the way and where OLEG."

*Click* space changed, and a white temple with a marble throne in the center began to form around it instead of the ground.

"If then wait better in luxury, and perhaps better to keep them in mind and create a couple of chairs."

*Click* and a dozen large leather chairs began to appear around the throne where a fourth was already occupied.

"Now I'm going to sleep. Put the high ranking fire magic on a timer."

[Forty-five minutes to activate the spell.]

Lo Feng yawned and fell asleep reclining on his throne

/about 41 minutes later/

-Although I've already introduced myself, let me say again that my name is Higuchi Kaito, but you can call me Kaito. After calming down a bit, he continued.

-My world is probably an ordinary world, except for the MHI(Millenium Heavy Industries) Corporation, which is headquartered in Tengyo City. This corporation was created relatively recently by the standards of my world, but quickly began to grow after the creation of a synthetic fuel analogue.

As if trying to remember something, Kaito fell silent.

-And something else, which I honestly don't remember anymore. In addition, the corporation is also involved in military activities, such as the Eightlist, a bomber that was a century or two ahead of the rest of the world. Although not only MHI was involved in the construction of this aircraft, but the United States also participated in its development and even signed an agreement to build three similar aircraft for them.

As if to wrap up his story, Kaito looked at the other man.


Taking on the role of storyteller, the bald guy began to speak.

-I don't know what I can tell you about my world, except that it has monsters and some heroes.

-By the way, my name is Saitama, and don't call me by my nickname in the chat room.

Suddenly a strong wind blew around the temple, and A pillar of white flame, filled with the concept of Uselessness, which is capable of destroying everything it touches. It is a powerful corrosion on everything it touches, corroding physical matter and concepts to nothingness. Began to concentrate on the figure sitting on the throne, even though it showed no signs of discomfort.

The figure rose from the throne and began to slowly emerge from the column of white flame, which now began to turn into a small spark that could disappear at any moment.

-This alarm clock isn't bad, but it's missing something.

In an almost sleepy voice said Lo Feng, who came out completely unscathed and with his clothes intact.

-What was that!

three of them shouted almost simultaneously and one just ignored it.

-Don't you hear that it was my alarm clock.

With a completely indifferent face said Lo Feng

-By the way, if you're done, can I take the lead.

There was still silence in the room and none of them wanted to say anything.

-Silence is a sign of agreement, so I'll start.

-First, I want to say about your goal is to protect the core with me or OLEG as a backup in case of danger.

-Secondly, it's just to get stronger and at the end of the day to become just better versions of yourself.

-And finally in the third is just to keep you company in these crazy adventures.

-I hope you get it all.

Luo Feng finished his enumeration with a hand gesture and pointed at the guy with black hair.

-You can continue. I have school to get to.

-And I almost forgot to get out of here, on the group panel in the upper left corner there is an exit button.

-Go to school?

With puzzlement in his voice Kaito because of the fact that this creature in front of him though is omnipotent but study in something like school

-Yes, I'm in school and even my body was sixteen before I got my arsenal. And I go to school because I have nothing else to do.

-Or you suggest me to destroy worlds with the help of group's core.

With a completely unchanged expression on his face he said as if it were an ordinary thing he could do every day.

-Avoiding your questions, yes the core can be used as a weapon of mass destruction.

-Benefiting from his ability to insert new properties into any world, he can insert properties of nothingness and this whole world will no longer exist, only nothingness. Although it's possible that there will be some special individuals who will ignore this law and go to punch me in the face.

-Wait, before you go, can you explain what you did to me.

-Sorry, Kaito, you'll find out.


And Lo Feng found himself in a place not far from the city, where a certain man in a black robe began releasing countless lightning bolts in an instant.

His commanding voice echoed throughout the area.

-When a practitioner begins to manifest his own Golden Pill and ascend to immortality, he causes this phenomenon. This is why the thunder of distress is also known as the Disaster Pill.

-This thunder has a width of up to fifteen kilometers, and each stroke of thunder can burn 37 million acres of land. It strikes ninety-nine thousand times every six seconds.

-After ten breaths, the pill will unleash its potential.

After finishing his monologue, the man looked into the unknown blonde's eyes. As the three observers knelt, unable to lift their heads because of this man's pressure.


A cough resounded from behind, as if to attract the three.

-Excuse me, could you tell me where the Jia Xia Academy is?

As if not taking this storm as a threat, Luo Feng asked. This attitude of his was not because he overestimated himself, but because the entire county was intact, and most of this man's words were meant to intimidate the girl and show the difference between the two.

-How... how can you speak so calmly here! Don't you understand what's going on here!!! Shouting these words out of the last remaining strength the man with the glasses again began to try to bounce this pressure around

-All right, I'll take a look myself if it's hard for you.

Stretching his hand in the direction of the man with the glasses, Luo Feng closed his eyes. As an embodiment of information he has not only omniscience but also access to any available and inaccessible source of information so getting knowledge out of someone ordinary person would be no problem for him.

-Thank you for the information I think we can go now.