
The Church

As the cart slowly approached the church he tried to make sense of the scenario.

From what he could understand the previous owner of the body was hit by lightning but died or maybe after death the body was struck by lightning, Both possibilities would be probable. If the former occurred the original host was expunged and died or maybe that the host died previously and the lightning bolt "transferred " his memories at the least or a simulacrum of himself on the mind of this kid and removed the previous and revived the body which made him think of how to accept this being a clone of his previous self or how he may or may not have extinguished the life of a child by no means his own action but circumstance, it was a poinient concept he needed to muddle over later as being an analyser at heart he wanted to find this out .

One thing he was happy about in the occupation of the body was that the mental capacity of this body even though was a toddler it was able to retain all the memories of his previous life and was capable of higher function and processing information faster. As they approached reaching the church a priestly man wearing white robes come into view, as the cart closed embroidery clearly seen on those robes covering the body, The priest walked out talking in the language he did not understand towards the couple , The priest lifted Mason from the cub like structure as he was held to the chest of the priest he felt the warmth,He was brought into the church with the priest taking heavy strides as his caretakers solemnly followed respectfully behind the priest.

As they entered prominent chandlers where hung and from on high it illuminating the church with a dim glow, while light penetrated the stain glass windows on either side. It looked like a normal church with pews to sit either side with a prominent alter at the front. As the priest continued holding Mason the ostentatious alter came into view and 2 distinct basins on either side came into view as well. As Mason raised his head he saw a gaudy depiction of an angelic like figure was plastered on a stain glass window behind alter was placed. As he thought to himself he assumed that they will pray for his well being due to being struck by lightning and say thanks their son didn't die to this god or maybe saint which was depicted .little did they know their son did die and an adult man occupied the body. He did not realise he was wrong about the prayers in one way or another. His parents kneeled in prayer and the priest raised a censor. Out of it flowed a pungent aroma of incense, as it wafted on the floor and filled the air with its touch reducing the smell of burnt flesh to a bearable level.

As the priest chanted a sermon, as it continued a Topaz coloured energy collected around the priests arm like the phenomena, Mason shuddered in fear how in the hell is a human manifesting phenomena, the priest then seemed to project it after he reached the apex of a sermon, this energy cascaded into Mason's body, as it flowed through the body his cells rejuvenated and revitalised, As it mended the body at a perplexing speed reducing the smell of burning to just a musk left in the air which dissipated before long. it made him come to a realisation.He was not in his original world anymore or if it was it was, something catastrophic happened with phenomena reducing civilisation to that of to a medieval era of advancement and somehow humans evolved into knowing how to utilise phenomena using their body alone which intrigued him. This made him so very interested and he wanted to be able to do the same as he was awed by this as if he was reverted to a childlike state not showing his logical or adult reaction to this.

The priest lifted Mason and put him upright on top and gestured to my caretakers to keep Mason still.

The priest reached for each basin on either side touching his index finger with each hand with great care onto the liquid in the basin,The liquids steamed at his touch turning molten ,one was white one was most similar to mercury,As he did this he recited a sermon even while Mason did not understand the language he knew full well whatever that liquid was it pained the priest as it tainted his tone in the sermon, As the priest methodically reached towards Masons exposed forehead topaz energy's coalesced towards the liquids giving them a topaz glow, The priest methodically drew a circle with the silver like Mercury and the white on the middle ,Pain surged through his temples and the liquids contact points as if drilling into his mind and all Mason had to resist this onslaught was willpower alone as he could not clench his teeth as they were not fully grown nor swear in pain as he could not speak as the pain subsided through 10 seconds which felt like minutes but he mused to himself how nothing can match that burning in that black abyss.

The priest opened his mouth and Mason knew he would not understand but what the priest said baffled him not that he could understand but what the priest said .

"Quite special for a child at your age to not cry through baptism, strong of will at such as young age. Intriguing"

The voice of the priest was full of curiosity of this child as this was very strange.

Mason was in cold sweat from those words.