
Ancient Pride

Quinn, a dragon Prince was suddenly involved in a scheme greater than he could ever possibly imagine!

Monkey_Godking · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
12 Chs


A young man woke up in a room. He stretched his limbs and scratched his head as he yawned and got off the bed. The young man dressed in luxurious clothing and walked out of his room.

Maids lined up at the door and bowed "Good morning, Prince." The young man waved and smiled "Good morning, my lovely little maids. How are you all today?" The maids smiled and said "Very good, Prince. Did you sleep well?"

The young man smiled warmly and said "Of course! Today is a very special day!" One of the maids smiled and said "Prince, The King wanted to speak with you." The young man nodded and said "Lead the way, the rest of you take the day off.." he winked and smiled charmingly "See you in a century~"

The maids giggled and left as the young man followed the head maid to the throne room. The young man thanked the maid and walked into the room.

A tall man was sitting on the throne. He was around 11ft tall with sword-like eyebrows, sharp facial features and a kind smile, but he had the bearing of a king. He had short black hair, greying out at his temples, and a scruffy beard. His face had a scar over his left eye and his remaining eye was orange.

The man coughed and said, "You're finally here, Prince." The young man rubbed his hands and said "Come on Old man. You won't even address your son by his name?" the man chuckled and bit and waved saying "Come here, Quinn."

Quinn smiled and walked over, his father stood up and put a hand on Quinn's head as he sighed "Already time for the adult ceremony… I remember when you clung to my leg and refused to let go." Quinn's face turned ugly as he complained "That was 140 years ago!"

The man sighed and said "What a good time that was.." Quinn gritted his teeth and said "Oi! Old man! Today is my adult ceremony! You're supposed to treat me like an adult!" the man scoffed "I used to wipe your ass!"

Quinn's face turned red and he trembled in anger, the man laughed and a sweet voice sounded "Dear, he's right. Our boy is a man now." Quinn and the man looked over and smiled "Mother!/ Mary."

Quinn hugged his mother and Mary stroked his head lightly saying "How are you today, baby." Quinn smiled and said "Great!" Mary smiled and looked at the man as she said "Dane, is everything prepared?" Dane smiled and nodded before grabbing Quinn's collar and pulling him away as he embraced his wife saying "You know.. Since this brat is going to sleep maybe we should get a new one."

Mary blushed and said "Rascal!" Quinn fell right on his face and jumped up saying "Oi! Old man! Throw me again and I'll show you why the flowers are red!" Dane laughed and cracked his knuckles saying "He becomes an adult and he thinks he can take his father? I guess you forgot about all the training, I put you through personally?"

Quinn trembled but kept his head high as he said "Pfft. You're getting old, I can take you!" Dane chuckled and said, "Maybe you need a reminder.." Mary chided from the side with a smiling expression "Just not his face, Honey." Dane grinned and grabbed Quinn faster than he could react before dragging him to the training room.

Quinn realized maybe he was a bit overzealous, looked at his mother with a pitiful look, Mary covered her mouth, and laughed while waving with the other hand. Quinn paled and remembered the 60 years of training, he was beaten every day, those weren't happy memories.

A while later

Quinn stumbled out of the training room mumbling "Never again.." Dane walked out and laughed as he patted Quinn's shoulder saying "You almost had me! Maybe in another 600 years, you'll beat me. Hahahahahaha" Quinn was aggrieved, this guy didn't even go easy on his own son.

A maid walked into the room and said "The ceremony is ready my king."

Dane nodded and got serious as he pulled Quin to him and straightened out his hair and clothes before saying "Quinn. This is a very important ceremony, I want your full attention." Quinn straightened out and nodded seriously.

Dane nodded and said "Good. Your mother and I will be waiting for you. You will take your hammer with you." Quinn nodded and Dane paused before saying "You are the Prince of the Dragon clan. I expect a real man to come out and lead the rest of our race." Quinn's horns popped out of his head, they were curled and looked like cambion horns but they were twisted halfway and ended in sharp points.

Dane smiled and said "Good boy. Let's go get you ready." Quinn followed his father and went to a room, Mary was there and she was holding a box. She walked over and said with teary eyes "My beautiful boy. Mother made you something."

Mary opened the box and revealed two gold cuffs, she snapped them over the base of his horns and smiled "I love you, baby." as she kissed his forehead. Quinn smiled warmly and hugged his mother and father.

Dane coughed and looked away saying "Alright. Time for the Ceremony!" Quinn took a deep breath and walked out of the palace to see a sea of Draconian people.

Dane smiled and said "Today is the day of the Prince's adult ceremony! Thank you all for your efforts during this time." The crowd cheered and bowed in reverence. Dane smiled and said, "Commence the ceremony!"

Quinn walked forward and stood in front of a coffin of sorts. He stepped inside and laid down, Dane walked over and placed a massive hammer on top of Quinn as he whispered "I will miss you, Quinn."

Quinn smiled warmly and Dane closed the coffin before saying "Bless the young with the ancestor's spirit! Lower the ceremonial chamber!" The crowd roared, as did Dane and Mary, along with the rest of the palace servants. Quinn felt the coffin lowering until it hit the bottom and stopped.

Quinn's breathing slowed and soon enough he fell into slumber.

Dane and Mary smiled and ended the ceremony before returning to the palace...

20 years later

Dane was sitting on his throne with a cold face, scars all over his body as he said "What happened!?" The maid trembled and said "King, It's the humans! They attacked! The Queen.. She…" the maid couldn't finish.

Dane crushed his chair and disappeared, it wasn't long before a roar full of grief and rage was heard. The entirety of the island trembled and heard a bloodthirsty voice "Kill! Kill them all!"

40 years later

Dane was sitting on the throne, his hair completely white. He had a tired look in his eye as he said "Those people are our allies, we must help them." a man to the side hesitated and said "But King... They are in an even worse situation than us.."

Dane said "Nevertheless! We must! We are both carriers of his will! we must stick together! Let's go!" A maid ran over and said, "King, the Prince's awakening is supposed to be in 40 years.."

Dane was silent before saying "Destroy the awakening device. Our bloodline must be preserved!" The maid paled and said "King!" Dane closed his eye and said "It must be done. I don't foresee a victory in this war.. Hais, I am a terrible King.."

The maid sighed and smiled "That's not true King. Everybody worships you, you are a hero among the people. We will all follow you till the end." Dane smiled a bit and straightened out saying "Good! I will enjoy my final battle with you all!"

The warriors and draconians cheered and their blood started to boil in excitement. Dane led the draconians to save those that carry the will of D.

The draconians fought alongside the carriers against the corrupted humans and their allies.

40 years later…

Dane got a sword to his stomach and coughed up blood, he grinned and said "You think you're safe with them? Foolish human, you're doomed! Aahahahahahaha" Dane mustered up what he had left and swung his halberd, chopping the leader of the human army's head off before collapsing in a pool of blood with a smile as he whispered "Quinn, you must survive…" before closing his eye, a single tear falling from it.

It had been a hundred years but Quinn still wasn't awake. Time slowly passed like this as century after century passed. The ceremony being what it was, wasn't meant for prolonged sleep as it actually would weaken the draconian, it wasn't a massive decrease but still a decrease nonetheless.

After an incalculable amount of time

Quinn heard a roar within himself and his eyes shot open. He roared himself and punched through the chamber and dirt.