
Look who is back…

Reaching Spain. The D gang was ready to get Jack

Dina-" Okay ladies, here we are. But we can not leave the Airplane together. As all the reports are given to Jack, about the passenger who is traveling to his island. So, Mia, you will leave from behind. Ivy, you with me. Stella, you will leave after we leave and Sofia, Please hide your face. No one should know that you are here. And Isla, you will walk slowly Like as you walk and you can leave as your wish"

Isla gives disappointing look to Dina

Sofia-" You said all the record goes to Jack. Wouldn't he know that I am here"

Dina-" Honey, check your passport again. It's fake and the pic on it is edited. So don't worry"

Sofia-" This is the reason that I love you Aunt"

Dina clucks

Dina-" Let's go ladies"

They all left the airport as they planned. Took a taxi of their own and met at the place where they were gonna stay

Mia-" Isn't it similar to a garage"

Dina-" I couldn't afford much, so.."

Stella-"I like it. The bang-bang in the garage"

Isla( Old pitch)-" Fuck this place"

Ivy-" Hmm! IDC"

Sofia-" I wanna thank you all for helping me"

Stella- " Yeah yeah"

Dina-" And!"

Dina opens the almirahs of the garage. The almirahs were filled with weapons and grenades

Ivy-" WOW"

Isla- " Oo my snipper... I missed the touch of"

Mia-" Good work, Dina"

Stella-" Fuck you, Dina. I love it"

Sofia-" Oo my god, Dina. I have never seen anything like this"

Dina-" For a moment just keep pistols with you. And only use if needed. Don't fire without any reason, especially Stella you"

Stella( bitch tongue )- " Blah Blah Blah"

Dina-" Leave the sniper Isla"

Isla( old pitch)-" You're so fucking mean, Dina"

Stella-" Uhh. I need a beer"

Mia-" Me too"

Isla-" I am starving"

Ivy-" Yeah!"

Dina-" Okay let's go to a bar. I have a guy who works there. But Sofia, Just obscure your face. Okay?

Sofia-" Yup!"

Reaching a bar called The Blarney Stone

Dina-"The bar is so worn. But you have to negotiate"

Stella-" Excuse me! One beer, please"

Tony-" Hi Dina"

Dina-" That's tony. Hi, tony. Girls meet Tony"

Everyone says "HI"

Tony-" Hi everyone. Dina, You still look so young. I am still single If you want to..."

Dina( chuckles )-" Shut up, Tony. Girls, He flirts with everyone"

Tony-" I do, but my love is pure for you, baby"

Dina chuckles

Stella( angry)-"Fucking stop this nonsense. Give me my beer, Bony, Tony. Whatever your stupid name is?"

Tony( whisper )- " Why is she rude, Dina?"

Stella-" My beer?"

Tony-" Olive, Bring one beer please"

Sofia-" Wait, what's her name?"

Tony-" Olive. Why?"

Olive-" Sofia?"

Sofia ( sobbing )-" Oo my god, sister."

Olive-" You're alive. I knew you would be alive"

Both of them sob and hug each other

Sofia-" I needed you, Olive"

Dina-" How do you know her, Tony?"

Tony-" Past few months, she came to the bar and said she needs a job. She even said I can survive with few amount salary"

Dina-" Ahh"

Sofia-" How did you come here?"

Olive-" Because of that rascal, Jack. I knew that he was here, So In these 2 months I kept my focus on him and his every move"

Stella( whisper)- "I guess I have to pour my beer myself only"

Olive-" Is that Aunt Dina?"

Sofia-" Yeah. She is the one who saved my life"

Olive-"Hi Dina."

Dina-" Come here baby, Give a hug. Oo my sweet girl"

Olive hug Dina

Olive-" Isn't that your D Gang?"

Dina-" Yes honey"

Dina Introducing Olive to everyone

Mia-" I am enjoying your family moment"

Stella-" Fuck this. I am hungry. Is there something to eat?"

Olive-" You all, please have a seat. I will bring something for you"

Tony-" Olive wait!. You seat with them too. I will bring something"

Olive-" You sure!"

Tony-" Just go"

Olive-" Thanks!"

All of them sit at a dining table

Dina-" It's good to see you, Olive. You might now know why are we here?"

Olive-" Yeah. To ruin that bastard"

Dina-" But, as we know that you are good at making plans"

Olive-" I do have a plan. The only thing I need is a collaboration."

Stella-" Yeah yeah! Where the fuck is food"

Tony- "Coming. Here is your food and beers"

Dina-" Just tell us the plan, Olive"

Olive-" As you all know that Jack is married. The only thing we have to do is convince her wife to be on our side"

Sofia-" Why would she be on our side?"

Olive-" Actually she's a whore"

Mia-" Why would anyone marry a whore"

Olive-" Yeah. Even I was curious when I found it. But, that whore was his favourite and daily jack had sex with her. But one day she got pregnant. Now Jack only wants that baby. After that, he will throw his wife somewhere. And her wife knows that, but she can not do anything"

Stella-" Why can't she do the abortion?"

Isla(old pitch)-" It's not that easy to give up your baby"

Olive-" Yeah! And Jack bodyguard's are always with her. Where ever she goes they are always with her"

Sofia-" Then how will we convince her?"

Olive-" We have to just pass her one-note and the rest she will handle"

Stella-" And where did he keep his fucking money?"

Olive-" No one knows that. I only know that the money is at his big house"

Tony-" Ladies someone is arriving"

Olive-" Sofia, come with me"

Olive takes Sofia to the kitchen

Random guys to Stella-" Hey sexy!"

Stella shows them the middle finger

Random guys chuckle and order beer

There Olive I kitchen

Olive-" Sorry for your baby sister"

Sofia-" It's ok"

Olive-" So, what are you thinking about?"

Sofia-" I am Gonna convince her wife, Olive. We will abolish that bastard, together..."