
Am I Deadpool???

I somehow got 'reincarnated' into a variant of kid version of Wade Wilson who just got kidnapped and experimented into the abomination they called Weapon XI. Not if I could do a anything about it! there is not gonna be a 'Weapon XI' in this universe!!! - 'So its seems I got a bunch of voices in my head now, Are all Deadpool get this voices? I knew the comic ones does!' 'You know we could hear you right?' 'Shut up Thought 2, I am sypnosis-ing here!' 'WHY AM I THOUGHT 2?' 'We sucks at sypnosis-ing...' 'Hey, I don't think I am actually Deadpool, Am I?' 'You did get his power and craziness, plus your name is Wade afterall,' 'But, is that who I think he is? how is that guy looks like Ryan Reynolds and I don't?' 'MAXIMUM EFFORTS!!!' - Just some whacky, fucked up stories about love, families, and self-discoveries. Pardon my grammar and languange, I am writting this while high as shit! Btw, he is not really Deadpool if you catch the sypnosis lil bit, well kinda?.

Vha_Ann · ภาพยนตร์
23 Chs

Character Info

Name: Wade Wilson Howlett

Age: Approximately 12 years old?


Height: 5'0" ft (quite tall for his age)

Build: Lean but athletic, a little bit muscle but have few visible ribs looking because of his time in the tank. Looks like young Hugh Jackman for now, in the future I plan Henry Cavill so that I could have Superman, Witcher, and Mission Impossible jokes.

Hair: Medium long, dark, and messy; cut short after reuniting with his parents

Clothing: Wears a more rundown, low budget-version of Kid Deadpool's outfit from the movies

Skills and Abilities:

Enhanced Healing Factor: Wade can recover from almost any injury quickly, making him highly resilient in combat and dangerous situations.

Organic Metal Skeleton: Wade claws were not synthetically bonded to adamantium like Wolverine, but covered in metallic substance secreted by his body immediately following the first time he extended his claws. This metallic subtances somehow had evolved to be an adamantium metal like substance because of the torture and experimentation from Stryker.

Adamantium Claws: Near identical to his father but with his middle claws longer than his other claws.

Power Absorption: Inherited from Rogue, Wade absorbs powers and abilities through physical contact, but he sucks in the soul of the person touched, temporarily gaining their powers, conciousness and their memories but not their personalities. His two other thoughts can dominate his mind and suppress other he has absorbed but sometimes still let them slip for a little bit, leading to more mental instability he already had. He also only had 20%-50% control of the power of the others he absorbed because muscle memory isn't the same as memories, he could fully control it if he actually train them but he quite lazy to do so.

Combat Proficiency: Wade is skilled in various forms of combat, using agility, strength, and martial arts expertise effectively. His unpredictable fighting style makes him a formidable opponent.

Teleportation: Wade can teleport and is still mastering this power. It adds versatility to his escape and combat strategies. He often gets nausea when using this power a little bit too much. He could only teleport into places he already has been in his memories including the other memories he has absorbed, he couldn't teleport to anywhere he hasn't been.

Weapon Mastery: Proficient with a range of weapons, including swords and firearms, Wade's fighting style is varied and effective.

Technopathy: Wade can control and manipulate electronic systems with his mind, allowing him to hack security systems, access computers, and influence technological devices.

Shadow-like Abilities: Although primarily for stealth, Wade can blend into and manipulate shadows, becoming nearly invisible, short traveling within shadows, and using them for cloaking something or someone to hide from everyone eyesight. He cannot use this power for combat directly.

Enhanced Sense, Strength, Agility and Reflexes: His training and genetic enhancements provide superior senses, strength, reflexes and agility, aiding in navigating complex environments and fighting opponents.

Inner Voices:

Bold Text Voice (Rational, Sarcastic, yet Still Crazy):

Personality: Represents the more rational side of Wade's mind, offering advice that is somewhat sane but still wild and argumentative. This voice is logical yet embraces Wade's adventurous spirit.

Role: Often tries to reason with Wade's more reckless tendencies, offering suggestions that balance risk with strategy.

Interaction: Engages in playful debates with Wade and the other voice, providing guidance but also criticizing Wade's impulsive actions.

Text in Brackets Voice (Crazier, Reckless and Flirtatious):

Personality: Embodies the more reckless and daring part of Wade's psyche, always pushing him to take bolder actions. This voice is carefree, daring, and often a flirt.

Role: Encourages Wade to embrace chaos and adventure, often proposing wild plans without much thought for consequences.

Interaction: Constantly challenges the bold text voice, amplifying Wade's natural inclinations to be bold and daring.


Name: Ken Howlett (X-20/Daken)

Age: 5 years old


Height: 3'6" ft approx.

Build: Small and lean, with a hint of muscularity due to his enhanced abilities. I have decided to cast the older him to looks like Jensen Ankles so that I could make many Supernatural and Soldier boy jokes.

Hair: Long and styled in a punk mohawk fashion. He resembles Daken with his auburn hair and fierce, untamed nature.

Clothing: Initially wore tattered and rugged lab rat clothing reflecting his feral nature and captivity. After being rescued by Wade, he now wears yellow and blue winter clothes designed for toddlers.

Skills and Abilities:

Enhanced Sense, Strength, Agility and Reflexes: Ken has physical enhancements similar to Wade's, including increased senses, strength, reflexes and agility, making him a formidable fighter for his age.

Adamantium Claws and Skeleton: His claws are a significant weapon and reflect his predatory nature. They are both a physical and psychological tool in his combat style.

Regenerative Healing: Ken possesses a healing factor similar to Wade's, contributing to his resilience and rapid recovery from injuries.

Possible Power Absorption: Ken may have the potential for power absorption, similar to his mother Rogue. However, this ability may not fully develop until he is older or may never manifest. (Author note: If he did gain in, it maybe a little different from his mother and brother, maybe more like Kevin Eleven from Ben 10? Instead of people, he could absorb metal or other material! whaddya think?)

Name: Laura Howlett (X-23)

Age: 3 years old


Height: 3'0" ft approx.

Build: Small and fragile, with few visible signs of her physical enhancements. Dafne Keen, 'nuff said.

Hair: Dark, long, and usually unkempt, adding to her wild and untamed appearance.

Clothing: Wears blue and purple-pink winter clothes designed for toddlers, which replace her initial tattered and rugged lab rat attire after being rescued by Wade.

Skills and Abilities:

Enhanced Sense, Strength, Agility and Reflexes: Laura possesses heightened senses, strength, reflexes and agility, making her a skilled fighter despite her young age.

Adamantium Claws and Skeleton: Like her comic counterpart, Laura has retractable adamantium claws, which serve as her primarily weapon.

Limited Communication: At her current age, Laura is non-verbal and communicates mainly through body language and growls. Her development involves moving from non-communication to clearer forms of connection with her family. She did slowly signs few verbal communications after the time she spends with Wade and Ken.

Possible Power Absorption: Laura may have the potential for power absorption, similar to her mother Rogue. However, this ability may not fully develop until she is older or may never manifest. (Author note: If she did gain in, it maybe a little different from his mother and brother, Maybe like Eraserhead but with touch, she absorbed her opponent power but didn't made them died or faint, mainly made them unable to use it? I did planned for her to be close-range fighter afterall)

Name: James Logan Howlett

Age: Approximately 106 years old but still looks in his 30s to early 40s.


Height: 6'2" ft.

Build: Muscular and rugged, with a strong and imposing physique. Basically just Hugh 'Jacked'man, personal favorite is his body in The Wolverine (2013) or His new body in the last scene of Deadpool vs Wolverine.

Hair: Short, dark brown, and styled in a distinctive way—Logan sports a set of muttonchops that extend down the sides of his face, meeting his mustache but leaving his chin clean-shaven. His hair is often messy and unkempt.

Clothing: Typically wears practical, rugged clothing suited for combat and survival—often seen in a leather jacket, jeans, and boots.

Skills and Abilities:

Accelerated Healing Factor: Logan can recover from almost any injury rapidly, making him highly resilient to damage and disease.

Enhanced Senses: His senses are heightened beyond human capabilities, allowing him to track scents, hear distant sounds, and see with extraordinary clarity.

Retractable Claws: Logan has retractable bone claws in his hands, which can cut through most substances. These claws were later reinforced with adamantium, making them virtually indestructible.

Hot Claws: A new facet of his Adamantium tipped claws upon his resurrection is to cause them to heat up several thousand degrees in seconds (Author notes: I probably gonna delete this ones since it was new, since I just pluck his skill and abilities from his wiki site, I don't know that Wolverine could make his claws hot! That so cool! Kinda like Luffy's gear second right? What do you think? Should I incorporated this to his skillset?)

Adamantium Skeleton: His skeleton, including his claws, is coated with adamantium, a nearly indestructible metal, enhancing his physical durability and combat effectiveness.

Combat and Martial Arts Proficiency: Logan is an expert in hand-to-hand combat and proficient with various weapons. His combat style is aggressive and relentless, reflecting his fierce nature. He also have some training in K'un-Lun to further refined his martial arts skills, even if he can't remembered when he learned it. (Author notes: This one because I like the Iron Fist/Wolverine (2000) #1 comics, so I added that he had some adventure there and learn their martial arts a little bit probably in the 50s or 60s before Vietnam War, but with the hot claws it probably gonna be a little bit overkill, so I'll probably chooses one after doing more research on his claws abilities.)

Survival Skills: Years of living in the wilderness have honed Logan's survival skills. He is adept at tracking, hunting, and navigating harsh environments.

Computer and Vehicles Expert: Logan is trained in the use of several computer systems and vehicle repair as well as being an accomplished pilot. (Author: I know! I am shocked as well! I know about the vehicles expert ones, but didn't knew that he actually knew how to operate a computers!)

Multilingual: A polyglot; Logan is fluent in many languages.

Animal Empathy: Logan possesses a heightened sense of empathy with animals, allowing him to understand and communicate with them on a deeper level. This ability helps him in tracking, survival, and forming bonds with wildlife.

Longevity: Logan's healing factor grants him extended longevity, allowing him to survive for decades without aging significantly.

Superhuman Strength: Logan's reinforced skeleton allows him to withstand high levels of physical pressure. His strength is also boosted to enhanced levels, allowing him to lift more than 800 lbs but no more than 2 tons.

Superhuman Speed: Logan is able to move at low level superhuman speeds.

Superhuman Stamina: Logan's healing factor grants him superhuman stamina and is partially immune to fatigue toxins generated by physical exertion and thus has greater endurance than actual humans.

Superhuman Reflexes and Agility: Logan's reflexes and agility are enhanced beyond the capabilities of the normal human body.

Expert Assassin: Logan has knowledge of several assassination techniques.

Full Name: Anna Marie Howlett

Age: 41 years old but stills looks like in her late 20s or early 30s because of Logan and Carol Power's


Height: 5'7" ft.

Build: Slim yet athletic, with a toned physique developed through years of training and survival. Basically looks like the older version or the original version of Sheldon Sister of TBBT.

Hair: Long, straight, and auburn, often worn loose or in a ponytail. Features a distinctive white streak.

Clothing: Typically dressed in practical, rugged clothing suited for combat and travel with her signature leather jacket and boots.

Skills and Abilities:

Power Absorption: Rogue can absorb the powers, memories, and life force of others through physical touch. This ability allows her to temporarily gain and utilize the abilities of those she touches.

Flight: Having absorbed Carol Danvers' powers in the past, Marie has the ability to fly.

Superhuman Strength: After absorbing Carol Danvers, Rogue exhibit enhanced physical strength. But, still can't really tapped into this powers easily since her connections with Carol got cut after she got constant tortures and memory wipe.

Enhanced Durability: Her power absorption can grant her enhanced durability and resistance to physical damage, making her more resilient in battle.

Accelerated Healing Factor: The constant absorption of Logan's healing factor provides Marie with a significantly accelerated healing rate, allowing her to recover from injuries more quickly than normal.

Retractable Claws: Marie can manifest retractable claws similar to Logan's, which are used in combat for slashing and close-quarters fighting.

Enhanced Senses: The constant absorption of Logan's has also granted Marie heightened senses, including improved vision, hearing, and smell, allowing her to detect subtle changes in her environment and opponents

Longevity: The combination of her absorption of both Logan and Carol contributes to her longevity, allowing her to maintain a youthful appearance and physical health despite her actual age.

Combat Skills: Marie is trained in hand-to-hand combat and has experience with various fighting styles. Her powers and combat skills make her a versatile and effective fighter

Survival Skills: Years on the run and in harsh environments have honed Marie's survival skills. She is adept at tracking, foraging, and navigating challenging terrains

Some character sheet for our main characters. Update I added Logan and Rogue character sheet... To fair, I plucked few of them from their wiki page.

Vha_Anncreators' thoughts