

What if iruka and the sandaime weren’t the only ones to witness Naruto defeat mizuki. What if someone wanted Naruto even more than kakashi. What happens when a butterfly flaps it’s wings and introduces Naruto to the darkness of the world instead of the light.

Anthony_Chavez_5087 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
41 Chs


(AN: this next part will be a little different from cannon.)


"Naruto everything mizuki said was a lie." Iruka stated as he caught up to naruto. "Give me the scroll hurry before he catches up." Kicking iruka away naruto landed as iruka tumbled away. "It can't be how did you know naruto. How did you know it was me and not iruka." As he finished he was swallowed by cloud of smoke and revealed mizuki.

"Hahaha because I'm iruka." Naruto replied as he also was clouded by smoke before turning back into iruka. As iruka leaned back on a tree and grunted in pain.

"Your a fool why do you protect the demon." Mizuki asked as neither felt as Naruto hid behind one of the trees and listened in.

"I don't care what you say your not getting your hands on the scroll." Iruka replied.

"Like you could stop me. Plus naruto is more like me than you. He wants the scroll for his own selfish reasons. Like the demon he is he'll channel his rage into that scroll and destroy everything." As mizuki spoke Naruto got a complicated look in his eyes.

"Your right…that is how beasts are but Naruto is no beast. Yes it's true, his suffering makes him stronger as does his rage I've seen it. But the difference between him and a beast or demon is that he will never give in or cave his will is stronger than you think." Iruka stated as he passed out. Meanwhile Naruto's conflicted eyes gained a new light as a fire stared up in them.

Up in the trees an owl masked anbu tapped a deer masked anbu on the shoulder while holding out his hand. "Told you he wouldn't break. Now pay up." The owl masked anbu whispered

"Fine but I don't have it all on me I'll give you the rest tonight when we get back to hq." The deer masked anbu whispered back.

"And you'll both owe me once he beats the traitor." A cat masked anbu whispered from above them as she stared at the blond kid who was getting up.

"He may be talented but he can't beat a chunin." Deer replied

"Oh I'm not to sure about that." Cat replied as her purple hair flew up in the wind.

Back with the two chunin mizuki spoke "you really believe that don't you. You idiot he'll always be nothing more than a demon. I was ganna save you for later but after that drivel I'll kill you now."

As mizuki took off towards iruka Naruto shot out from behind a tree and punched mizuki away. "Lay a hand on iruka-sensei and I'll kill you." Naruto growled out while looking at the passed out iruka.?Than making a hand seal hundreds of shadow clones appeared. "If your not going to make the first move than I will." As he finished the clones ran towards mizuki before starting to beat him up. Mizuki was able to kill a few clones but was overran by the endless swarm. After a minute naruto released the jutsu. Seeing the wounded and bleeding mizuki he took out one of his shitty kunai. Walking over he raised it up in the air.

As he brought his hand down to plunge the kunai into mizuki. "Stop we need him for interrogation." A hand grabbed his own as another landed on his shoulder.

Looking up Naruto saw a dragon masked anbu. "But…" he started only to be cut off

"No. You did good but he's more useful alive than dead. Don't worry he will suffer I'll give him to anko. She loves dealing with orichimaru's spy's." Dragon stated before giving Naruto a hard look.

Seeing this naruto put on his fake smile while hiding the intelligence in his eyes behind the gleam of childish innocence. "Ok don't worry I.." he tried to speak again but was cut off by dragon

"Drop the mask boy you won't fool me. Don't worry your no demon to me. Now come along we need to have a talk with the hokage. Cat bring the scroll. Lion take iruka to the hospital. Owl and deer bring the traitor to his new hell." Dragon ordered as they put a hand on Naruto's head and looked back down at him "you did good boy, now follow." As they finished dragon took off with cat and lion following.

His eyes landing in the cat masked anbu he saw her purple hair and froze for a few seconds before shaking his head and dropping his happy mask. Replaced with a more mature and tired look on his face as he took off after dragon and the others.

*hokages office*

"Why?" Naruto asked as he stared at the old man.

Taking a long drag of his pipe hiruzen spoke "you weren't ready." He answered making Naruto narrow his eyes. "For as long as you played stupid and we're a flight risk I wouldn't tell you." He further explained

"And you think keeping the fact that I had a clan and the kyuubi from me would lessen my flight risk." Naruto asked with a are you stupid look that only became more obvious when hiruzen spoke next

"I wanted you to have a normal childhood." Hiruzen tried only to get a snort from Naruto

"Failed that one hokage-sama." Naruto stated in a formal tone unlike the the familiar and friendly tone he used before.

Behind their mask both cat and dragon were giving the hokage the *I told you so* look as he just took another drag on his pipe. "Yes, it was a mistake to leave your safety and childhood to a bunch of grieving and hateful villagers. I wasn't in the right state of mind when I made that decree." The old man replied

Just looking at him without any sympathy naruto asked "now may I know about the nine tails or will that be a secret you keep from me as well. Also my parents there's no way you don't know who they were?" As he saw the hesitant look in the old man's eyes he asked in a tired voice. "Did they abandon me or also try to kill me?"

Widening his eyes hiruzen opened his mouth but dragon cut him off "No your parents loved you very much. Also they wouldn't hate you for the nine tails your mother was the previous nine tails jinchuuriki."

"Human sacrifice?" Naruto asked with a raised eyebrow

"Dragon." Hiruzen warned

"Yup there are nine of you each holding your own beast each with a different number of tails and power ranging from one to nine." Dragon stated

"I see than who were my parents?" Naruto asked dragon desperation in his eyes.

"Your father was a great man but your to weak to know his name." Dragon replied bluntly

Gritting his teeth and stuffing the instinct retort and yell about being hokage back down his throat for once he just nodded while asking "my mother?"

"Good your getting better at controlling yourself already. Well I'm not telling you about your parents till your solid jonin without any help from the kyuubi." Seeing the confusion in his eyes at the last part dragon continued "I'll tell you later. Now your mother on the other hand well she was an anbu. anbu fox to be precise she chose the fox mask after accepting what she was. She was a kenjutsu and fuinjutsu master and an expert in jutsu. Her name was Kushina uzumaki."

"Do you have a picture?" Naruto asked in a low voice.

"Yes…" seeing the smile start to cross his face dragon continued "but it's not for you." As dragon finished Naruto got a surprised look

Unable to suppress the urge to yell Naruto exclaimed "WHY!"

Without any hesitation dragon back handed Naruto into the wall. Groaning on the floor dragon disappeared and reappeared next to Naruto and grabbed him by the throat. "You will not talk to a superior officer like that boy. I am anbu commander your not even a academy student anymore or a genin your a civilian that tried to steal the scroll of sealing. You will talk to me with respect." Dragon ordered with their monotone "do you understand." They finished slowly

Nodding Naruto spoke out through choked breaths "yes dragon-sama"

"Yes dragon-sama what." Dragon returned

"Yes dragon-sama I understand." Naruto barely choked out.

Letting go of his throat naruto fell to the ground and was breathing hard. "Good now back to the topic. Yes I have a picture of your mother and yes I knew her personally, but I will not tell you about her nor will I show you what she looks like. You will find out what she looks like by yourself, and I will tell you more about her if you do well in your training and progress in strength. Your father's identity is obvious but people are to blinded by hate to see it. If you figure out who he is don't tell a fucking soul." Than pausing and taking a breath dragon saw that Naruto was looking at them and giving them his full attention. "Now you will choose from two paths." As dragon spoke he took out two objects one a fox mask and the other a konoha forehead protector. He placed the forehead protector on the hokages desk next to hiruzen. As the sun started to rise the fox mask was shrouded by the darkness and shadows of the room, while the konoha forehead protector shined in the morning light. While dragon and cat laid within the shadows hiruzen sat while bathed in the morning light with Naruto. "Will you follow in your mothers footsteps and protect this village from the shadows while learning about her and training under me in the anbu…." Dragon started only for hiruzen to finish

"Or will you walk in the light towards your dream of becoming the hokage like the fourth." Hiruzen tried to persuade Naruto to his side by comparing him to the fourth again like he did at the ramen stand.

But in Naruto's mind mizuki's words rang like booming thunder *That's why no one will ever except Naruto uzumaki the demon boy in this village. Your dream of being the hokage will never reign true.* mizuki's words echoed in his mind like a gong as his eyes hardened and he walked out of the morning light shining in through the windows and into the shadows with dragon and cat. "I'll follow my mother dragon-sama." Naruto stated in a monotone rivaling that of dragons.

Nodding in approval dragon ripped the goggles off of Naruto's head while bringing the mask up to his face. "Than from now on you'll leave a shadow clone on the hokage tower to do a office job while the real you protects the leaf from the shadows. Your mother would be proud." As dragon finished cat let out a relieved sigh that went unnoticed by Naruto but was heard by the others. Hiruzen on the other hand just let out another tied sigh as he slowly grabbed the headband and put it in his desk. "Now go home you'll attend team placement tomorrow and be sent to the hokage tower. After that I will send some one to pick you up. We will begin your training after that." As they finished dragon turned and left disappearing into the shadows.

Looking at the now fox masked Naruto cat spoke after a few seconds of staring "I look forward to working with you nar…fox." She corrected herself from calling him by his pet name. After speaking and not waiting for a reply she disappeared in a body flicker.

Staring at the spot cat was in for a few seconds he spoke "I do as well Neko-nee." Before walking towards the window of the office. "Goodbye hokage-sama." Naruto stated as hiruzen just lowered his hat as Naruto hopped out of his office.

"Sorry minato looks like I really did fail you." Hiruzen spoke to no one but the portrait of the fourth hokage.

Just than a jonin busted in through the door "hokage-sama we can't find Naruto or the scroll."

"Call the search off Naruto was preforming a test for me his ability with infiltration and getting away made him a key candidate for testing our security. You all failed." The hokage announced as a few jonin and chunin winced before going to inform the others that the search is over and the purpose of the test.