
american movieverse

will write how i get the response

white_poison · ภาพยนตร์
17 Chs


John is asleep in his house. The room is quiet, with only the soft sound of his breathing breaking the silence. Suddenly, John finds himself in a dream. Unlike a regular dream, he is fully aware—he's in a limbo-like state, a realm between reality and unconsciousness. In the distance, he sees a glowing interface floating, calling to him.

John: (looking around, confused) Where am I? This... this isn't just a dream.

He begins to walk towards the interface, his steps echoing in the vast emptiness. As he reaches the interface, he sees instructions written underneath it.

Interface Instructions:

Choose a fictional character from your previous life. Maximum strength allowed: superhuman level (e.g., Captain America).

The character you choose will influence your thinking and behavior.

You will be given powers to complement the character.

John: (thinking aloud) Choose a character... but which one? Should it be someone with knowledge, charisma, or power?

John contemplates the advantages and disadvantages of different types of characters. He thinks about his needs, his recent loss, and the dangers he faces.

John: (murmuring) I need power, strength, and skills to protect myself and those I care about. Batman? No, too much baggage and that no-kill rule. Captain America? A great leader, but his shield isn't lethal enough for what I need. Anime characters like Garou and Yujiro Hanma have superhuman abilities that exceed the limit.

He then shifts his thoughts to skilled humans who don't quite reach superhuman levels.

John: James Bond, John Wick, Ethan Hunt, Loid Forger... all highly skilled, but I need something more. An assassin who can achieve his objectives without weaknesses. (a light bulb moment) Deathstroke.

He considers Deathstroke's attributes: peak human efficiency, a small healing factor, enhanced strength, senses, durability, master martial artist, and expert in all types of weapons.

John: (resolutely) Deathstroke it is. He's perfect—no significant weaknesses, unmatched skills, and the power to protect and avenge.

With a determined look, John writes "Deathstroke" in the prompt. Immediately, he feels a wave of energy wash over him. The interface fades, and he drifts into a deep sleep. As he sleeps, his body begins to change, gaining the skills and attributes of Deathstroke. His muscles grow denser, his senses sharpen, and his mind becomes more focused and efficient.

Scene: The following morning. John wakes up, feeling different. He stands up, noticing the subtle changes in his body and mind. He moves with newfound grace and strength.

John: (smiling to himself) This... this is incredible. I feel stronger, faster, more aware. I am Deathstroke now.

John flexes his hands, feeling the power coursing through him. He walks to the mirror, looking at the slight physical changes—more defined muscles, sharper eyes.

John: (determined) I will use this power to protect myself, to avenge my parents, and to ensure no one ever takes what's mine again.

The scene ends with John standing tall, fully embracing his new identity and ready to face whatever challenges come his way, armed with the skills and abilities of Deathstroke.

The transformation is complete, and John is no longer just an ordinary young man. He is now a force to be reckoned with, prepared to take on the world with the deadly efficiency of Deathstroke.

Next Morning

John's house. A car pulls into the driveway, followed by several men who look like secret service operatives. An old man steps out, looking around before moving towards the front door. John, having observed this from the window, cautiously opens the door.

John: (curiously) Who are you?

Macffree: (calmly) I'm Macffree, your grandfather from your father's side.

John: (taken aback) I had no idea. Now that you mention it, I do see a resemblance. Please, come in.

John steps aside to let Macffree in and offers him tea or coffee.

Macffree: (with a slight smile) Just water, please.

John serves the water and sits across from Macffree, trying to process the sudden appearance of his grandfather.

John: (seriously) So, why did Dad never mention you?

Macffree: (sighs) Your father and I were never on the best of terms. There was an incident years ago, and he left. But when I received news about the demise of my son and daughter-in-law, I had to come see you.

John: (nodding) I understand. But what's with all the security? Are you some kind of CIA operative?

Macffree: (chuckles) Something like that.

John looks at Macffree, feeling a mix of curiosity and determination.

John: (firmly) I'd like to get to know you, but there's something I need to do first.

Macffree: (raising an eyebrow) Oh? What is it?

John: (intensely) I need to find the person responsible for the attack on my family and get vengeance.

Macffree: (liking the fire in John's eyes) From what I've heard, those involved in the attack were killed during the shootout. I received a report.

John: (shaking his head) No, I'm talking about the person who gave the order. The one behind it all.

Macffree: (testing) How do you plan to do that? You seem fit, but you lack skill ,experience. And have you considered the risks? You could be killed or become a criminal.

John: (with conviction) I have skills. My father taught me a few things in his spare time. I have to do this, and I don't care about becoming a criminal.

Macffree stands up, looking impressed and contemplative.

Macffree: (decisively) Pack your things. You're coming with me. I'll give you a chance to get your vengeance and test these so-called skills you have.

John looks at Macffree, a mix of relief and determination in his eyes. He nods and quickly starts packing, ready to embark on this new chapter with his grandfather.

Scene fades as John and Macffree leave the house, heading towards a new, uncertain future together.

Macffree is sitting in his office, a room filled with bookshelves, maps, and various documents. He is looking through a stack of files when there is a knock at the door.

Macffree: (without looking up) Enter.

Agent Matt steps into the room, standing tall and composed. He greets Macffree with a nod.

Agent Matt: (formally) Good afternoon, sir.

Macffree: (gesturing to a chair) Sit down, Matt. So, how did John perform?

Matt sits down, a nervous gulp betraying his otherwise composed demeanor. He takes a moment to gather his thoughts.

Agent Matt: (hesitantly) Sir, John's abilities are... remarkable. They're beyond what we expected.

Macffree: (leaning forward, intrigued) Elaborate.

Agent Matt: (clearing his throat) John's combat abilities are comparable to those of Deathstroke. His strength, agility, and reflexes are far superior, even when compared to our elite soldiers. During the simulations, he demonstrated exceptional proficiency with firearms, hand-to-hand combat, and tactical maneuvers.

Macffree: (raising an eyebrow) Give me specifics.

Agent Matt: (checking his notes) In the hand-to-hand combat training, he defeated five of our top agents simultaneously. His tactical acumen in simulated urban warfare exercises outperformed the leading strategies used by our best operatives. It's as if he can anticipate movements and react instantaneously.

Macffree: (nodding, impressed) And how did he handle the pressure?

Agent Matt: (visibly nervous) Sir, he remained calm and composed throughout. His ability to maintain focus and execute plans under stress is exceptional. However, there's something almost... unnerving about his efficiency. It's like he's completely detached, operating on a different level.

Macffree: (with a slight smile) Detached, you say?

Agent Matt: (growing paler) Yes, sir. He doesn't hesitate. His lethality is precise. It's clear he's not burdened by the same moral quandaries that most soldiers face.

Macffree: (leaning back) So, he's even more efficient than our elite?

Agent Matt: (gulping again) Yes, sir. Far superior. In fact, during a scenario where he was ambushed, he eliminated the threat in under 30 seconds with minimal resources. The operatives involved were left in awe.

Macffree: (smiling, satisfied) Excellent. It seems John has surpassed our expectations. What's your personal assessment, Matt?

Agent Matt: (reluctantly) Sir, while I'm impressed and, admittedly, proud of his capabilities, there's also a part of me that's concerned. If he decides to go rogue, his skill set could make him a significant threat.

Macffree: (firmly) That's why we'll ensure he has a purpose that aligns with ours. John's vengeance is his driving force now, and we can guide that towards our objectives. We must also keep a close eye on his psychological state.

Agent Matt: (nodding, still pale) Understood, sir. We'll continue to monitor him closely.

Macffree: (standing up, signaling the end of the meeting) Good work, Matt. Keep me updated on his progress. And remember, potential like John's needs careful handling.

Agent Matt: (standing as well) Yes, sir. I'll ensure he's watched and guided appropriately.

Matt exits the office, leaving Macffree deep in thought. He looks at the files on his desk, contemplating the future and the powerful new asset they have in John.

Scene fades with Macffree looking out of the window, a mix of anticipation and strategy in his eyes.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

white_poisoncreators' thoughts