
Letter will help better

Jack woke up from king size bed, having maids, bodyguards around him. Sniffing cocaine and ordering maids to bring him chicken, vine. He has PA named Pol, who Handel all his illegal business. And his wife named Elisa, Jack does not respect her. He only takes care of her, for the baby.

Pol-" Sir, there is a meeting with Mr. Grayson today"

Jack put the cigarette in his mouth and his PA lit it up

Jack-" Time?"

Pol-"Sir, after 3 hours"

Jack-" Deal of?"

Pol-" Sir, cocaine"

Jack-" Hmm. When they come treat them properly. Bring some escorts for their entertainment"

Pol-"Okay, sir"

Jack went for a bath and sniffed drugs, and cocaine in the bathroom too.

There Sofia was thinking about how to talk with Jack's wife Elisa

Olive-" Thought about something?"

Sofia-" I don't know maybe. I did follow her last week, but her bodyguards, I mean Jack's bodyguards don't even let her pee alone. She can't even for washroom alone"

Mia-" Maybe we can help"

Olive-" How?"

Mia-" We can distract bodyguards"

Sofia-" Yeah on that point. There are 2 bodyguards and both are boyfriends"

Isla-" Gay?"

Sofia-" Yup!"

Stella-" Wow"

Dina-" Honey, how will deal with it then?"

Sofia-" But there is one thing that they both are very kind-hearted. They can not see anyone in pain or crying"

Ivy-" I have texted you something see"

Dina-" You spoke?"

Ivy-" Hmm!"

Sofia-" She had texted me that I have a plan"

Dina-" Then speak?"


Sofia-" Dina, she has texted me the plan. She is saying that, If they are kind then gather some ladies or guys, and whichever place she goes fill that place with that people and do it, Hooch Pooch everywhere. Then ask the old lady( Isla) to fall near bodyguards. And if they are that kind, they will diffidently help her. Till the time, talk to his wife"

Stella-" What the fuck. She has a good plan"

Mia-" You really, speak so much"

Dina-" She has a good plan"

Isla( old pitch)-" But, from where we will find the old lady?"

Olive-" Actually, she was talking or texting, whatever about you"

Isla-" I am leaving. I don't wanna be here anymore"

Sofia-" Listen, listen. Ivy's meaning is that we need a lady who can handle that situation easily and with the mind. So, you are the best option. Please do this, Please"

Isla-"Okay Okay"

Dina-" Okay the people we need will be here in 3hr"

After 3hr

Jack-" Hey Mr. Grayson. So what will you have, beer, wine, whiskey"

Mr. Grayson- " No need of anything Mr. Jack. We are just here for a deal"

But still, Jack tells Pol to bring red wine

Jack-" Yeah! So, have you brought cocaine?"

Grayson-" Yeah but, You told us that we would be given 30% of the sale of cocaine"

Jack-" Yup!"

Grayson-" But we won't 70% of the share"

Jack was shocked and pulled out his cigarette and lit it up

Jack-" 70%? Ah?

Here Jack was making a deal. Their D gang was going toward the plan

Dina-" Here they are. I have explained to people that, what they have to do"

( snaps finger twice) and people gather around Elisa and bodyguards in the restaurant. The was too much Hooch Pooch in the restaurant. The people were banging each other

Dina-" Okay Isla, you go know"

Isla reaches inside the restaurant and she fell near the bodyguards

Sofia-" Okay. Let's go"

The bodyguards saw that Isla is on the floor they were coming toward her

1st man-" Hey lady. Come on get up"

2nd man-" Wait, let me help you"

Here they were picking her up

There Sofia was searching for Elisa because it was difficult to find her in that crowd. But, some lady pulls Sofia out from that crowd

Sofia-" Elisa?"

Elisa-" I don't know why were you following me for a week, but I had a feeling that you are here for something big"

1st man (to 2nd man)-" You go and see where is Elisa mam"

2nd man- " Okay"

There Jack

Jack-" Do you think I am a fool?. How the fuck can you think I will keep only 30% of the share? Ah?"

Grayson-" Behave Mr.Jack"

Jack( anger)-" I am bloody Jack, The owner of the island, king of the fucking gangsters. I am fucking businessman. And you are telling me to behave? Ah?. How the fuck can you give me the order, In my house, In my island"

Grayson man-" Sir please calm down"

Jack takes out his gun and shoots Grayson's man

Jack-" Now, Leave the cocaine bag and fucking leave before I kill you"

Grayson leaves

There Sofia

Elise-" Take this letter. I have given some information, that how can you get to Jack. And I have given a number in it. Now leave before the guards come"


Guard 2- " Mam. We must leave"

Elisa-" Where the fuck were you?"

Guard 2- " So sorry mam. I have found a way out. Let's go"

Elisa-" Yeah!"

Isla saw Sofia leaving.

Isla-" Ok, One more pul"

Guard 1- " Uhh. Finally"

Isla( old pitch)- " Thank you son"

Isla leave. After her guards and Elisa even leaves

Sofia reaching garage

Mia-" Here they come"

Dina-" Come honey have a seat. Thank you, Isla"

Stella-"Fucking speak"

Dina-" So, Did you get something?"

Sofia gives the letter to Dina. Dina read it loudly

Dina( Reading letter)- " I don't know who are you, but I have seen you following me and I had a vibe that you are here to save me. I got that vibe from the look that you gave me a few days ago. I am just a side chick of jack and I have Jack's baby in me. We are not officially married. He just wants my baby. And I think I have I can bring you into the house. Just call me at this number at midnight 1 am and I will explain to you what you have to do. And If I miss the call, don't call again. I will call you back"

Sofia-" I thought that she will not get the look. But she did"

Dina-" And?"

Sofia-" Now, Just wait for midnight"