
An Eldritch Legacy: Sacrilegious Darkness

Creation just has too much light! Or so it seems. Will it be up to the Dak Ones to bring balance to creation and existence, or drive them to fall to their knees? -------- Kean Cletus is an Eldritch child who is on the search for his mother. But it is proving to be difficult, her Light has been scattered, and she has become warped and twisted. A husk of her former self. He knows that there something wrong with her, but the Light of Creation does not welcome him, and so he has to be reborn in a form that will be accepted in Creation's Light. ------- "Awaken your Honored Legacy my child.....the times to come are not for those faint of heart." "The fight for your mother will prove harder than anything you have ever known my child" The Eldritch Heavens await the rise of The Bottomless Depth! Will Kean be worthy of The Throne, The Crown, The Wings and the Legacy of His Sacrilegious Ichor.

DarkOceanRage · แฟนตาซี
30 Chs

The End.....

Standing before him were two girls. And out of all the children here, he was most interested in these two for reasons known to him alone.

Not wasting any more time he moved on to the Naming. The girl on his left had a chaotic flux of purple-gold and blue-black clouds for eyes. No sclera or pupils could be seen in them. Looking into these eyes, he saw Inevitability. 

But different from the inevitability of Aurora, this girl's inevitability gave him a feeling that it came from one who had seen the end of all things.

The feeling that Kean got from her was that she had seen Nihility. It felt like was no end she had not seen, everything before her eyes had reached its end and she had been there to bear witness. Though He knew this was just an illusion, an expression of her talent or future. He was not completely sure. 

But what he was sure of was the strong concentration Destiny around her being. It was in a constant state of chaos, probably why she was like this.

A child who was not born into godhood like her was not supposed and could not have this outward show of power while being a mortal.

In fact, all of them here should not be having any show of power about them, their talent should only show once they started to step onto the paths of power but no, they went against natural order.

And he was quite sure that they were born normal, from mortal parents, or maybe there was something more about them and possibly the reason why he was so invested in them in the first place. Or maybe it could be this broken world that allowed this.

But none of that concerned him, whether they were sired from gods, Elder beings, Lost Ones, even Eldritch Beings, he did not give a damn for they would be his Heralds and their Lineage meant little in front of the Ichor that ran through his veins. 

Focusing back on the girl, he could see that while she had that feeling of having seen everything, she still had a playfulness to her. To what extent it went he did not know, but in future he would be finding out.

And so a name came to him. 

"Let it be known that from this moment onwards your name is Enigma', Enigma Ere-bane Khan. One who sought out the Secrets and the Fabled End of the Deep Dark"

"To your being, the Legacies of the "Conniving Widow' and the 'Traceless Destiny' have been bound. Conquer their might and you will have earned the right to wield the Destiny of the Ere-bane name."


Moving on to other girl, he looked into her eyes and different form her sister, from this one he could hear the Cries of Fate so potent that it would put most fate gods and goddesses to shame.

Though they were too shallow right now. he could guarantee that when she grew her power would be unrivaled. 

And maybe this was why her emotions were ever changing, just like how the tides of Fate were never still. but he could see a sense of Mystery that belonged to her alone and uninfluenced by the ties of Fate nor her burned.

"Your name shall be Mystic, Mystic Ere-bane Khan. One who sought the Mysteries and the Elusive Fate of the Deep Dark. You have been bound to the Legacies of the 'Forgotten Fate' and ' Cursed Cry of Fate' "

They too were carried away to join the others, and by this point tremendous changes had taken place among those had already received their names.

But these changes would make anyone who sighted them fall into depravity and madness.

Kean seeing this, knew that he had to hurry otherwise things might deviate too much away from the course he had planned for.

So not wasting anymore time he looked to the last of the children and beckoned them to make haste. And that they did. These were the boys. 

The Eldest of the Gemini Twins of the Khan Name.

Looking into the eyes of the boy on his left who happened to be the boy who had dark hair with streaks of blinding silver, he parsed away at the surface nature of the boy and sought deeper. 

Having seen what, he was looking for, a name came to him. " Your name shall be 'Nova', 'Nova Ere-bane Khan'. One who sought the Shadow of the Deep Dark. You have been bound to the Legacies of " Desecrated Yin" and ' Cosmos Shadow'. "

Looking into the eyes of the boy who had the white hair with similar streaks of blinding silver, he said

"Your name shall be 'Eclipse'. 'Eclipse Ere-bane Khan'. One who will bring ruin to the Specter of the Deep Dark. You have been bound to the Legacies of the 'Origin Yang' and Traceless Nether' "

'Hughhh! what a long day it has been, I have never felt as powerless as I have been today. Well, I have to finish this today. Luckily am down to the Last one though this one might be quite a challenge since he had already accepted a name before. Giving him another will cause a clash, but that does not concern me right now. if he has that bloodline in him, then everything would likely fall into place. The burden of another name more less one with a greater destiny would make all it the more worth it."

Setting his eyes on the only other person who was still standing in the temple hall.


Kyrios stood up after having dropped off the boys, setting them down with the rest of their siblings, he went and knelt in front of Kean.

Kean looked into his eyes, and he felt like his whole being was being seen through on a plane he simply could not understand nor imagine.

He felt that there was nothing he could hide from this being he so chose to worship and entrust the lives of his siblings. 

Kyrios had asked himself that why was it that Kean was so hell bent on looking into their eyes if all he was going to do was give them a name. Well, now he fully understood why it was so. 

It is said that the eyes are the window into the soul. And today his soul was being gazed at. He felt uncomfortable at the back of his mind. His body was telling him not to accept what was going to happen, but he forced down those intrusive thoughts. 

A part of him was telling him to run away and leave behind his siblings for they were already lost. Infact since the beginning a voice had been in his head.

It said the same thing when his mother died and when he discovered that she was still pregnant with his siblings who could die at anyone moment. 

But he refused to listen and remained. He then begun looking for all possible ways to ensure that they could survive. He scoured the whole world looking for a solution. 

The voice came again that day that he almost died on the battlefield and had heard the whispering voice. The voice inside him told him to run and abandon everything and just look for a way to save himself, but obviously it failed otherwise he would not be here kneeling in front of Kean waiting to be bestowed a name and a Legacy.

He would have never been able to see his siblings alive and share meals with them. So even today as it fought hard to tell him to run, he just ignored it and waited for Kean to bestow upon him the name. A name he would carry for the rest of his Life.

Kean who was looking into Kyrios' eyes saw all this happen, and he was quite amused at this sight. He even forgot his tired state and almost wanted to see this struggle for much longer, but he snapped out of it.

He knew what was going on with Kyrios but he would not let him know otherwise the fun would be spoilt if he did anything about it now.

He ignored it and moved on to look for Kyrios' true nature.

Inside Kyrios, he could see the zeal of a pious believer almost bordering on cynical, but Kean was not going to complain, because unlike the children who had not seen much of the world and were protected by him, fed by him and showered with love.

Kyrios was one who has gone through a lot and so though right he did not seem as much talented as his siblings, he was more valuable as a follower if not for his Loyalty and best of all was that he was a battle-hardened warrior, motivated, stoic and driven by duty.

While all this was interesting to some, his character was still too simple, yes, he had hate. Hate for his father who abandoned them, he was vengeful as he was bloodthirsty, but these were not enough to drive a man more less one who would become his Leading Herald.

But soon enough he would become something he could agree with, he just had to give it time.

Kean thought to himself. ' Maybe that is why he is so special to the point of outshining his clearly more talented siblings. But it needs more time if he is to reach a point of being worthy to lead my Household. I need to see more of him, His personality right now is too clouded, and it doesn't help that I am almost out of energy "

Disregarding his state, he spoke to the man. " I bestow upon you, the name 'Thorne'. You get to keep your original name as a token of your past struggles. Well done, you did not give up on your siblings allowing me a chance to gain worthy Heralds. Your name from now on shall be 'Kyrios Thorne Ere-bane Khan. one who sought to feast on the Ichor of the Deep Dark."

"To your being I have bound the Legacies of the 'Corrupted Ichor', 'Celestial Herald' and 'Keeper of the Cursed Throne'. You have a long way ahead of you Thorne. But do not be disheartened, my Ichor shall be with you throughout it all."

Kyrios felt himself drift off into darkness as his body was heated up to a point of melting. He was alone in this darkness, and this saddened him, no matter how comforting or warm it tried to be, he felt a deep sadness. 

The voice in the back of his mind wanted to rear its ugly head, he knew what it was going to say, probably it would say things like how it knew that his wishful thinking would lead him to be separated from those he was fighting for in the first place.

And..... he almost wanted to tell it that it was right but before he went deep into these thoughts, he felt his siblings, their presence was around him, encircling him like suns. He felt as if they were saying that they would be together with him throughout it all. 

Kean seeing that all the children had been finished and had all fallen asleep, he felt exhilarated that finally all things were done here, and he could now enact on the plans he had. 

"How tired must an Eldritch be before he conquers Creation"