
Anomaly Artist (Oshi no ko)

Michael Afton happily accepted death, but life didn't want to give him a break. Now he has to try to kill his father for the third time. What the hell just happened? Am I a fucking baby? And why do these two twins remind me of my brothers even if they don't look alike?

Paxkun · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
7 Chs

Chapter 1: Hoshino Charoite.

Michael Afton, now called Hoshino Charoite was not amused by his situation, he was frustrated. He thought he would be teleported somewhere else in a precarious position, but instead. Now he was a baby. And holding him was a woman he didn't know.

Not to mention the crappy name she gave him, but he wasn't going to complain considering he hated his old name.

But he thought he would remain a corpse until he found his father and stopped him once and for all, but now he was not a corpse, he was in the body of a baby. He had essentially been reincarnated.

He already learned that alternate worlds existed, but now he learns that reincarnation is real.

Michael understood the true complexity of his situation only after that thought and began to gasp for breath.

His mind wanted to deny it, but he could not. His heart began to race, thoughts racing through Michael's mind, a rapid whirlwind of fear and anxiety. He had realized he was a reincarnated soul, trapped in the body of a baby. The realization hit him like a tidal wave, drowning him in a sea of helplessness.

With each shallow breath, Michael fought against the overwhelming feeling of confinement. He yearned to express his anguish, to let the world know the profound disconnect he felt between his mature mind and his infantile state. But all that emerged were desperate cries, a plea for someone to understand his turmoil.

In the room, the woman who was their new mother, Ai Hoshino, who about an hour ago had emerged from her arduous labor, gazed at her newborns with a mixture of exhaustion and tender love. She had no idea of the extraordinary nature of her children's souls. To her, they were just ordinary babies, innocent and fragile.

The woman immediately sensed that something was wrong with him, Michael didn't know if it was her maternal instincts or something else, but that didn't matter to him right now.

While trying to control his breathing, Michael looked at his new siblings Hoshino Aqua and Hoshino Ruby. Both of whom he swears were looking at him wide-eyed and pale-skinned.

He tried to stop being so pathetic, and he tried desperately to calm his breathing so as not to make his new mother and siblings worry. However, his heavy breathing became increasingly painful and his vision blurred.

At some point, he felt that someone was taking him away from his new mother, although he couldn't tell who the person was, he sensed that it was the doctors.

Michael, or rather Hoshino Chaorite tried to think of something positive to calm down, but he could only remember negative things from his old life and his breathing got worse.

"Hey guys, I think the little man said he wants to give Frebear a big kiss!"

Hot blood splattered on his face, filling his mask and shirt. His brother's screams of anguish and pain echoed throughout his skull.

"You are in the Scooping Room now"

Something wrapped around his forearms, it was some metal wires that were too many, frozen. Then he was wrapped in cables without being able to do anything in front of the Scooper.

"The Scooper only hurts for a moment."

Then came the overwhelming pain, an agony impossible to bear.

"You won't die"

His body convulsed vomiting pieces of metal with brute force causing more pain to his anguished body.

It was obvious to him that the doctors were unaware of his situation, they were dealing with a soul that had once been Michael Afton. In his teenage years, Michael harbored bitterness toward his parents and envy toward his siblings. His actions were driven by a desire to rebel, deliberately underperforming academically to spite his father. However, tragedy struck when his sister disappeared, triggering a spiral of aggression toward his younger brother due to the overwhelming stress. Accidentally causing his brother's death plunged him into a deep depression, worsened by the loss of his best friend, Charlotte, and his mother's suicide.

Michael's father, William, abandoned him at the age of 16, leaving him to fend for himself. In his solitude, Michael matured and transformed into a compassionate and kind-hearted person. His life was tragically cut short at the age of 18 when he fell victim to a trap set by his vengeful sister's spirit. Yet, his lingering spirit refused to depart, driven by unresolved guilt and a burning desire to confront his father and seek redemption.

As Hoshino Charoite's condition worsened, the medical team intervened, providing him with oxygen support. Unbeknownst to them, his soul had once resided in a putrefying body, refusing to depart until he had fulfilled his mission to stop his father. Breathing had been unnecessary to him then. Miraculously, he stabilized, his body adapting to the demands of his new life without any apparent complications.

He was unaware of everything going on around him, but once he began to adjust to his baby's body and mind realizing that he needed to breathe, he began to do the process unconsciously to keep him alive. A wave of tiredness came over him.

And before Hoshino Charoite could shake off the exhaustion, he felt the darkness consume him, driving him into unconsciousness.





Hoshino Ai, a 16-year-old mother, had just given birth to her precious triplets. As she held her newborn son, the last of her triplets Hoshino, in her arms, she marveled at his innocence and fragility. Little did she know that behind his baby exterior lay the mind of an adult, a reincarnated soul burdened with memories and experiences far beyond his years.

It was a calm afternoon in the hospital room, the soft sound of newborns' cries in the other rooms filling the air. Ai, exhausted from the labor and delivery, felt a mix of joy and apprehension as she cradled Charoite. She had no idea of the extraordinary journey that awaited them.

Hoshino Ai as she cradled her newborn son, her youngest son, in her trembling arms. The dim light bathed the room in a gentle glow, casting elongated shadows on the walls. Ai's tired eyes scanned her son's delicate features, marveling at his innocence. She had just given birth an hour ago, and the weight of motherhood was settling in.

She still wanted to see her son's eyes so she could name him, but only with one look at her youngest son could she get a sense of the color of his eyes.

The last of the Hoshino's, eyes fluttered open as if sensing her gaze, revealing a depth beyond his infant form. It was as if his gaze held a thousand years of wisdom, a soul trapped in a tiny vessel. But Ai, unaware of her son's true nature, simply saw the innocence of a newborn.

"Oh, you've finally opened your pretty little eyes" She commented with great happiness, observing how her youngest son acquired all her features, her beautiful purple hair, and his eyes of the same color. "And you were born with mom's genes, you should be proud." She was happy, the only difference was that her son's eyes shone strangely, but she thought it was tiredness.

Her son's eyes looked at her with childish surprise. She thought that her son looked too cute.

"So you're late, huh?". She laughed amicably as she touched his nose in a friendly way, holding him with one arm in a hug. "But Mom has no problem with that, Charoite."

Hoshino Chaorite, that was the name of his youngest son. A 100% beautiful name, given by his extraordinary mother.

Charoite looked at his arms in childlike wonderment, causing her to look at him amused and happy, then his little head turned towards his older siblings.

She looked at her other two children, who were in their cribs as she proudly proclaimed. "Aquamarine, Ruby! Look! Your little brother finally opened his eyes!"

She again focused her attention on her youngest son, who was looking at his siblings with a look of horror and disturbance. His face was pale as if he had seen a ghost.

She shook her head to dismiss the strange thoughts that she was surely seeing things, though worry began to eat away at her.

Hoshino Ai had just given birth to her three precious babies: triplets. Aqua, Ruby, the last of her children Charoite whom she was holding in her arms, began to feel immense pride in having given birth to three precious children. Not to mention she was proud that Hoshino Charoite got her genes.

Even though she was proud that Chaorite was born with her genes, she would give a mother's love to her children on equal terms. After all each of them was adorable in their way, but what she didn't know was that her world was about to take an unexpected turn.

It had only been an hour since Ai's delivery, and she was still in the hospital room, basking in the afterglow of motherhood. Hoshino Aqua and Hoshino Ruby, her other two children, lay in their cribs nearby, observing their new brother with curious eyes. Unbeknownst to them, the bond they shared went beyond the ordinary.

And then, abruptly, the tranquility shattered. Hoshino Charoite's body jerked in Ai's arms, his small frame convulsing with panic. His cries filled the room, a heartbreaking symphony of fear. Ai's heart clenched in her chest, her thoughts racing desperately to understand.

Worry and anxiety began to fill her as she tried every way to calm him down, She tried to rock him softly and gently while singing him a song, but any effort she made was futile. Hoshino Chaorite began to scream much louder out of some distress, as his body trembled violently.

Ichigo Saitou, the president of Strawberry Productions and Ai's mentor, stood beside her, with his usually confident demeanor began to waver in the face of this unexpected crisis. He quickly left the room to alert the medical team so that they could help the child.

A few seconds later, a group of nurses and doctors entered the room where she was with Ichigo following them from behind. They all looked at her son in her arms with concern and began to surround her to evaluate him.

"What's happening to my baby?" Ai's voice quivered, her words laced with desperation. She looked around at the doctors in the room, her eyes searching for answers, for someone to offer a lifeline in this storm of uncertainty. "Please, help him! Help my baby!"

The neonatal medical team, who were on the lookout for any situation the neonatal patients presented, quickly turned their attention to Hoshino Charoite. The doctors and nurses began to talk quietly but urgently.

"He's in distress. Let's stabilize his breathing," one nurse murmured, her voice laced with a mix of concern and determination.

"Check his vitals and prepare oxygen support," another doctor instructed, her gaze fixed on the tiny form in Ai's arms.

As Hoshino Ai listened to the doctor, a lump caught in her throat, her heart was pounding in her chest and she felt her stomach churn. She didn't want to walk away from her distressed baby, she wanted to do anything to calm him or help him, but she knew that doctors were the only people who could help her son. So with fear in her heart, she handed him over to expert hands.

Her son Chaorite was quickly transferred to an emergency crib by the doctors so that they could treat him and do everything possible to help him.

As the doctors and nurses worked together, their conversations merged into a chorus of medical jargon, discussing plans, and assessing the situation. Meanwhile, Ai stood frozen, her heart pounding in her chest, her mind a whirlwind of fear and confusion.

Ichigo stood beside her, The lines of worry etched across his forehead deepened as he watched the medical staff rush to aid Hoshino Charoite.

"Ai, we'll find out what's going on," Ichigo assured her while putting a hand on her shoulder giving it a reassuring squeeze. "They'll help him. You have to believe that."

Ai nodded, her eyes never leaving her son's tiny body. She had come to trust Ichigo's judgment over the years, his unwavering support guiding her through the rollercoaster of fame. And now, as her baby fought for his breath, she clung to his words as a beacon of hope.

Amid the chaos, a sense of helplessness washed over Ai. She longed to protect her child, to shield him from any harm. Her mind raced with thoughts, memories of her past, and the difficulties she had faced growing up. She had always felt unworthy and lacking in qualifications.

But because she wanted to receive love from her fans, and turn her lie of love for her fans into a truth, she had changed. Although she didn't know if it was for better or for worse.

Ai's thoughts drifted to Kamiki Hikaru, the father of her children, who had chosen not to be present at the birth. Though she still loved him deep down, she knew she couldn't rely on him. It was up to her to be the pillar of strength for her children, no matter the circumstances.

The medical staff, unaware of the unique circumstances surrounding Hoshino Charoite's condition, focused on their immediate task—stabilizing the baby's breathing and calming his panic. Their movements were precise, their actions driven by a combination of expertise and compassion.

Amidst the chaos, Hoshino Aqua and Hoshino Ruby, the baby's older siblings, watched from their cribs with wide eyes filled with concern. Though they couldn't comprehend the gravity of the situation, their instinctual bond as siblings stirred a sense of worry within them. Yet, they remained silent, unwilling to reveal their supernatural abilities, unaware of the truth that lay hidden within their family's dynamic.

Time seemed to slow as Ai's gaze flickered between the medical staff and her distressed child. Her heart ached with an intensity she had never known, her love for her son drove her to the brink of desperation. She wished she could absorb his pain, shield him from the tumultuous world he seemed to be battling within.

Finally, after an eternity, the medical team managed to stabilize Hoshino Charoite's breathing. The room fell into an uneasy silence, the only sounds being the beeping of monitors and the soft hiss of oxygen flowing through tiny tubes.

As Ai watched her son, she exhaled a breath she didn't realize she had been holding. Relief washed over her, mingling with exhaustion and lingering anxiety. She knew they were far from out of the woods, but at that moment, her son's safety was all that mattered.

The doctors assured Ai that there would be no lasting physical repercussions from his distressing episode. Still, they recommended keeping him under observation in the hospital, subjecting him to further tests to ensure his well-being. They attributed the distress to possible respiratory difficulties, assuring Ai that they would continue to monitor him closely.

Ai remained steadfast by her son's side, She couldn't fathom the depth of his struggle, the weight he carried within his tiny body. But she was determined to be his rock, his guiding light through the stormy seas of life.

In quiet moments, when the hospital room was still and her son slept peacefully, Ai's mind wanders to her other children, Hoshino Aquamarine and Hoshino Ruby. Her eyes fell on them, who were sleeping peacefully in their respective cribs once they knew that their brother was out of danger.

Fortunately, they had not presented any health problems and she was very grateful for that, but even so, she could not help but blame herself for her youngest son's condition.

She should have been less selfish and accepted the cesarean surgery as suggested? The health of her youngest child fell because her body was not prepared to have three children in a row? Was there a complication when she was giving birth naturally?

She bit the inside of her lip out of frustration at herself and concern for her youngest son.

Luckily Ichigo wasn't in the room to see her dithering about her motherhood. He went to talk to the doctors about how long they would be monitoring her child and also to buy her some food to take away her anxiety.

Unbeknownst to Ai, the truth of her children's reincarnated souls remained shrouded, waiting to reveal itself in due time. For now, her focus was on being the best mother she could be, embracing the challenges and joys that lay ahead.

And as she sat on the side, with her son lying in the monitoring cradle, Ai realized that her journey had just begun. Through the uncertainties, the twists and turns, she would remain steadfast. Love would be her compass, guiding her through the uncharted territories of motherhood, and allowing her to navigate the complexities of her children's lives with grace and understanding.

In the hospital room, bathed in the gentle glow of hope, Ai Hoshino found strength in her vulnerability, and a fierce determination to protect and nurture her children, no matter the obstacles they faced. And with each passing day, she will discover a love that transcended her limitations, a love that whispered, "I am here, and I will always be here."

In the quiet moments by her son's side, Ai contemplated the complexity of her life and the love she had discovered through motherhood. The lies that had once shaped her worldview had given way to a fierce devotion to her children. Her love was genuine, even if she had never spoken the words "I love you" aloud.

As she looked at Hoshino Charoite, sleeping peacefully in his hospital crib, Ai vowed to protect him and her other children, no matter the challenges that lay ahead. She would create a haven of love and acceptance.

Deep within her, Ai held onto a glimmer of hope that one day, her love and the lies she had woven as a shield would transform into a truth that resonated with her soul. Until then, she would navigate the world with strength, resilience, and an unwavering determination to protect those she held dear.

Although she had doubts about this, she informed him of Hoshino Chaorite's condition. After all, he deserved to know, even if he didn't show up at the birth of our children. Perhaps she had some concern for them.





Kamiki Hikaru rarely got frustrated, but this day he was completely foiled in his plan to assassinate his beautiful ex-girlfriend. Hoshino Ai, because the idiot who had been sent to kill her failed, and instead of killing her and her children, he killed someone else. One in whom he had no interest whatsoever.

He took a deep breath to calm his dark, twisted thoughts.

But still, a grimace at the taste of failure appeared on his face, not to mention that now Hoshino Ai, gave birth to three innocent children to a cruel world.

He didn't care about his children, he didn't want to be a father, the very idea of it made him sick to his stomach as he remembered the bitch who forced him to be an unwanted act.

Despite that, he didn't hate his children, he just didn't care about parenting, and he wasn't the right person to do it. Still, Hikaru was very interested in his youngest son and could well make an exception for him. Even if it only interested him in a twisted, sick way.

Kamiki Hikaru paced back and forth in his apartment in Japan, his mind consumed by dark thoughts and disturbing fantasies. He was a complex individual, molded by a troubled past and experiences that had shaped him into someone vastly different from his outward appearance.

As he mentally prepared himself for his next act, his phone began to ring incessantly.

Kamiki Hikaru stopped pacing back and forth in his apartment, his mind was filled with a mixture of curiosity and indifference toward the call he was receiving. His former girlfriend, Ai Hoshino, had been persistently trying to reach him, and he couldn't help but wonder what she wanted. Reluctantly, he picked up the phone, answering with a feigned air of politeness.

"Hello, Ai," he said, his tone tinged with exasperation. "What do you want?"

Ai Hoshino's voice trembled with emotion as she replied, "Hikaru, it's our son, Hoshino Charoite. Something happened, and I need to talk to you about it."

Hikaru felt a flicker of curiosity spark within him. He had always had a twisted fascination with their youngest child, Hoshino Charoite, due to the eerie resemblance the child bore to Ai. And now, it seemed there was something unusual happening with him.

Feigning concern, Hikaru replied, "What happened to Charoite, Ai? Is he okay?"

Ai took a deep breath, her voice filled with worry. "Charoite had a panic attack, Hikaru. It was so frightening. The doctors had to give him oxygen to stabilize him. They suspect he might have respiratory problems, and they want to monitor him closely."

Hikaru's mind raced, trying to find a way to exploit the situation to his advantage. He knew he had to seize this opportunity to manipulate Ai into giving him custody of Hoshino Charoite. After all, she was an idol and had a demanding schedule that could be used as a valid argument in his favor.

Trying to sound empathetic, Hikaru responded, "Ai, I can understand how worried you must be. It's a challenging situation, especially for a young mother like yourself. With your busy schedule and commitments as an idol, it might be challenging for you to give Charoite the attention and care he needs."

Ai hesitated, her voice filled with a mix of concern and defensiveness. "I know I have my responsibilities as an idol, but that doesn't mean I won't be there for my children, Hikaru. I love them all, including Charoite, and I want to do everything I can to ensure their well-being."

Hikaru saw an opportunity to exploit Ai's emotions and feelings of guilt. Lowering his voice, he spoke with calculated charm, "Ai, I know you love our children, but let's be realistic. Juggling the demands of your career and being a full-time mother to three young children, especially one with potential health issues, will be overwhelming. I can offer Charoite the attention and care he needs. I'll be there for him."

Ai's voice wavered, a mix of desperation and resignation seeping through her words. "But Hikaru, you weren't even there when Charoite was born. How can I trust you to take care of him now?"

Hikaru's tone softened slightly, his voice laced with calculated sincerity. "Ai, I understand your reservations, and I take full responsibility for my absence. I deeply regret not being there for his birth, but Ai, please believe me when I say that I want what's best for our children. Besides I've had time to reflect on my actions. I want to make amends and be the father our children deserve. I may not have been there at the beginning, but I can be there now."

Ai hesitated, her voice trembling with vulnerability. "I want to be there for my children, Hikaru. I want to be a good mother to them, but I'm scared, Hikaru. Scared of making the wrong decision, of letting go of my son."

Hikaru seized upon her vulnerability, whispering words of false consolation. "Ai, I can't guarantee a perfect outcome, but I promise you that I will do everything in my power to provide for Charoite. We can work together as parents, even if our romantic relationship has ended. It's what's best for our children."

Ai fell silent for a moment, her internal battle raging within her. Finally, she whispered, "Alright, Hikaru. I'll trust you with Hoshino Charoite but on one condition. I need you to promise me that I'll still have access to him, that I'll be able to see him and be a part of his life. Also, I want you to be involved in raising your other children, they also need a father figure"

Hikaru's smile was concealed in his voice as he replied with a newfound sense of sincerity. "You have my word, Ai. I will make sure that you have regular access to our son. We'll figure out a visitation schedule that works for both of us. And I'll also make an effort to speak with our other children and fulfill the role of a father, even if our romantic relationship has ended."

Ai's voice softened, a glimmer of hope shining through her uncertainty. "Thank you, Hikaru. I hope we can both be there for our children, despite our differences."

Hikaru smiled, his satisfaction veiled behind a mask of false warmth. "Thank you, Ai. I appreciate your trust, and I will do my best to raise Hoshino Charoite and bond with our other children. We owe it to them to put aside our differences and give them the love and support they need."

As the call came to an end, Hikaru ensured that no one was listening before allowing a sinister chuckle to escape his lips. His eyes gleamed with sadistic pleasure and anticipation for the upcoming events. He found amusement in how easily he could manipulate Hoshino Ai, though he loved her in his own twisted, artistic way.

Once again, he reaffirmed his control over the situation and meticulously planned future events.

He put his phone in his pocket, relishing in his victory, all while keeping his dark desires and true nature carefully hidden from the world. His mind already busily planning the next steps to ensure his sick and twisted fascination with Hoshino Charoite remained hidden.

Well, leave your comments that encourage me too much. and stone power

PDT: Don't try to forcefully reincarnate a person who has been a corpse for many decades, Yep... doing that will make things completely fine, or maybe not.

Paxkuncreators' thoughts