
An Adventure to Guoker Planet

Zhang Xiangqian, a farmer in Anhui Province, China, with a junior high school education. In 1985, he was taken to a highly developed and distant alien planet and lived for a month. He learned a lot about aliens there, including their lifestyle, culture, and advanced science and technology. This article is a "memoir" or "travel diary" of his adventure on the alien planet "Guoker".

ZhangXiangqian · ไซไฟ
26 Chs

First Time Being Examined and Experimented

Once, Norton, Suldair, and Willie led me into a room where two individuals, possibly robots, awaited us. At the center of the room stood a narrow bed, barely wide enough for one person, its end elevated, draped in white cloth.

Norton stated solemnly, "We are going to examine your body now. Trust in our technology; you won't experience any pain or discomfort. Please lie down on this bed."

Obeying Norton's command, I lay down, my heart pounding with fear, imagining my body being dismembered and cut into pieces. Suddenly, the room plunged into darkness. I felt as though my body split in two; one part of me floated in the air, watching the other part lying on the bed. Was this an image provided by the GIW?

At the head and foot of the bed stood a figure each. Soon, one of them took a thin, square blade and made a square incision in my throat, then seemingly brushed the cut gently with something feather-like. I felt no pain, only a ticklish sensation.

The translator Kevin from the GIW interpreted their words, indicating a problem with my throat that would plague me for life. Indeed, I developed chronic pharyngitis in my twenties, which has caused incessant pain and frequent flare-ups to this day. Despite spending a lot of money on treatments, I've been frequently deceived with no relief, enduring ongoing agony.

When the lights returned, the version of me that had floated merged back with the one on the bed. Relieved from not experiencing the imagined dismemberment, I was overwhelmed with excitement and my anxiety eased. I saw Norton and sat up. Through the translator, Norton inquired, "Do you feel anything at the junction between your abdomen and thighs?"

"It felt like a snake—cold and slithering," I replied.

"Where did it go afterward?" Norton asked, tilting his head and staring at me for a moment before leaving without waiting for my response.

The thought of a cold snake possibly inside my body frightened me again, turning my recently relieved mood somber and nauseous.

Similar examinations and experiments occurred many times thereafter. On a few occasions, I felt not just snakes but also tentacle-like tubes and leeches invading my body. Once, I felt transformed into a white skeleton, experiencing an extreme dryness and heat throughout my body.

"Who is that?" I asked..

"It's you." GIW servant Kevin answered.

"How can that be me?" No further answers were provided, and I was left bewildered. Fortunately, like the end of a nightmare, I soon regained clarity, and the experiment concluded, restoring normalcy.

Some experiments were particularly draining, especially those involving thick tubes entering through my anus, as thick as my own calves, forcibly threading through my body. After such severe physical depletion, I would fall into a deep, death-like sleep, awakening drenched in sweat.

On several occasions, I felt as if I was falling from a great height, plummeting to the ground where countless bright steel needles awaited. Upon impact, the needles pierced through my abdomen, causing a sudden, immense pain that immediately knocked me unconscious.

Norton explained that this was a simulation; the needles hadn't actually penetrated my abdomen. This was done to test how many needles I could endure piercing my abdomen, because the females of the Gokkians have flesh tubes inside their bodies, which could potentially pierce my abdomen during sexual intercourse with them. The purpose of testing my tolerance was to ensure that their sexual activities could be terminated in time before I might die.

Norton's explanation instilled in me a profound fear and concern towards their females.

Sometimes during the experiments, I would sleep so deeply that my legs, remaining in one position for too long, would become sore upon waking. When I thought about this, it seemed as if they could read my mind; afterward, they often placed something under my knees for support.

After numerous experiments, I also developed some techniques. As sleep approached, I would try to arrange myself in a comfortable sleeping position to avoid discomfort upon waking.