
Am I Deadpool???

I somehow got 'reincarnated' into a variant of kid version of Wade Wilson who just got kidnapped and experimented into the abomination they called Weapon XI. Not if I could do a anything about it! there is not gonna be a 'Weapon XI' in this universe!!! - 'So its seems I got a bunch of voices in my head now, Are all Deadpool get this voices? I knew the comic ones does!' 'You know we could hear you right?' 'Shut up Thought 2, I am sypnosis-ing here!' 'WHY AM I THOUGHT 2?' 'We sucks at sypnosis-ing...' 'Hey, I don't think I am actually Deadpool, Am I?' 'You did get his power and craziness, plus your name is Wade afterall,' 'But, is that who I think he is? how is that guy looks like Ryan Reynolds and I don't?' 'MAXIMUM EFFORTS!!!' - Just some whacky, fucked up stories about love, families, and self-discoveries. Pardon my grammar and languange, I am writting this while high as shit! Btw, he is not really Deadpool if you catch the sypnosis lil bit, well kinda?.

Vha_Ann · ภาพยนตร์
23 Chs

The Stryker Plans

'Weapon XI was a total bust,' one of the scientist who worked for William Stryker thought. The flickering screen illuminated his cold, calculating eyes. In the observation room, the atmosphere was thick with tension. A feral child, no older than 13 years old, stood amidst the wreckage of what had once been a sterile, orderly environment. Now, it was a scene of carnage.

Blood stained the white-tiled floor, pooling around the crumpled bodies of scientists who had been too slow to react. The child was a whirlwind of claws and fury. His small frame was taut with barely-contained rage, and his eyes, wide and wild, scanned the room with an unsettling intensity. He wasn't just killing—he was hunting.

The feral grin that spread across his face was more animal than human, a baring of teeth that sent chills down the spines of the remaining personnel. The child now is standing before him, taunting him menacingly. The scientist, hands trembling, fumbled with his tablet, desperately trying to send an emergency alert. The cold sweat on his brow mingled with the sterile air, thick with the coppery scent of blood. His heart pounded as he tapped out the message alerting his boss before the child take of his hand into his face, absorbing him.

William Stryker observed the unfolding chaos through the secure monitors in his dimly lit command centre. The facility was in disarray, alarms blaring and soldiers scrambling. The screens displayed the aftermath of Weapon XI and his siblings' escape, a brutal testament to their newfound powers and the effectiveness of their chaotic energy.

Stryker leaned back in his chair, his fingers steepled as he processed the scene before him. The flickering light from the screens cast harsh shadows across his face, highlighting the cold determination in his eyes. The news in the lab was music to his ears, the culmination of years of meticulous planning. The feral children, wild and unrestrained, were behaving exactly as he had anticipated. Their chaos was the key to unlocking his ultimate goal: a new breed of super soldiers, forged in the crucible of their own savage instincts.

His mind wandered back to a time when his machinations were more controlled, more precise. It was years ago, but the memory was as vivid as if it had happened yesterday. The Wolverine and The Rogue. Their meeting actually had been an accident of his part, a fortunate twist in his grand design. Stryker had initially intended to exploit Rogue's powers for his experiments, making her a super soldier by absorbing Wolverine power and cloning them. He hadn't anticipated that Logan would become so enamored with her, or that their bond would grow into a complicated romance. The irony was almost poetic.

When Wolverine had first encountered Rogue, she was on the run, haunted by her powers and the betrayal by Mystique and The Brotherhood. She was desperate and vulnerable, a perfect candidate for manipulation. He had orchestrated Logan's involvement, using him to lure Marie into his web. Logan's infatuation with her had been unexpected but convenient. The real twist came when Marie and Logan became a couple and, to Stryker's astonishment, had a child after they resigned working from him. Wade Howlett, Weapon XI. A child who, unbeknownst to them, was now a central piece of his grand plan.

Stryker had been waiting for the right moment to execute his plan, and when he finally found and learned of their idyllic life in rural Canada, he saw his opportunity. The kidnapping of Weapon XI was executed with precision. Victor Creed and John Wraith were chosen for their brutality and efficiency. Stryker had hoped to lure Logan and Marie into a trap, using the pretext of a missing Team X member to draw them in when that didn't work, he kidnapped their child after just talking to them. Their rage and desperation made them susceptible to his manipulations.

It had worked, but it was not without its complications. While The Wolverine and The Rogue driven by love and the need to rescue their cub, had fallen into Stryker's trap. Their transformation into mindless weapons, He had their memories erased first thing when they came into the facilities. It had been a necessary step, but it had come at a cost. Stryker had underestimated their resilience and healing factor. Who knows that their brain also regenerated even after lobotomised surgery but they did and it let to their eventual escape that had thrown a wrench into his plans.

As Stryker watched the footage of Weapon XI's escape and the unintended liberation of X-20 and X-23, he felt a surge of frustration. Weapon XI's unpredictable nature was a constant thorn in his side just like his parents. Not only his constant need to talk and engage is enemy made Weapon XI is one of the setbacks having him born outside if the facilities, clearly form the sass of his mother and his incredible potty mouth despite only being 12 years old, clearly because of the first five years he spends with his father. if he actually remember it since he also underwent the same memory erasure procedure his parent had.

When he got his hand on the boy again, he will shut that boy mouth forever and brainwash him into the perfect soldier, maybe the procedure of Winter Soldier could also be implemented so that he could have absolute control over the boy. That is one of the benefit he gain when he first encountered then joined Hydra. It is shame that two of his favorite experiment had escaped before he could gain knowledge of the procedure.

Weapon XI's chaotic energy and the new abilities he had developed made him a wild card Stryker hadn't fully anticipated. The current situation was far from ideal. While Stryker had planned for Weapon XI to escape and eventually lead him to his parents, the unexpected escape of X-20 and X-23 had thrown his plans into disarray. Their defection had created an additional layer of complexity.

Despite the setbacks, Stryker was resolute. He knew where Weapon XI and his siblings were heading—he had placed a tracker behind that boy skull. He would have to adapt his plans and move quickly. The unpredictability of Weapon XI and his siblings, meant that Stryker's pursuit would be challenging. Yet, he was determined to bring his creations back under control.

The facility was now a war zone, a stage for the brutal dance of his feral soldiers. One child's savage instinct had wreaked havoc, turning the laboratory into a scene of blood and destruction. The chaos was a testament to Stryker's vision, a confirmation that his new breed of soldiers could not only survive but thrive in an environment of pure, unrestrained violence.

Stryker's lips curled into a cold smile as he watched the scene unfold. This was what he had planned for all along—the unleashing of raw power, the creation of soldiers who were both formidable and fearsome. He reveled in the destruction, seeing it as a necessary sacrifice for his greater goal. The failed elements of his experiment would be corrected, and the chaos unleashed by his creations would be quelled.

As the child's growls echoed through the facility, a dark thrill surged through Stryker. But deep within that thrill, there was a whisper of something darker, something he refused to name—a shadow that lingered on the edges of his grand design. For now, it was nothing more than a ghost of a thought, easily dismissed. But soon… soon, the world would see just what he was capable of. And Stryker was certain—nothing could stop him.


Not my greatest chapter, and not really proud of it, but there is should be some plot in places or villains or something to our young anti-hero so the plot could continue, I also wanted to gave more depth to Stryker since he did felt flat in the first chapter. Oh yeah before I continue, this fic will have multiple POV, Well like most 6 POV, Wade, Laura and Ken after they became more humanized, Stryker, Marie and Logan (this POV will always in one fic and probably and a love story as well since I couldn't tap into Wade love story until he was like 17 atleast, since he still couldn't touch anyone).

Vha_Anncreators' thoughts