
Rodolphus Lestrange's POV.

Sometimes there are bad days in life. Number one was the day Bellatrix left him. Number two was when he learned of his mother's suicide. And now, today was the day that would undoubtedly take third place. His second wedding.

No, he had prepared. What thoughts could come to mind of a 13-year-old girl who, by conspiracy of men over fifty, is married off to a man over thirty? That's right, nothing good. He instructed the house elves on what to do in case of a suicide attempt. He collected antidotes in case she wanted to poison herself or try to poison him. He himself had drunk a lot of antidotes in advance and was sure that only a potions master could poison him today.

He put on enchanted rings and amulets - so that he could not be cursed. At least, not in an unnoticeable and solitary one. He prepared a speech for his father and wife. He had a talk with the house elves, discussing where and when the new "Mrs. Lestrange" could be allowed in, and who she could be introduced to, and who she couldn't.

But his pride was the amulet, which he had cast certain spells on and which he would give to his "Spouse." The closer Isabella was to certain places, like the basement or Nessie's pond, the more she would want to leave. And the louder the alarm would sound on his amulet.

The idea of ​​turning their family home into the Organization's Headquarters wasn't very good. But while only initiates lived here, that was one thing. And now another guest would live here, and here there was Snape, Elena, the Dark Lord, Alecto, and Sirius...

No, he had also thought about the child, I mean the wife. On his orders, the house elves installed several swings in the yard.

Sometimes there are bad days in life. Number one was the day Bellatrix left him. Number two was when he learned of his mother's suicide. And now, today was the day that would undoubtedly take third place. His second wedding.

No, he had prepared. What thoughts could come to mind of a 13-year-old girl who, by conspiracy of men over fifty, is married off to a man over thirty? That's right, nothing good. He instructed the house elves on what to do in case of a suicide attempt. He collected antidotes in case she wanted to poison herself or try to poison him. He himself had drunk a lot of antidotes in advance and was sure that only a potions master could poison him today.

He put on enchanted rings and amulets - so that he could not be cursed. At least, not in an unnoticeable and solitary one. He prepared a speech for his father and wife. He had a talk with the house elves, discussing where and when the new "Mrs. Lestrange" could be allowed in, and who she could be introduced to, and who she couldn't.

But his pride was the amulet, which he had cast certain spells on and which he would give to his "Spouse." The closer Isabella was to certain places, like the basement or Nessie's pond, the more she would want to leave. And the louder the alarm would sound on his amulet.

The idea of ​​turning their family home into the Organization's Headquarters wasn't very good. But while only initiates lived here, that was one thing. And now another guest would live here, and here there was Snape, Elena, the Dark Lord, Alecto, and Sirius...

No, he had also thought about the child, I mean the wife. On his orders, the house elves installed several swings in the yard.

He bought a dozen brooms, old and new. They tidied up the small Quidditch pitch. They bought enough books from Flourish and Blotts to last them for seven years at Hogwarts. He bought some sweets. He put a password and protection on the wine cellar.

Naturally, no one would be thinking about getting married and the girl would be home-schooled. But inviting guests to the house would be stupid. So the wedding would take place in Spain. The main thing was that none of the relatives who sympathized with the child challenged him to a duel. He didn't want to kill anyone, but he didn't want to be killed even more…

Standing in front of the mirror, he made sure that he looked appropriate and went to his father. His father and Rabastan were already waiting for him in the hall in their ceremonial robes.

"Awesome robes, little brother," Rabastan said. "Why so gloomy? Are we having a wedding or a wake?"

"A funeral. My conscience," thought Rodolphus. "My head hurts," he lied.

"Rodolphus, a word," his father said. "Have you fully read the documents about your future bride and her relatives?"

No, not completely. But it was enough for him.

"Yes, 14 generations of pureblood wizards. Thank you, Dad," he answered.

"I tried very hard to find a suitable bride for you. I hope you will get along," they told him.

Just Hellfire, thought Rodolphus. And poor, and underage. If only his wife had breasts, so that he could at least look at them without pain. But according to the documents, her figure is zero-zero-zero. But at least she is not fat.

"Rodolphus, try to keep quiet as much as possible. Do not offend anyone. You just need to say 'I do' at the right moment."

If he is so bad, then what mood is his bride in?

Soon, they touched the cup, which was an international portal, and found themselves in Spain, in the house of their future father-in-law. The first impression was that his future relatives were not as bad with money as he expected. Their house did not resemble a dump like the Weasleys' Burrow. Yes, modestly. About like Carrow's. But quite tasteful. And there was a ritual hall, albeit a separate one. The two-story building was buried in greenery. There were vineyards nearby.

They were met by a man and a woman.

"Don Jaim de Torquemada," a man of about sixty introduced himself.

"Marian de Torquemada, my wife," they told him.

"Rodolphus Lestrange, I am very pleased to meet you," he said.

"This is my father, Edward Lestrange, but you already know him."Soon they were already drinking on the veranda and discussing who would get what as a result of the wedding. After two glasses, Rodolphus lost the thread of the conversation.Another twenty minutes later, Edward brought him back to reality: "I will sign the contract myself just fine."Rodolphus is probably eager to meet his future wife, to at least exchange a few words with her before the wedding."I'll show you the way," Marian said.Soon she led him to a rather modest library. - I'll leave you alone, - the woman said. - Hello, - the girl told him.- Are you my future husband? Rodolphus swallowed involuntarily. No, he was not struck by her beauty. And he did not feel love at first sight. It's just that if Bellatrix had a daughter, she would look exactly like this.Even the voice was similar! That is, the father was very seriously bothered by the search for a woman similar to the previous one. - Yes, my name is Rodolphus Lestrange, but you probably already know.What else can I say? Running a family business, killing Muggles at night? The last thing we did was help Voldemort kill Dumbledore's phoenix?All for the preservation of purebloods, and from today on, fucking children will be added. Nothing can stop the forward movement ...Okay, let's not talk about sad things ... A win-win option is to offer a drink.

But he's not sure that her parents allow her to drink, and she's not his wife yet. "Tell me about your family," he said.

"The de Torquemada family is one of the 'Most Ancient and Noble' of magical Spain." The family's rise to political heights began with the active actions of Thomas de Torquemada, known among wizards as the founder of the "false Inquisition." He noticed that Muggles were becoming more numerous and harder to control. The times of Ancient Egypt, when wizards ruled like gods, were over.

During the "Dark" Middle Ages, wizards, despite their own fragmentation, managed to keep the development of Muggles under control. However, due to the inept training of Muggle-borns and unjustified leniency with Muggles, there was a leak of knowledge about wizards into the Muggle world. Moreover, a number of Muggle-borns sided with Muggles against the existing policy, which deprived Muggles, even their relatives, of any rights. They dragged "blood traitors" along with them, and a centuries-old conflict began.

As it turned out, Muggles with magical support and the opening of places protected from penetration by magic, as well as with equipping them with a minimum number of artifacts and amulets—created supposedly with "God's help"—posed a certain threat to wizards.

To reverse the existing situation, Thomas de Torquemada infiltrated the Muggle church and organized the Inquisition—an organization supposedly needed to destroy heretics. In fact, they destroyed wizards who were not loyal to pure blood, including with the help of Muggles.

To mislead Muggles, they performed "miracles" and also hid magic wands in crucifixes. A secondary goal was to destroy Muggles and falsify evidence of their involvement in magic.

Prisoners were used to charge energy storage systems, which is why they tried to execute by burning—at that time, it was the most effective ritual for sacrifice. If the target escaped, a "volting" ritual was performed using the target's magic and belongings, and a straw doll was burned on a fire, causing the escapee to become seriously ill.

For a long time, their organization was successful, including due to the state system of Spain—an absolute monarchy. By taking control of one person with a special potion, it was possible to control all politics.

Unfortunately, an uprising against the Inquisition soon began—in Holland. Due to the fact that the rebels practiced a republican form of government, control over the leaders did not work.

A military operation was carried out with the involvement of Muggles, but it ended in defeat. As a result, even more Muggles learned about the wizards. In addition, some of the previously neutral families spoke out against the policy. They were supported by Muggle-borns, who mainly lost their relatives during the battles.

Soon, it was decided to stop trying to control Muggles. To manage the magical families, magical states were created, and an international Statute of Secrecy was introduced. From that time on, the de Torquemada family began to decline, and even its former allies accused it of excessive cruelty.

Now, in the twentieth century, the family has lost almost all of its capital, and there are not many who want to do business with us. We have a bad reputation, roughly equivalent to that of the Black family in England, only we do not have their capital and political influence.

Although, as far as I know, the Black family has lost all of its men and is also going through hard times.

At this point, Isabella politely fell silent and stared at him. Rodolphus sighed to himself. "Never repeat that to anyone. Not even to me. England has a more… pro-Muggle policy. The events you described never happened. Wizards did not try to take power over Muggles, never slowed down their progress, etc. And in no case did they lose because of their stupidity and disunity."

"So wizards had no influence on Muggles before the International Statute of Secrecy was adopted? Then what do they teach in History of Magic?" Isabella asked him, bewildered.

"Goblin rebellions. Purebloods are taught history at home. And what you said can be interpreted as extremism. If I tell you about it, you'll get off with a fine until two years in Azkaban, as a minor. Starting tomorrow, you'll start learning the Laws of Wizarding England."

"As you say." But I can already feel my respect for magical England rapidly melting away. Actually, he expected her to tell him about her parents, not the family history…

"How do you know that?" he asked.

"I'm homeschooled," she answered.

"And I can also show you this." With these words, she went to the side cabinet and took out a Pensieve. The Pensieve didn't look very good—firstly, no one had made one like that for three hundred years, and secondly, the artifact was clearly worn.

"This Pensieve belonged to the great Thomas de Torquemada himself," she told him with the benevolence in her voice that Bellatrix usually used to speak of Voldemort. "He and other members of our family regularly dumped their memories into it. It contains military councils, battles, tortures, and so on," she explained.

"Are you allowed to look through it?" he asked. The Blacks had something similar.

"Of course. I grew up with it," she replied.

My favorite memories are the life of Tomás de Torquemada. He received a theological education and simulated ascetic inclinations. He entered the Dominican order and, in 1459, became prior of the monastery of Santa Cruz la Real, one of the main monasteries in Segovia, and then—confessor of the Castilian Infanta Isabella. He contributed to her ascension to the throne and marriage with Ferdinand of Aragon, on whom he also exerted great influence, naturally, thanks to magic.

Soon, Torquemada acquired a stern and unyielding fame, a reputation for "religious enthusiasm and theological erudition," and even subjugated the Pope to his charms.

In 1478, at the request of Ferdinand and Isabella, Sixtus IV founded the Tribunal of the Holy Office of the Inquisition in Spain, and in 1483 appointed Torquemada as Grand Inquisitor. However, his actual goals were the opposite of what he professed to the Muggles. Tomás de Torquemada became one of the most famous Dark Lords of his time.

Officially, Torquemada's main goal was the religious and political unification of Spain. To achieve this, he reorganized and expanded the Inquisition. In 1483, Torquemada was appointed Grand Inquisitor of Castile and Aragon, and in 1486, of Valencia and Catalonia. The chronicler of that era, Sebastian de Olmedo, called him "the hammer of heretics, the light of Spain, the savior of his country, the honor of his order."

Torquemada's name, as part of the "black legend" of Spain, became a byword for a cruel religious fanatic. In reality, these were only formal pretexts for Muggles to gain absolute power and carry out purges in accordance with their views.

The expulsion of the Jews in 1492 and the Moors in 1502 from Spain was necessary to confiscate the property of those convicted by the Inquisition and to remove magicians from other countries. The peak number of Muggle-born autos-da-fés during Torquemada's time is estimated at 2,200, half of which were straw effigies by means of volte-faces, which were beyond the reach of the Inquisition.

In order to prevent the propagation of "heresy," Torquemada, like the rest of Europe at the time, gave way to the burning of non-Catholic literature at the stake, mainly Jewish and Arabic libraries. Juan Antonio Llorente, the first historian of the Inquisition, claims that during Torquemada's entire tenure as head of the Holy Office, 8,800 people were burned alive by secular authorities in what is now Spain, and 27,000 succumbed to torture, although many historians consider these figures to be exaggerated.

Llorente himself considered these figures to be underestimates and included only those killed by judicial decision.

Thanks to Torquemada's activities as a politician, it became possible to unite the kingdoms of Castile and Aragon into a single kingdom of Spain. Subsequently, Spain became one of the most powerful states in Europe, laid the foundation for the colonization of the New World, and served as the "cultural matrix" of all of Latin America. This made it possible to introduce an active foreign policy, kill Muggle-borns, and contribute to the dumbing down of Muggles in large areas.

After 15 years of service as the Grand Inquisitor, Torquemada reached the advanced age of a Muggle of that time and, for the first time, simulated his death using a homunculus at the Monastery of St. Thomas Aquinas in the city of Avila in 1498.

Then it was in the same spirit...

After three death simulations, Torquemada is rumored to have mastered the Elder Wand and was killed in Holland during the events known among Muggles as the "Eighty Years' War" under unclear circumstances.

"Would you like to see the memories? Well, Dad, you did me a favor. I thought you gave me a kneazle, but it turned out to be, noona... What does that mean? He came back from a raid, shook off the blood and guts, and then quickly went to the Pensieve to look at blood and guts again?"

"Maybe later. What if it's not so bad? She just memorized the text like a good daughter and says what she thinks they want to hear from her?"

I really wanted to use Legilimency, but I can't. She's clearly wearing protective amulets, and even if it works, it would be a breach of etiquette worse than him sleeping with her now.

"What can you tell us about yourself? What abilities do you have? What did they teach you?"

"My father once showed me his memories of Voldemort in his youth. A very nice, friendly young man. But he would never trust this girl!"

"Unfortunately, I don't have any special abilities for a wizard. No snake language, no special magical vision. My training is standard for a pureblood girl."

"It's nerves,— Rodolphus answered.— f you want, we can postpone the performance of... "marital duty." — Pointless, — they answered him. I have nothing against you and our child. Rodolphus drank again. Okay, I need to stop drinking. And think about the situation.He had a whole speech prepared, but he did not use it. I need to think, he said.You can think while you are doing it,they answered him, trying to hang themselves on the neck. But he was under the acceleration spell and easily dodged.Yes, this is not the kind of wife he expected... Thank you, dad, I got a pedophile's dream...— Don't you like me? — they asked him. — Yes, — he answered.You remind me of someone... And she also answered to the name Bella... But I have no desire. What a shame - he is running from a woman who wants to sleep with him.I hope my father is not peeping. — Am I that hopeless? — Isabella asked him. However, her face was emotionless, as if she was asking about the weather. — You know that 13-year-old children don't behave like that? — he answered a question with a question. It's stupid to expect standard behavior from a representative of the ancient Dark Family, who spends all her free time with the Pensieve, full of descriptions of medieval life? Rodolphus drank again.Okay, alcohol is not a problem, he will probably find himself a new liver… He even knows where to look. At this time, the girl put potions from her robe pocket on the table.Exciting potions. Polyjuice. Aging potion. Maybe you will like me at eighteen? Thirty? — she asked. What was happening resembled a bad dream.A 13-year-old brat trying to behave in a relationship. There is nothing sacred about you, he declared the obvious. "If it's important to you, I can eat Dumbledore's portrait," they told him with a smile."I collect the inserts from chocolate frogs. Are you really interested in my offer? I was joking, actually, but if it helps…" "No!" he said. "Let's think about it until tomorrow," he suggested hopefully. For a second, something stirred in his soul. For a moment, he understood Sirius Black, but only for a moment. "Okay. I'll go to sleep. Even an idiot would suspect a substitution. But her father checked her, there shouldn't be a substitution. And how can he check her if he doesn't know Isabella at all? Should he put her under the Imperius Curse? he wasn't expecting a wife like that... Thank you, Dad, I got a pedophile's dream

Interpreting his silence as consent, she kissed him, immediately breaking the kiss and licking her lips.

"Are you sure you're a virgin?" Rodolphus asked.

She laughed. Almost like Bellatrix... 


"Where did you learn to kiss?"

"I practiced on apples. Do you believe me?"

"I would have believed you before I met you. And what if it's true?"

"The Family Pensieve. There's a lot of stuff in there," she enlightened him.

"I see. But not all of it will work in real life." It was not for nothing that Rodolphus drank so many antidotes. And it was not for nothing that he conjured a film onto his body while she was changing.

"Who are you?" he asked, pointing his wand at his wife.

"Your wife, Isabella."

"What were your lips smeared with?"

"'The Madness of Passion,'" she told him.

"Don Juan warned you that you might have problems after your divorce."

"Does everyone know about my divorce yet?"

"No. Only my father, mother, and I."

"Isabella, let's talk like adults, without trying to rape me," suggested Rodolphus.

"We have a number of options," she told him.

"The first. We live happily ever after, periodically having children. The second option..."

"I give birth to one child for you, and the contract is fulfilled. We can live in a fictitious marriage; you find yourself a mistress, I find a lover.

The third option: divorce. But it will be expensive, and there is no guarantee that your next wife will be better—and not three times older than you."

Rodolphus felt the desire to use the Imperius Curse.

"If you treat me badly, I will kill you," she told him, smiling politely and hiding her eyes on the floor to avoid Legilimency.

Rodolphus was thinking. Some Gryffindor would have acted differently, but where is he and where is the Gryffindor? And honestly, everything is not so bad...

"The first option, Isabella," he suggested. "I think we can do without alchemy and other things today. Wash off the 'Madness of Passion,' and drink the Fertility Potion, and come to me. I need to get used to you but within nine months, you need to make a nursery..."

This is a weird chapter to translate i try to tame it down

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