
An Ancient Saiyan in Marvel

as Noah lay down beside the road, in unbearable agony  He reflected in his final moments. "Finally, it's over, no more suffering, no more pain." "I just hope that if there is a next life, I could live freely." Follow Noah on his journey through Marvel, My Hero Academia, Bleach, and other realities. Please be patient as this is my first time writing and English is not my first language. I own nothing; this is merely a fanfic.

solibus_orba · ภาพยนตร์
47 Chs

Chapter 39 : An improvement

"I guess my human side is still alive and kicking after all," Noah thought to himself as he stood over the groveling and bloodied Carol.

She looked miserable and in utmost agony, holding her stomach with both hands while puking blood everywhere and trying to get up.

As of right now, she was unable to fight anymore.

Any normal Saiyan would still hold back even if someone spat on them just to enjoy the fight a tad bit further. But for him, the moment the saliva touched him, his hands moved on their own and attacked her. It was his dormant human psyche that popped up and took over for a moment.

It was brief but in the split second he was sure he felt it.

For the first time for over ten thousands years he experienced this feeling throughout his mind and body.

It was Clarity!

In that split second his body and his mind felt like his and his alone.

And because of it he could feel that his being becoming slightly better!!

"So the ancient one was right. The more I simulate my emotions, the better I'm going to be. Too bad this simulation was like a drop in an ocean, but it's progress nonetheless," Noah thought to himself with a pleased face as he began to stretch his arms.

Afterward, he looked back at Carol, who was still on the ground writhing in pain.

"Huh, that's weird. From what I remember, Captain Marvel has a healing factor that is on the same level as Logan, or maybe even higher. So why does her healing factor look like it's barely working? An injury like this should have been almost healed by now," he pondered.

Noah stood still and looked at Carol curiously while tapping his head with his index finger. After a while, a voice echoed in his head, interrupting his train of thoughts.

"The ki that you use as protective armor around your body had seeped into her body when you struck her with your fist, and it's now interfering with the repairing process of her body," Psyche said with his usual hoarse voice.

"Well, well, well. If it isn't Mr. Psyche, coming yet again to save the day and explain the whats and hows of the unknown situations I'm in," Noah replied sarcastically.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Whatever. Just let me finish so I can go back and see if any memories had resurfaced while we were in the Clarity state," Psyche said.

"Your Ki comes from a high existence, so it gives you a few advantages. One of them is that when you hit someone with your Ki, their body takes longer to heal, be it through natural healing or means like healing factors," Psyche explained.

"Fun fact, that's the reason why most of the people you sent to the hospital still haven't come out yet," Psyche finished explaining.

"For the love of Shenron! You're telling me that she won't be able to fight anymore?" Noah covered his face with his palm in frustration.

"Well, this woman is stronger than most of the people we've fought so far, so she might be able to continue fighting soon," Psyche assured Noah.

"And by soon, you mean?" Noah asked with a hopeful look on his face.

"A few hours? A few days? Something around that time," Psyche answered nonchalantly.

"But I can't be bothered waiting that long!" Noah exclaimed.

"Not my problem. You go figure that out. I've explained the thing, so I'm out of here. Psyche out," Psyche declared and disappeared.

Noah was left standing in front of the injured body of Carol, not knowing what to do with her. After pondering about it for a few minutes, he decided on what to do next.

As Carol lay on the ground in agony, she felt heavy steps approaching her. With all she had, she lifted her head and saw Noah, with his giant body, standing in front of her. He stretched his open palm toward her, gathering a large blue ball of energy in front of it.

She weakly thought he was going to kill her and tried to get up, but she couldn't move or talk. All she could do was watch helplessly as her death approached.

Noah then proceeded to shoot the energy ball at her. She closed her eyes, waiting for the scorching pain, but instead, she felt a warm sensation washing over her body. Her injuries began healing at a rapid pace. Her muscles, internal organs, and every injury, old and new, vanished as if they were never there. The pain was miraculously washed away, and she stood up with a confused look on her face.

First he rearranged her guts then afterward he healed her!? Is this some kind of an alien BDSM play that she doesn't know about?

Seeing that he is getting looked at as if he's a perverted man Noah snorted at Carol and said.

"What are you looking at me like that for? All I did was heal you because I'm not done with you,"

"You think I haven't noticed that you didn't use your full power yet? Or that you didn't even use your transformation ability?" he continued, exposing her powers.

Carol's face turned full of shock, her mind racing to figure out how this alien she met for the first time today knew about her powers

For Carol this is the first time she met Noah.

But for him it wasn't something to be surprised for.

After all he saw her in few medias in his past life.


Comics books



I ment TV shows, yes TV shows!

Noah then moved his arm and made the Vegeta thumbs-up pose, continuing to speak.

"So now listen to me carefully because I will not repeat myself twice. Hit me with all you've got. Not casually, not half-assed. Hit me like you intend to kill me. Have I made myself clear?"

Noah ended his monologue while staring intensely at her.

She looked at him dumbfounded for a few moments.

Then the confusion in Carol eyes completely disappeared.

She finally figured out what the hell wrong with this guy in front of her.

He wasn't evil, he wasn't crazy. He was just a damn crazed battle junkie with a god complex!!

She relaxed her whole body, closed her eyes, and then...

A faint glow began to emanate from Carol's body, starting at her core and spreading outward. It was a gentle luminescence at first, like a distant star on a moonless night.

As the energy intensified, her physical form began to change.

Golden tendrils of energy snaked across her skin, tracing intricate patterns along her arms and legs. They danced and shimmered, forming a mesmerizing display of power. The energy lines glowed with a vibrant intensity, radiating strength and cosmic power.

Carol's eyes opened, and they too underwent a remarkable transformation. The Once a deep blue eyes now blazing with the brilliance of the cosmic energy that coursing through her. They shone like twin stars, guiding her path and revealing truths beyond mortal comprehension.

The transformation continued, enveloping Carol's entire being. Her once ordinary attire was replaced by a suit befitting her cosmic abilities. A sleek, form-fitting design adorned her body, its colors a vibrant blend of red, blue, and gold. The fabric itself seemed to hum with untold power, infused with advanced Kree technology.

A symbol, a star, materialized on the suit's chest, representing her connection to the celestial realm and the immense strength she commanded. It glowed with the same radiant energy that pulsed throughout her transformed form.

With each passing moment, Carol's presence grew more stronger. The air around her filled with an electrifying energy, as if the very space was charged with power. She had finally become Captain Marvel, a champion of justice and defender of the universe and not some kind of an angry spoiled brat with super powers .

As the transformation neared its completion, Captain Marvel's entire being was suffused with cosmic might, and now she was able to better sense the power of the man in front of her.

She saw him as a featureless void filled with stars, galaxies, and nebulas, surrounded by a dark bluish aura.

He was strong, there was no denying that, and she could feel the weight of Earth on her shoulders becoming even heavier.

But that only served to strengthen her resolve. Her purpose was clear—to protect the innocent, to vanquish evil, and to ensure that hope would always prevail.

And so she took a fighting stance, facing Noah, determined to see this through to the end.

Noah looked at her for a moment, and for the first time since they met, he spoke without any hint of disrespect.

"You know at first i thought you were just a wanna be copy of superman a pale copy in compression to him." He then took Broly fighting stance then continued speaking deep voice.

"But i guess was wrong after all. You might yet prove a worthy challenge."

"COME!! Prove that you are worthy!!" Noah exclaimed with a face full with anticipations

Silence engulfed the desert, broken only by the distant howl of a lonesome winds. The air was dry and heavy, as if the desert itself held its breath in anticipation. And after a few moments, Carol moved.

Suddenly, Captain marvel, with a swift smooth movement kicked the ground and flew up into the sky like a rocket, leaving Noah frozen in surprise.

Noah stood frozen for a few seconds, trying to register what had just happened, and then wrath exploded from within him.

His face twisted in a scary way, his eyes shining with an intense light, giving off a menacing vibe. The lines on his face became sharp and jagged, casting a creepy shadow. His mouth twisted into a savage snarl, showing off his sharp teeth. Veins on his face bulged and moved around like dark, pulsating snakes filled with anger. He looked like a savage monster.

Noah's muscles bulged with power, and he was almost going to jump and fly after her, but a shining light in the sky stopped him.

He looked up and realized what the shining object was—an approaching meteor. "

"Is that .... a meteor ?"

"Wait sec i can feel captain marvel behind it...."

Noah muttered to himself as realization began to sink in.

That crazy women is intended to hit him with a goddamn gigantic flaming meteor!!

"Son of a...!"But before he could curse, Carol and her meteor crashed into Noah with an earth-shattering impact.

(To be continued)

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[Not gonna lie i read and watched some videos of Captain marvel powers and i found out that she can do some crazy shit in the comics so next chapter gonna be lit.]

[Also join my discord server so you can get pinged when a new chapter is out! A/N]


[Anyway boys and girls take care of yourself and until next time.]

[Bye Bye]

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