
Chapter - 10 Magic Is just Bullsh1t

"Hello Ryan finally we met." said the person and I knew who she is. Ancient one, Sorcerer Supreme, master of mystical arts. Why the heck she is here? If she wants to correct the timeline which I might have to disrupt then, she should have come to me, when I was a little kid.

"Can you please stop this; I don't even know you and who the heck even are you?" I said in a panicky voice while acting like I don't know her. After replicating the knowledge of many top actors, Adams and May, my acting skill has reached the point of higher level.

"Certainly, to answer your question, I am the guardian of the earth and I protect the earth from otherworldly magical forces who try to invade the earth." the ancient one said with a smile on her face.

"What nonsense you are talking about? Magic? It is just an illusion magicians use to loot money from others, I think you drug me so, I am having a hallucination. You drugged me, didn't you…. Hey, stay back, don't come near meeeee----." Before I could complete the speaking, she came near and press her hand near my chest, and *boom*what? Wow, I can see my body lifelessly standing up, and I am floating. Astral form, so cooool!

"Believing in magic is your own choice, you being alive changes many things." Ancient one said while conjuring her magic fan and fanning.

"What are you talking about? Are you here to kidnap me or … kill me here?" I said in a worried voice.

"Oh no, not like that, you see, time works in a very mysterious way, every choice we make in the present becomes many variant results of our choice in the future. But What is important here is that you are alive in this timeline but in another timeline, you are all variant is died or dying, so you being here alive changes many things." Ancient said in a serious voice to me and explained how the timeline works. And with my superhuman calculation brain process the information and tries to come up with an answer which can satisfy me but without enough information, the result cannot be 100% clear. So, lets the façade go on.

"What the f? How?what?why? How did my variant die? What the what? And why are you here?" I said in a shocked, panicked, and worried voice to the ancient one.

"To answer your question, most of your variations died from depression which led them to do things and other variants died with tumors on their brain, and the rest died in the battle between two monsters, and being here alive makes you an anomaly. And me being here is just to ask you your plan for the future because when I found out about you being the anomaly, I search the future and most of them are good but in some, you go stray, and many disasters came following you and I don't want that to happen." said ancient one fold her fan and put her hand back and put my astral form inside my body.

"So, what, you want to kill me? Right? Just because some future variant makes some trouble." saying I put my hand in a fighting position and electricity starts to crackle from my hand, the more I grip my hand more electricity starts to crackle.

"Nice trick there, but worry not, I don't want to kill you but just want to help you not make bad choices. I can also teach you magic if you want." Ancient one said while hinting to me not to choose the stray path.

"Na, I don't need your help in choosing my way of life. If you are worried that I might try to destroy the earth or try to conquer it, then worry not, that not going to happen. I might not like some people that doesn't mean I will try to destroy the earth for that, earth is my home. Whatever happens to us in the future, but still everyone wants to return to their home at last to fill the warmth they felled in their life. Right?" I said to the ancient one this time without lying but sincere while remembering all the happy memory, I made with Adam, May, John, and Eva.

"Wise word, but I hope you abide by it; so, where would you like me to drop you off." Ancient one said to me while smiling unlike from previous serious face. I hope she was satisfied with my answer.

"Ugh, well can you drop me inside the bathroom where there is no one inside, I don't want to become the center of attention while showing up out of nowhere." After A bit of thinking, I told her, and she complied and open the portal.

"Thanks for something I guess, hope the next meeting would be sooner." After saying that I cross the portal and the portal started closing, but before the portal fully closed, I heard an ancient one reply "Hope, so Ryan"

This meeting changes many things now, not because of the meeting or talking with her but the knowledge I got from her which is just so helpful. I would like to say one thing as that is, Magic Is just bullshit.

And after my spider powerfully adapt and evolved, I got more than I wanted from this. This spider sense is just wow, before I could see flies in slow motion now, I can see them in near-stopped time motion.

Let's try wall-crawling, as I put my hold on the wall by hand, it stuck to the walk and when I thought of my hand releasing from the wall it got released. After I crawled from left to right, jumped upside down, checked my agility by doing backflips and landing on one leg, checking my balance where I can balance myself on one toe while doing yoga stance.

The More I practice with my skill, the more adaptable I become in using them and controlling their released strength. From my estimate, my strength is near 30 tons and I have a feeling that is not the limit.

One important is that my new venom blast miles called it, it is bio-electricity produced by my body and with my supernatural healing and adaptation and evolution, I have a near limitless amount of bio-electricity which is a form of energy and from the Ancient one knowledge Magic is the practice of harnessing various forms of energy to manipulate, conjure object, etc. there are many but let's focus on the top, shall we.

Magic is divided into three different categories: Personal energies, Universal energies, and Dimensional energies.

Personal energies are those derived from the life force of the sorcerer. Basically, my bio electricity is my own life force. So, I can use this type of magic. However, because it is known that the continual use of such energies will fatally deplete the individual by consuming their life force but not me, I can virtually generate bio-electricity infinitely which is based on my theory, but testing is required.

One of the easier sources that a sorcerer can draw power from are the Universal energies of their home dimension. Universal spells usually require specific gestures and/or words in order to be activated. Theoretically, I can absorb electrical energy and convert it to use magic, and theoretically, on the same principle, I can absorb power from Universal energies of this home dimension and perform magic. Further testing is required.

Lastly, Dimensional energies are those that are drawn from other planes of existence throughout the multiverse or are bestowed upon a sorcerer from one or more extradimensional entities. These entities must be entreated by the sorcerer(s) using ritualistic spells and possibly a promise, contract or sacrifice of some method.

I don't want to become their slave for their energy. Ah, an idea clicked on my head; I don't need to beg the other to give me energy from their dimension so, why don't I make my own dimension like on the basis of mirror dimension I can make my own. It is theoretically possible and, in this world, if there is even a 1% change in succeeding it can happen.

Happy with my discovery, I went out of the bathroom and sneakily join the now leaving student. My two friends didn't notice me missing because Peter is following after MJ and Ned is flirting with Betty's friend, which Betty does not like.

After we return from our trip, I said bye to peter, and Ned and went home to check whether my theory was correct or not.

AN: whatever power our MC gets in the future, there will be an explanation for that. I am not going to pull dimension out of his fiction ass, but it will be some logic to that. There might be some plot holes, but this chapter is to show you some MC plans for the future, but plans are ever-changing and adapting.

Writing Story for fun.

Was really bored.

Seriously, English is not even my fourth language.

Seriously, how much bored can i be.

Critics go easy on me ok *wink* *wink*, oh my eyes hurt.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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