
Another MCU Story

SI. Finding adventure in same old same MCU

Rex_Zatch · ภาพยนตร์
33 Chs

Chapter-16 Oh … God….My…. Back

After a couple of months, the same routine follow morning school, evening date with Layla, and sometimes sex at her place and night as the vigilant through controlling Ryan 2.0 sometimes I even saw fighting Spider-Man from far, and people start taking notice of Ryan 2.0 and given him the name of Knight Rider. Because people have only seen him using his modified bike, which I made. And disappear and reappear in the night like a shadow.

I heard many people say the beginning of the few months in a relationship is the honeymoon phase, but after it passes then the real relationship start, and I am getting to know that right now.

Changes started to come after a few months when I forgot to pick her up and got 5 minutes late because I was busy completing my prototype virus. Someday I was busy at night fighting and I could not call her or text back. But we still manage to compromise, but a few days after that the last string that was holding us together got broken when her mother died of a heart attack.

When she returned after her mother's funeral she gave me the news that sadden my heart, she said "you also knew Ryan that this was eventually going to end right? And…... I think this will be better if we end this now, I…. I am moving back with my father to Egypt, it is difficult to say this, but I hope you meet someone even better than me and if we met in the future we can still talk as a friend, is it OK Ryan?" I could not answer her question, so I bow my head down and nodded, I was holding myself to try and stop her, but I know that a broken ship cannot be repaired with old parts.

Furthermore, I never had a relationship in my past life and never knew how this works or ended, but I know now, it hurt dam it, it hurt. After saying her goodbyes she went home and a few days later that she called me to tell me her last goodbyes, she went to Egypt and I try to return to my daily life.

But whatever I did try to hide my sadness from the others, I could not hide it from Adam, eve, and john. They try to console them in their own way Adam made his famous chicken curry which he learns from India in his old army day's mission and Eve helps Adam with making that, John also tried by saying that he will take him to a strip club if I want but to that eve just glare at john.

Soon I return to my old schedule morning school, evening make something or practice my power, and at night as a Knight Rider. Exactly two months ago, Thoth completed his mission and sent those copies to the people I asked him to send.

After sending those files, I was watching closely at shield movement on what they will do for the red room if they receive my message and understood my message at the last and what they will do. But till now I didn't find any movement on those things.

I wanted to deal with the red room myself, but I don't have an air jet to fly that up and I try making a portal because it is continuously moving, I cannot pinpoint its initial location. If I try harder, I can do it but na why do so much trouble they will eventually be dealt with, so why make trouble for myself.

If I wanted to do it myself while bringing so much trouble to myself why even send those files to shield, the reason is to live an easy life and have a fun life and not have too much trouble.

*Beep**beep* "sir in Harlem, there has been a fight broken between two giants sir, and through calculation, there are 90% chances that the green giant is Bruce Banner." Suddenly, Thoth informed me about Bruce's banner.

"OK, I will look there in a moment, but before that can, you tell me the location of Samuel Sterns as soon as possible." The moment, I finish talking, Thoth completed scanning of Dr sterns place. "Good job" saying, I open the portal near where Dr. Stern is being knocked out after the abomination pushed him.

Crossing the portal, I saw him knocked out and while still looking around I saw hulks blood still dropping from the table, so I used my magic to transfer the blood in glass tube I teleported here, I also took abomination blood from there, after finish putting, I teleported that glass tube in the fridge inside my basement fridge.

After cleaning off all banner blood and abomination's blood from the lab, I went near Dr sterns, who was still knocked out. After reaching near, I crouch down to his level and open the portal in my basement lab and bring a needle specially made for him. "Congratulation Dr stern you made me make this cure just for you, you are variable in my plans, but I cannot kill you yet, but this cure can help yours and my headache" saying I moved my hand and inserted the needle in his head.

This cure has nanite which will mess with his emotion making him immature, and his thinking decision will be in jumble which will make him think as if his idea is irrelevant. It will suppress his IQ to near 120 and increases his EQ to near 90.

While thinking of making it full proof, I used more than 3 needles to insert into his brain. "With this, I am 100% sure he will not be a problem in the future and now let's go to the main event" saying I got up and dusted myself, and opened a portal near Harlem.

After crossing the portal, I kept a distance of a few meters from the fight, I saw hulk and abomination fighting. Seeing all the surroundings, people running and screaming an idea came to my mind, I dial the watch and said "Thoth I want you to pilot Ryan 2.0 and come there, I will open a portal from a few miles from here, and you will start to helping people to safety if you could not save some life act as you tried, can you do that?" to Thoth in replied he said "affirmative sir".

After that I open the portal in my basement and bought the bike and Ryan 2.0 "was ready…...good. Go" Thoth in Ryan 2.0 nodded and went to solve the crises occurring around two giants' fighting.

After I walked into the dark alley and start to crawl toward the top of the empty building, soon I reached I saw Thoth helping people and on another side, I heard abomination say "Give me a real fight!" to hulk to which he roars and ran toward him.

Seeing Abomination and Hulk trying to punch each other, I made the portal and teleported their fist to land on me rather than each other. And then after hulk punched in my stomach and soon after abomination punched on my back, I heard my spine break *creak*crack* "oh … God….my…. Back" I try to balance myself while holding my back.

The reason for doing that is done I have to adapt to their power before trying to inject myself with banner blood. This sound stupid but with my research, I have confirmed that if I had injected hulk blood on my body right now chances of me blowing into pieces is near 69% so no taking any chances.

"Oh god, my whole felt numb…" I soon lay down on the ground, slowly healing from the broken and bloody body, and did nothing, just watch night star "I never knew star could be this beautiful it is making me *cough* feel less pain after watching it". While watching the star I heard an abomination once again say "You don't deserve this power. Now watch her die!" that hulk again roared and jumped, Hulk prepares to smash down on the ground.

Soon the fight ended, and I also healed and stood up to see what happened there I saw Hulk standing over the defeated Abomination's body and roaring toward the sky, and then soon Betty came over and Betty and hulk share a moment before hulk leaped in the sky. And after the commotion died down, I order Thoth to return home and made a portal to make me and Ryan 2.0 teleport back to my basement.

AN: I am trying to improve my grammar, tell me if I am doing anything bad, I need to know if I am doing mistakes on anything.

Writing Story for fun.

Was really bored.

Seriously, English is not even my fourth language.

Seriously, how much bored can I be.

Critics go easy on me ok *wink* *wink*, oh my eyes hurt.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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