
Anime Dragon Evolution

Hello everyone, Fuji Saito Desu! Did you know?... when I woke up in this dark and scary rough cave the first thing came to my mind is I got Kidnap. But who will kidnap a useless teenager like me?... even the kidnapper sell my kidney they will gain nothing because it's already full of impurities and on the brink of destruction! that's what I got for drinking tons of Drinks. Back to the topic I'm currently strolling this dark cave and noticed that I have a tail and there's a glowing fly circling around me. Arriving in front of water pond I saw a Dragon that has cool appearance it has Black scales around it's body and Glowing violet hair. Wait!? is this me? I become a dragon!

zedmoto123 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
19 Chs

Chapter 9 A new Mother

The moment we arrived in the front Door of apartment, I kick it and go inside and shouted.

"Yahallo! Nii-san!"

"What was that noise!" A 18 year old guy showed up and got shock when he looked at me and blush so hard when he saw Hii-Chan.

"Don't look at her like that? Don't tell it's love at first sight? too bad~ I'm dating her," I said with a teasing smile.

Fuji Natsuo, He was my big brother and 2 years older than me.

"What happened? for the sudden visit," Natsuo asked while giving a glance at Hii-Chan.

As expected of Hii-Chan she was really eye cathing but I doubt she will talk to him.

"Enough sneaking a glance, I know that she was beautiful and all, but the two of us plan to get married and we will tell dad about that,"

Natsuo got shocked and suddenly dragged me into his room without knowing that they can hear him.

"Hey! how did the two of you meet she was so beautiful," He said while blushing.

"We met at the internet cafe, just so you know I don't have a plant to tell you my love story and she was also my classmate for a whole four years," I said and walk back in the living room.

"Oh, come-on," Natsuo sigh and give up. He start wondering why he was getting frustrated.

Hii-Chan looked at Natsuo and already know that he has a thing on her but she doesn't even care on his existence, for her he was just a stranger and nothing else.

"Let's play," Hii-Chan said while giving me a remote controller.

Ariel sat next to mine and start playing Mario Cart and Natsuo was reading light novel and still giving a glance at Hii-Chan.

It's alright noon, and Hii-Chan decide to cooked, "Sei-Kun, can you cut those vegetables?"

"Ok," Giving her a nod, Hii-Chan decide to give Celestine a smirk making her annoyed.

Celestine show's up the moment Natsuo go inside his room.

"Eh, Saito, at what time did you arrive?" A middle age man said and give me a hug.

"We arrived 4 hours ago," I said with a smile.

He looked at Hii-Chan and give me a thumbs up.

Hii-Chan is being Hii-Chan she didn't said anything and just give him a nod.

The moment we arrive in the living room he got surprised because there's two more beauty playing in there.

"Hello, I'm Ariel," Grandma said giving my Father a hand shakes and send a glare at me.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Celestine," Celes said with a bow.

Fuji Akihiko he was a single father because my mother died 9 years ago when I was little and I inherited my mother face.(for those who are curious about her appearance image here)

"So who is your girlfriend within those girls~," Akihiko asked with a grin.

Hii-Chan raised her hands and give a smirk at Celestine.

Celestine smirk and said, "The white haired girl was his girlfriend at the moment, but I will be the one who will stay with him forever,"

Hii-Chan grin at Celestine and said, "On your dream, and I'm not his girlfriend but his fiance,"

Celestine had a tick mark on her forehead and start arguing with Hii-Chan again.

"You are really popular," Natsuo said with a sigh and my father nod at him.

"I'm going to remarry," Akihiko said dropping a bomb at me and Natsuo.

"I don't have a problem with that, I decide to marry my girlfriend by the way," I said giving my Father a smile.

"I agree with that but isn't it early to marry at your age?" Natsuo asked while looking at me.

"You don't need to worry, the two of us already gone through many things," I said earning a nod from Hii-Chan.

"N-nice to meet you... I am Wakaba Hiiro," Hii-Chan said in a quiet voice.

Akihiko start tearing up and said, "I didn't expect my son will marry this early don't tell me she was pregnant,"

I blush so hard and when I looked at Hii-Chan and saw that she was blushing too.

A tick mark appeared at Celestine forehead and Ariel was giving us a smirk.

"N-no, we plan to settle things first," Hii-Chan said in a quiet voice.

I nod my head in agreement.

"I almost forgot, She and her daughters will come here later," Akihiko said.


"I'm gonna cooked more food," I said and immediately cooked with Hii-Chan.

"Are we celebrating a birthday party or is this a festival?" Natsuo asked while looking at the mountains of food in the table.

"No, The grandma over there was a glutton," I said while point at Ariel who throw the joystick at me, but I dodge it.

"Can I asked your age Ariel-san," Akihiko asked because she looked young.

"I'm already 50 this year," Ariel said. of course that's a lie I'm sure that her age was had already reach a 500 or more.

Akihiko and Natsuo got shocked by the words of Loli Grandma.

"and Shiro-Chan was my granddaughter~,"

The two got shocked again but nod their head.

"Now let's the party begin!" Ariel shouted while drinking a bottle of wine.

"Woohoo!" Hii-Chan shouted while clapping.

"Hee~ Sei-Kun, looks how beautiful I am," Hii-Chan said while hugging my head. "Hehehe~ your hair was so smooth and soft,"

"Lay your head here," I put Hii-Chan head in my lap and she start enjoying it.


"Ding!" The doorbell suddenly rang and Akihiko immediately drag my Natsuo and left the living room.

"Calm down, Good afternoon. Thank you for inviting me this time," A graceful woman said with a bow.

"Welcome," Akihiko said with his idiotic smile

"Hey, why don't you say hello too," The graceful woman said dragging two beautiful girls.

"Why the shocked expression?" Seito asked when he arrived in the door but got tackle by a white haired girl the moment he arrive there.

"You can't scape from me~" Shiro said while hugging Seito arms and start dragging him in the living room.

"Ah! Long time no see, Hina-nee," Seito said while getting dragged.

"Another girl again," Shiro said with a pout.

"I think, you should stop drinking alcohol," Seito said. to Shiro while patting her head.

"Hehehe. No way~" Shiro said with a bubbly smile enjoying being pat.

"You grew up so fast Seito-Kun," Hina said with a smile.

"Of course, I am," Seito said with a smile but his position looks awkward because he was currently getting dragged by a beautiful girl.

"I didn't know you knew each other," Akihiko asked and Natsuo nod.

"I used to to play with him when I was in Highschool," Hina said.

"Nah, She used to kidnap me when I was little," Seito said while shrugging his shoulder.

"She must be the Beautiful onee-san you always talked about," Akihiko said with a smile and thank Hina for taking care of him when he was little, because he was always busy in work and his brother was busy in school.

Hina blushed because she always drags him in the cafe when he was little at that time.

Her sister and Mother give her a suspicious looked, making her blush.

"He probably ordered tons of coffee jelly," Shiro said. and give Seito a blank stare.

"Come on, It's coffee jelly. a combination of bitterness and sweetness making it my favorite snacks," Seito said.

"Now that I think about it, he always ordered those," Hina said with a smile.

Natsuo looked at this with jealousy because his crush was talking happily with his brother.

"Soo~ Is she your girlfriend~ Nice to meet you, I'm Tachibana Hina," Hina said with a teasing smile.

"Yes, I'm Sei-Kun girlfriend, nice to meet you too, Hina-nee, I'm Wakaba Hiiro," Shiro said while hugging Seito head.

"Hee~ the two of you already calling each other with a nickname," Hina said and start teasing the two.

Akihiko and His wife smile at this because the two was already this close.

"My introduction might be late, I'm Tachibana Tsukiko," Tsukiko said while bowing.

"I'm Fuji Natsuo," Natsuo said while bowing.

"Ah! Fuji-san son was Fuji-Kun," Hina said with a smile.

"Why are you saying the obvious," Tsukiko said.

"That wasn't my point, Fuji-Kun was my student at school," Hina said.

"Really?" Tsukiko asked.

"Their last name isn't rare, I didn't know they're relative," Hina said.

"I'm even surprised the Seito-Kun, was his son," Hina said.

"Now, now we can talk later let's go to the living room," Akihiko said and start guiding them inside.

The Tachibana got surprised the moment they arrived in the living room, and saw the mountains of delicious looking foods.

"Wow! Did you cooked all of this?" Tsukiko asked.

"You finally arrived Hi, I'm Ariel," Ariel said and asked for a shake hands.

"Hello, I'm Celestine," Celestine said with a bow.

Seito start playing with Celestine who lay her head in his lap and Shiro starts arguing with her due to that.

"Seito-Kun popularity had increase huh," Hina said and starts watching them play out of curiosity.

Natsuo and Rui was looking at each other awkwardly because they almost do something together if her mother hadn't arrived early.

"Who cooked this?" Rui asked out of curiosity because the food was delicious.

Tsukiko looked at Akihiko with curiosity.

"If you are asking who cooked this it should be Seito," Akihiko said while scratching his head and can't deny the food was delicious.

"Is he planning to be a chef?" Rui asked out of curiosity.

Tsukiko smile turned grim and her eyes turned emotionless.

"No he is not, apparently he inherited his mother tastes bud's, and take advantage of it to make his food more delicious," Akihiko said while scratching the back of his head.

"Wow, so he was natural, looks like I'm gonna lost my place as a mother," Tsukiko said gaining back her smile.

"Right, right this is my sister, Seito-Kun, she has the same age of Natsuo," Hina said dragging Rui.

"You see~ She's a little bit unsociable, but" Hina noticed Natsuo was blushing and can't help but asked. "Huh? do you know each other?"

"Ye- ye," Natsuo start scratching the back of his head.

"No, it's the first time meeting Him," Rui said.

"Tsukiko-san, can I asked what do you like about my father?" Natsuo asked.

"Hmm, I like many things about him but I guess the thing, I like to him was his integrity,"

"You see, my ex-husband cheated on me and left. I become so angry afterwards and thought I can't trust men, who are lowly creatures to this day." She paused for the moment and loomed at Akihiko

"But Akihiko was different, he said that he will always support me, until the ice in my heart melted away. His words was clumsy but I can feel his seriousness from his words," Tsukiko hold Akihiko hands and start smiling with her.

"Cliche," Shiro said making Seito and Natsuo nod in agreement.

Ariel was crying with them making it weird.

"Hello! will you stop building your own world," Hina said making stopping the two from being lovey-dovey.

"MM~ so delicious!" Hina said drinking the wine that Seito ordered.

"Yeah! come one Sei-Kun drink," Shiro said and start giving him a glass of wine.

Seito drank the whole bottle of wine and Ariel cheered for him.

Shiro give Seito a smirk and hug his arms and start falling asleep but before she felt asleep she suddenly feel a familiar feeling and saw that Seito was kissing him.

"Stop this in instant," Celestine said and trying to broke the kiss of the two but to no avail.

"Aww~ don't be jealous~" Ariel said and start teasing Celestine.

All of them start talking and Seito starts flirting with Shiro making the whole night become merrier in the Fuji household.