
Chapter Ten


It was a beautiful, sunny day in Atlanta, Georgia where I had agreed to meet Brenda whom I haven't seen for a year. After Kyle and Justin had graduated college two years ago, Kyle had proposed to Brenda who had said "yes". Then they got married one year later the day after mine and Brenda's graduation. and moved to Honolulu, Hawaii. I stuck around in Miami because it felt like home now and I wasn't ready to leave it behind just yet.

Justin moved to Atlanta, Georgia a state away from me, but we continued our long distance relationship. We face chatted, texted and called each other three times a week when we had time to because we made sure we made time for each other. He was born and raised in Miami so he had been ready to leave Miami as soon as he graduated. I didn't ask him to stay because then he'd probably hate me for it or we'd even break up over it so I let him go.

I missed him so much every day though and always looked forward to hearing from him. We only saw each other twice a month every other Saturday and spent the whole day together. All four of us were working in the careers we had majored in. What was important to me was that my best friends and boyfriend were happy in the different states they were in.

So since I had decided to take two months off of work I decided to hang out with Brenda first then with Kyle and then with Justin. The reason why I was going to spend time with Justin last is because I'm going to be spending more time with him than with the other two. When I arrived in Atlanta, Brenda sent me directions to find her. I found her fifteen minutes later and when I saw that she was glowing and had a big stomach I knew without a doubt that she was finally pregnant.

I screamed with happiness and ran towards her hugging her carefully, but tightly at the same time. She was laughing so hard because of my reaction and honestly this great news made my day. When she had told me that she had a surprise for me this wasn't what I had been expecting.

I asked her when I finally released her "How far along are you?"

She beamed and with a proud voice said "Three months."

"Oh wow, how hard was it for both you and Kyle to keep the pregnancy a secret from me?"

She sighed "On the scale from 1-10 I'm going to say a 20."

We laughed. Then arm in arm we walked around and caught up on other things that were new or different in each other's lives. We ended up hanging out for four hours then we went to Justin's house where Kyle was too. When we knocked and Justin saw me behind Brenda his small smile became huge.

He waited for Brenda to walk inside and out of the way so that we wouldn't knock her over as he took me in his arms and hugged me. Then he kissed me urgently and passionately for a few minutes losing ourselves in our kiss as we always did every time we kissed. Then we both pulled away at the same time out of breath and hugged each other again. Every time we saw each other he'd always greet me differently each time.

I'm not sure if it's because he thinks that I won't come anymore if he keeps greeting me the way, but honestly I don't mind since he keeps me in suspense on my toes all the time and I like not knowing what to expect when it comes to him. He took my hand and led me inside of his nice two-storied house so I closed the door behind us. Then when Kyle saw me he yelled my name and tackled me so that both landed on the couch then he started tickling me like crazy. Justin and Brenda were laughing and watching us in amusement since this was just the way Kyle was.

He could be mature one minute and so immature the next. We might be adults now, but Kyle just likes to have fun. Justin finally ended up saving me by wrestling with Kyle. However, every time they wrestled each other Justin always won.

We ended up having a barbecue party in Justin's backyard so while the guys were cooking on two separate grills having what probably was a competition between them, Brenda and I were playing board games and talking about one topic and then another. We never ran out of things to talk about and neither did the guys, but I'm thinking that it's because we rarely see each other anymore. Justin and I have been dating for six years now while Brenda and Kyle have been married for three years now and they dated for eight years before they got married then they were engaged for six months. As for when is Justin going to pop the question? I have no idea and honestly I won't mind when he does or if he doesn't at all.

If we date for the rest of our lives I won't mind because we'll still always be together just not living together under the same roof. If we did get engaged though I'd have to move over here to Atlanta which is actually almost similar to Miami so I honestly wouldn't mind moving here. Then I'd have to transfer jobs and plan the wedding whole Justin continued working. Brenda's going to be my maid of honor of course and I'm positive that Kyle's going to be Justin's best man.

Anyways I was jumping way too ahead of myself, but after we finished eating and the sun was setting I realized that the others were being way too quiet. So I turned around to see what was going on then I saw Justin kneeling down in front of me on one knee with a navy blue velvet small box in his hand. I covered my mouth with my hand in shock and surprise.

Then he said "Lily Dawn Wilson, you and I are meant to be in many more ways than just one. You are the sea to my beach, the leaves to my tree and the blue to my sky. You are my first true love, my first real crush and my first real kiss. You mean so much to me and I'd do anything for you because of the amount of love I have for you. I will always and forever cherish you as my girl and will treat you with love and with the respect you deserve. I thank God for bringing you into my life and for the years that we've been together every day. I will continue to take of you, to cherish you and to love you for the rest of our lives always. Dawn, will you do me the honor of making me the happiest man in Atlanta by marrying me?"

I met his eyes which were looking at me with an intense look of love and a look of hope.

Then I said "Justin Ramos, I've treasured each moment that you and I've had together since the day we met up until today in this moment. You mean so much to me and I'm planning on loving you, taking care of you and cherishing you for the rest of our lives together. You are the snow to my winter, the sunshine to my sun and the shine to my stars. I'm grateful to God and always will be for bringing us together for helping us have gotten through all those obstacles and challenges that tried to separate us. There might be more ahead, but united together with our eyes fixed on Jesus and with the guidance of the Holy Spirit and with God's love and compassion, strength and forgiveness we will get through them. I will always love you and be there for you and support your decisions always. So yes, Justin I will marry you."

He slipped the ring on my finger, but I didn't even glance at it since I only had eyes for him right now in this joyous moment for the both of us. No matter what the rest of our lives would be like in the years to come God willing our faith in God and our love for each other as well as trust, mercy and peace would help us survive and live our lives one day at a time. For God nothing is impossible, but for us with God everything is possible. God's love for us is infinite which means that He will always love us forever and ALWAYS.

The End

Author's Note:

Thank you for reading my story. I hope you all enjoyed it, God bless.