
An Extra's Struggle

***** This novel is long gone Don't bother reading this I'm sorry I wasn't able to continue ***** Girls that come clinging from every trope, comic misunderstandings and hot sword master mommies... ... That's what Damien got ... He's the hero, the omnipotent being that can do whatever he likes ! ... The story will resolve around him and his epic fights ! ... ... This above is the synopsis of the novel our Main Character was reading before he killed himself... ... Truth to be told... He was pathetic his whole life.... Being the garbage of society... ... However... He got a second chance ! Ethan... He could try to be the hero, now having the same powers as Damien ! ... And yet... It seems the world... Had determined a different fate for him... ... Ethan... From the start... He was just meant to be an Extra... ... One who struggles... And gets forgotten... ... ... But What If.... He doesn't give up ?

Darkmobil · แฟนตาซี
20 Chs

Rahu's P.O.V.

[ "This is absurd" ]

[ My mind was blacking out ] [ I'm a god, and I thought I wouldn't find anything so astonishing after all this years... ]

[ "I'm going crazy... My thoughts are being shown... Somewhere.... I think" ]

[ "No... It's almost like.... someone is narrating my actions... ]

[ I actually couldn't 'see' nor 'hear' them ]

[ It was a power similar to karma... ]

[ No... Something above it... ] 


[ It was probably my father's doing ] 


[ "What's the point ?" ] [ "What has actually changed ?" ]

[ I couldn't know ]

[ Nothing made sense.... I couldn't understand.... ]

[ What would have been the purpose ? ]


[ Point of view ]

[ 1 % : 1st person ]

[ 10 % : ??? ?????? ]

[ 100 % : ??????? ]

[ That's what I was shown... ] [ Ethan couldn't see it... ]

[ 1st person... ] 


[ That was definitely a way to tell a story... ]


[ I suddenly remembered something about novels on Earth... ]



[ "I can't believe it..." ]

[ "What if.... ]

[ A thought like this was something that would completely destroy my understanding of this world.... ]

[ It's was such an impossible theory, that I started denying it... ]

[ However... the pieces would connect ] 

[ Even Ethan's knowledge would be explained... ]

[ I needed to check, investigate... ] [ I needed the answer to a single question.... ]

[ "How is my father connected to Earth ?" ]

[ I already knew that traveling between dimensions was possible... ]

[ Ethan himself was the proof of it... ]

[ However, only one way 'doors' could be opened for a very small amount of time.. ]

[ If my father had really created a ???? between the two worlds... ]


[ One that lasted forever.... One that didn't need much energy... ]


[ 0n3 Th4t T0lD 4 $T0RY ] 

[ ???? ???? ???? ???? ]

... [ "Karma interfering is just confirming my theory..." ]...

[ "It seems I won't be able to come to a conclusion... Not yet" ]

[ I couldn't continue ]

[ I also needed to talk with Ethan to avoid suspicion ]

[ "He doesn't know about my father..." ]

[ "Maybe I should.... No..." ]

[ There was something I knew I absolutely needed to avoid ]

[ "This can't be mentioned in front of Ethan..."]

[ "No.. I MUSTN'T tell him anything regarding this matter" ]

[ "He might suffer even more..." ]

[ Actually, he had already found out about too many things... ]

[ "I should protect him from dangers...Like my father" ]

[ "He said he would stay out of this worlds affairs..." ]

[ "What caused him to ???? ???? " ]

[ "-Sigh-" ]

[ "There no point in troubling myself if I can't even pose a question...." ]

[ "I'll just give up for now" ]


Why aren't you saying anything ?

What do you mean everything changed ?

I couldn't even see him, but Rahu seemed distant... 

Did he know something ? Nah, I wouldn't be so stupid to doubt my friend a second time....


While Rahu was minding his affairs, I was standing on the now deserted street, with nothing but a lake of my own blood under myself and obviously the dead bodies of my best friends, bandit A,B,C,D,E.

Their carriage was still intact, that's why they were so kind to lend it to me.

As I took the rains, a sudden thought struck my mind

"Is my darkness going to grow back ?"

It did.

When I used the only spell I knew :

Darkness !

With the horses going straight to the goblins forest... I had time to model my new arm.

Imagine what I created... Easy to guess right ?

Ehehe, Aveline would like it this lon[ You're right, your face twist when you're spewing bullshit ]

"No, I'm sure she would go crazy for[ "Now I can even 'feel' Ethan's thoughts..." ]

[ "I'm sure he was about to say something illegal" ]

With Rahu stopping me from saying something very stupid...

...I relaxed myself for the first time in a while...


I slept...


Those rings under my eyes vanished, and I felt like a new man !


It wasn't meant to be such a long trip... Just a day or so...

However it really felt like years had passed with all the Dusk-thing

[ "Who's talking about me ?" ]

After all, I had arrived to the...

Goblin's forest !

That bitch's guide said It is full of goblins ( Those greenish 'things' that, at least, are civilized enough to not be naked ) and that sometimes a few werewolves can be spotted ( Wolfs that stand on two legs and are awfully resistant to normal attacks )

Contrary to what one may think, they are BOTH highly intelligent monsters, working in groups and even with other species...

I had really hoped I would have been luckier with my 1 %...


After a 10 minutes walk in the forest I encountered a team composed of two goblins in the rear and werewolf in the front

At least they're not the boss... I can consider myself lucky !

I was already imagining Plot armor and N. Karma in a conflict to decide what to do with me....

Usually the Main Character meets a 'Weirdly op monster who's actually a legendary Fenrir, no... a legendary loli.

She normally has the family tradition of marrying the man who defeats her.... Cliche trope.

Unfortunately , no cute girls here. 

Just a goblin couple that was creeping me out...

[ Unyielding mind is in use ]

"What am I going to do ?"

[ New message ]

[ Karma is helping you ]

[ Monsters will wait for you to finish your monologue ]

"I really like this new feature"

"Let's think of a way to end this quickly"

After all the training my powers were basically :

1st rank of Aura : I could use "Darkness slash" ( Flashy but useless ) and the Sword Art I was taught. This meant I could actually hold a weapon, and stroke it with enough force to slice a slime like butter.

What about Goblins ? Probably.

Werewolves ? I couldn't know.. I was taking a big step...

1st circle of Magic : Darkness. Just that. However, with the shadow that the trees projected on the ground, the whole area was basically under my control. I still wasn't able to create something that actually hurt others though.

1st rank of divine power : Darkness heal. The name says it all. Apparently it's the much weaker version of Darkness Advent...

I stayed there, and simulated the fight in my mind.


I stretched my arm and said :

Darkness !

The goblins fell in the void under their feet and mana ropes that emerged from the ground binded them.

I couldn't maintain such a spell for long.

I run towards the werewolf, who was still confused and tried to slash him -Slash- 

I failed, but when I tried again he had already taken a step backwards -Slash-

Main weapon of werewolves ? Their claws.

Just to be clear... They're hard as fuck.

Could my shitty sword take a serious hit ? The answer is probably a no, but I still took the gamble !



It broke... 

I expected it, with my negative karma being so high.

The enemy in front of me didn't waste time...


That werewolf was about to pierce me....


Just a second and I would have definitely died...


A punch on the chin, that's the only thing I could think of...

It shook his brain so much that bastard almost fainted...

However... He remained there, on his feet.


And his claw had reached my shoulder...


My mana was almost depleted....


With the last bit of strength I had in my right arm I removed his hand from my wound. 

Just die you motherfuker !

I completely ripped his ears off. 

I probably seemed like the true monster here

I pierced him repeatedly with my broken sword, causing him an excruciating pain 

-Huff- He died

I still couldn't say I had won

Yeah, the goblins.

A few meters in front of me, they were still stuck in the darkness I had created. They couldn't move their limbs.

With the time I had left, I quickly got closer, and used the chance to behead both of them with Darkness Slash


It wasn't much, but enough to end their life.

[ Good fight kid ]

-Darkness heal-

-Darkness heal-

It seems the wound wasn't too deep

[ As your teacher... I should give you a reward ! ]

"Hard work pays off"

Please send it to me through teleportation !

[ No, you misunderstood ]

[ First of all, I'm not in a treasury ] 

[ I'm chained right now, and the blue print I gave you is made of my own mana... ]

[ So I can't just send Items... ]

Then... what's my reward ?

[ A good load of training ]

[ -Grin- ]

You demon !

[ New mission ! ]-[ Training for a swimp ]

He really mixed sword and wimp to say how weak I was

[ Kill as many monsters as you can ! ]

[ Reward ]-[ Rahu won't be disappointed ; ) ]

It was a shitty mission.

I had already understood that I wasn't the main character....

Still, I at least expected some kind of cheat as the Saint of Darkness...

That's what garbage would have said.


"I should put at least this much effort...."

"For the man who wasted 40 years of his life on me...."

"Isn't this my repayment ?"

"If I can help him even a little bit..."


" I Would Even Jump Into The Pit of hell "


Let's find some monsters !

Rahu !

[ That's the bare minimum ]

[ "I think you just thought of something quite likable, didn't you Ethan ?" ]




-Are you okay Lady Aveline ?-

-Thank you for your concern, Damien- -However, I think It's best if you stay alert for goblins-

-Don't worry, I will always protect you from them !-

-Thank you, after all, you're my guard-

-"She didn't call me hero"- -"Tch"-

[ Plot armor acquisition rate ]

[ Damien 98.9 % (-0.1%) ]

[ Ethan 1.1 % (+0.1%) ]

Quote of the day :

* You suddenly want to leave a comment...

* Because if you don't...

* You feel like you're going to have a bad time.

Darkmobilcreators' thoughts