
An Osmosian in Marvel (MCU Fanfiction)

A man from our world dies and ends up in the MCU with the powers of the Retconned Osmosian from the Ben 10 series Follow his journey as he navigates his new world filled with aliens, monsters, and gods. Note: This story is an AU, since it will not be strictly MCU but will also include the X-men films, the early F4 films, and all of the Spidreman films from Tobey Maguire to Andrew Garfield MC/Laura Kinney/Emma Frost

ArifuretaForever · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
96 Chs

Chapter 35: A Resounding Success

(3rd Person: POV)

While Roman and Laura took care of business inside the Facility, their teammates were doing the same thing outside.


Exiting through another of the Facility's entry points a group of individuals started running through the woods, attempting to escape.

Though before any of them could get very far, they were stopped in their tracks.

*Bang! Bang! Bang!*

Several loud bangs rang out through the air, and a second after each did so the people attempting to escape the Facility fell to the ground.


Because all of them had been shot through the head.

Courtesy of Domino.

The female assassin was perched on a nearby hill, a sniper rifle in hand.

Using the scope she surveyed the area around the Facility.

Ready and willing to follow Roman's order to kill anyone or anything that tried to leave the area.


Face-to-face with several gunmen, Piotr was in his Osmium form.

A neutral expression on his face.

But inside he was raging.

Laura's explanation of her relationship to the Facility had brought up unpleasant memories for Piotr.

Namely how the former government of his former homeland, the Soviet Union, treated their citizens.

Especially those with special powers like him.

Even the new government wasn't much better in his eyes.

Due greatly to the fact the government was the reason Piotr's parents were dead.

He still remembered that day many years ago when his grandparents told him and Illyana the news.

Piotr will never forget the pain and anguish he felt then.

And now to see someone else in a situation similar to his own, well he can't stand it.

That's why, despite his nervousness, Piotr wholeheartedly agreed with Roman's orders for this mission.

He would take absolutely no prisoners.

"Take this freak down!" A gunmen yelled.

Right after they did so the gunmen and their companions began firing at Piotr.

But the bullets simply bounced off his skin, doing no damage in the slightest.

Upon seeing this the gunmen got nervous and knew they needed to find another way to attack Piotr immediately.

But before the gunmen could come up with a plan the Mad Russian made his move.

Charging forward with his right shoulder out in front of him Piotr slammed into the gunmen's formation.

Throwing into chaos.

As well as killing some of them un the process.

The moment their formation was in disarray Piotr followed his training, which Roman had made sure he would never forget, and continued his assault without pause.

Following the saying Roman usually spoke during their training session he got from an old film called the Karate Kid.

Strike hard, strike fast, no mercy!

A saying Piotr has come to like.

He has also come to love the Karate Kid films after Roman introduced them to him.

Moving on.

Grabbing one of the gunmen by their arm Piotr held onto them tightly and then proceeded to smack them unto their comrades like hitting a baseball with a bat.

The sounds of bones breaking and screams echoed through the air as Piotr continually to mercilessly beat the gunmen using one of their own.

After fifteen minutes passed all of the enemies were dead.

Including the one Piotr used as a makeshift weapon.

Dropping the corpse Piotr went on the hunt for more targets.

His stomps on the ground creating echoes as he did.

Which spelled death for anyone he came across.


Standing upon a hill overlooking the Facility, as he has his duplicates patrolling the area, James wondered how much longer this operation would take.

Because he had a hot date tonight that he absolutely did not want to miss.


Ignoring James' date plans, since there were far more important things to be working about at the moment, Laura and Roman were progressing smoothly in taking down the Facility from the inside.

Now, even with Kimura standing in there way they would not stop.

Just the the pair crossed over to Kimura she jumped to her feet.

Roman's shotgun blast to her chest having done no damage at all.

Not that Roman expected it would.

Since he remembered that whatever the Facility did to Kimura gave her a superhuman durability that can withstand any type of physical attack. It was even strong enough to withstand Laura's adamantium claws.

That's not even mentioning the phasing power Kimura has or her combat training and combat experience.

If this was a fair fight Roman and Laura would surely end up dead.

Good thing it wasn't.

Namely since Roman knew Kimura's only real weakness.

While her outsides might be impervious to just about any kind of harm her inside are a different story.

Since Kimura still needs to breathe.

So the way to defeat the sadistic bitch is to cut off her oxygen supply.

To put simply Roman and Laura need to suffocate Kimura by any means they at their disposal.

An action Roman plans to take great joy in.

"Laura, while she might be impervious to your claws she still needs air. So if you want her dead then make sure this bitch can't breathe." Roman explained.

Laura nodded in acknowledgement.

Meanwhile Kimura became both shocked and angered at Roman's words.

'How did this little shit know my weakness?!' Kimura angrily thought.

To her it made no sense, since this is the first time they are meeting.

Kimura thought about the answer for a few seconds before she dismissed such thoughts from her mind.

'There's no reason I need to be thinking so hard. I just need to kill the little bastard.' Kimura thought.

Going back to her default setting.

She then put a sadistic smirk back on her face before pulling out one of her pistols and taking aim at Laura.

But right before Kimura could pull the trigger Roman used his telekinesis to rip the gun from her grasp.

The moment after this happened Laura jumped toward Kimura and kicked her in the chest, forcing her onto the ground once again in as many minutes.

Taking her hands Laura wrapped them around Kimura's throat and attempted to choke her.

But before she could even get a good grasp Kimura aimed her fingers on her left hand at Laura's left side.

Sensing danger Laura jumped off Kimura and then jumped back.

Which gave Kimura yet another chance to jump to her feet.

But she didn't stay there long before Roman shot her in the chest again and she was knocked on her ass for a third time.

Since even if Kimura can't feel physical pain she can still feel the impacts of physical attacks and is subject to the force they generate.

Finding herself on the ground once again made Kimura angrier, but no one really cared.

Taking aim at the tank in the middle of the lab Roman shot at it until it shattered and the clear liquid inside came rushing out and covered the floor.

Though right after Roman did this gunmen began flooding the lab.

Right after they did however Roman raised his left hand in their direction and unleashed blasts of electricity.

"Fuck off mobs, we're busy!" Roman shouted.

Ignoring the screams of his enemies as he did so.

Seeing her chance Kimura stood up for a fourth time.

But when she did so Laura was upon her. Throwing punches, kicks, and slashing at Kimura with her claws.

The person is question blocking all of Laura's attacks easily.

Not because she was better than Laura in combat, but because their powers were the worst matchup in existence.

"Give up bitch. You can't win and we both know it." Kimura haughtily spoke.

Laura in return said nothing and continued attacking.

"Oh I see. It looks like you need a lesson to remind you of your place. Well if you wanted one you should've just said so in the first place." Kimura spoke.

Yet Laura still said nothing in response.

Even as Kimura upped the ferocity of her attacks.

As this happened Roman finished off the gunmen who attempted to interfere.

Once he did do he moved her to the clear liquid and began absorbing it, his body trabsfirming into the liquid itself.

Which for him was weird.

It's not like this is the first time Roman has absorbed and transformed into a liquid.

He has done it before during his own personal training.

It's just he usually sticks to solid matter because becoming a liquid makes him feel scatterbrained.

But given the situation Roman is putting that feeling aside.

Within seconds Roman's entire body was a clear liquid.

Once it was he moved over to Kimura and Laura and jumped onto Kimura's back and placed his palms over her mouth.

A move which began cuffing off the latter's air.

Realizing what was happening to her Kimura going go try phasing of Roman's grasp.

But before she could Laura came up and punched her in the face.

Breaking Kimura concentration.

Once this happened both Laura and Roman turned up the pressure.

The former hitting Kimura with all she had, while the latter started producing the clear liquid he had turned into it and sent it down Kimura's throat. Make her suffocation move along faster.

No time to rest Kimura continued struggling, but had no way out.

Then eventually she stopped fighting and fell to her knees.

Black spots beginning to appear in her vision when she did.

Seeing Kimura was close to the end Roman took it as a chance to absorb her DNA and superhuman durability power for himself.

Once that was done he finished suffocating Kimura.

When he was sure she was dead he let go of her and her corpse slammed onto the ground.

Just after this happened another group of gunmen entered the lab, led by Zander Rice.

The head of the Facility.

[Insert Image of Sander Rice here]

Shifting back to his base form Roman then unleashed a powerful telepathic attack against Zander and his gunmen before any of them could make a move against either him or Laura.

His enemies under his control Roman used his telekinesis to snap the necks of everyone but Sander.

Once he did so he began ripping information from Zander's mind.

Like how to access the funds he used to keep the Facility running.

While doing this Roman also obtained the formula needed to make Adamantium.

Which put a smile on his face.

After he got all the information he wanted from Zander's mind he used his telekinesis to break the man's spine.

"Ahh!" Sander screamed.

Which Roman ignored.

Instead he turned to Laura. "He's all yours."

Nodding at Roman's words Laura gave him a small smile before turning to Zander and putting a dark expression on her face.

Her claws out Laura started walking over to Zander.

"Hey X-23. Stop this right now!" Sander shouted at Laura.

But she ignored him.

"I said stop!" Sander shouted once again.

Only for Laura to keep ignoring him.

Then before Zander could speak again Laura was standing above him.

"My name is Laura. The name my mother gave me." Laura spat at Zander.

She then started paying him back for all the years of paint and suffering he put her through.


Completely ignoring Zander's cries of pain Roman was at one of the compute terminals.

A flash drive plugged into it which was downloading all files within the Facilties databanks.

Just as all the data finished downloading Roman felt a tap on his shoulder.

Turning he saw Laura, her claws dyed red with blood.

"It's done." She said.

Roman nodded at here words.

Right after he did do he removed the flash drive from the computer terminal he was standing at.

After he did Roman and Laura placed C4 charges in the lab.

They then moved throughout the rest of the Facility and did the same.

Once all the charges were planted they exited the compound and Roman used his earpiece to contact the others.

"Mission completed. Meet us at the rendezvous point." He said.

Getting confirmation from Piotr, James, and Domino after he did do.

As the group assembled at the rendezvous point Roman pressed a trigger he was holding and the C4 charges went off.

Blowing up the Facility.

When it was over Roman opened up a portal and the group left.

Making their first mission a resounding success in Roman's mind.


A/N: Longest chapter to date.

Hope you enjoyed it.

Also give me power stones and reviews or else I'll turn Emma unto a Futa.

But then again I bet some of you degenerate perverts would love that. 😏😏