
Chapter Nine


Justin and I were double dating with Brenda and Kyle and we were bowling. It was them against us and so far Justin and I were winning. Our team names were July and Kyda since we had mixed our couple names together. We were having a great time and everything that had happened in the past was just that the past so we were all moving on together.

When you go through a tough time where there are those haters that are trying to break you and your girlfriend or boyfriend having each other's back and one-hundred percent trust between each other no one will ever succeed in breaking a couple up. Without the help of my friends and boyfriend the stalker would've still been alive following me everywhere still. As for the girl from school that kept flirting with my boyfriend in front of my face I finally ended up punching her giving her a black eye and a bloody nose. I'm blessed with amazing friends and an amazing boyfriend who I was planning on spending the rest of my life with.

We were taking our relationship one day at a time and when we did talk about us we stayed in the present without jumping ahead to the future because no one except God knows what the future holds. In fact our one year of dating was coming up. I was happy and having the time of my life without Justin, but now that I met him and after everything we've been through I can't go back to living without him as a part of my life. All I wanted to do is be with him or think about him or even hear his voice. Every time he's near me or we're texting or talking on the phone I still get those three same reactions, heart racing, cheeks blushing and the butterflies in my stomach are always fluttering not knowing how to settle down. If we ever did end up breaking up which was a big "if" I wouldn't be able to move on because I gave him all of my love and I can't take it back.

I'm his girl always and he's always going to be my guy. No one and nothing is ever going to be able to separate us unless Justin or I let them and we're not going to give anyone the chance to do so. The pizza we had ordered along with the nachos and jalepeños and our drinks finally came so we took a break from bowling and sat down in the nearby table for four. Justin said a blessing over the food and then we all dug in.

Brenda then asked after swallowing her first bite "So Lily are there anymore weddings coming up?"

I shook my head "Not that I know of, why are you ready for the next one?"

Brenda wiggled her eyebrows "Yeah, only to have a reason to show off on the dance floor."

Kyle smirked "You do that everywhere you go, not just at weddings."

We all laughed while Brenda nodded "True."

Justin then said "Well our Mom called so we have an Aunt who's getting remarried and Brenda and I would like for both of you to come with us."

I asked "When is it?"

"Next month, second Saturday."

Kyle nodded "I'm down, how bout you Lily?"

I thought about it for a moment. As much as I wanted to go I couldn't because I had to work that day and since I just recently started I couldn't ask for a day off yet.

"I really want to, but my boss won't let me take days off yet since I've only been working there for a month."

Kyle and Justin exchanged looks then Justin nodded and Kyle smiled.

Brenda arched her eyebrows at them "Use words not looks."

Kyle explained "Justin and I know Lily's boss's son, he plays soccer with us. We can convince Landon to tell his Dad to give you the day off. He owes us a favor anyway."

I told myself not to get my hopes up, but it was too late they were up. I hugged Justin and bumped fists with Kyle thanking them both for helping me out so that I could go. I really liked working as a waitress at Macchialina's even though I had plenty of money from years of saving money in my bank account. The money wasn't the reason I was working, the job was because I liked waitressing and keeping busy.

I still had plenty of time to study and go to school and hang out with my friends since I managed to prioritize my time with everything that I had to get done. Life was great and I had nothing to complain about. Besides even when there are difficult times or something bad is happening all I know is that everything happens for a reason. Sometimes we might never understand the reason why, but God does because He's all knowing.

Sometimes people who don't do bad things have to suffer because Jesus suffered for us. He suffered so much for us by sacrificing His life for us for the amount of love He had for each one of us so we should be willing to do the same for Him. Kyle was working as a lifeguard and so was Brenda and they even worked the same shifts so that they could spend time together at work too. As for Justin he's a soccer coach for elementary school boys that are in 4th and 5th grade.

All of those boys that he coaches look up to him and I can tell that they admire him. He still plays soccer at the park with his friends also and some of the little boys drop by to watch them to learn some new moves or just to cheer their coach on, its adorable and I know that someday in the near future God willing Justin is going to be a great Dad. After we finished eating, we resumed bowling and Justin and I ended up winning so we did our victory dance that he had choreographed and showed me. Kyle and Brenda were both impressed and after we finished our dance I jumped into Justin's arms and he whirled me around with a grin on his face while I was just laughing.

We then went to play some eight ball pool and ended up playing with Justin against Kyle and Brenda against me. We all knew how to play so we were pretty much real competition against each other. I beat Brenda five times and Justin beat Kyle five times too so we ended up winning again. Then we left and stopped for smoothies and ice cream and then drove to Kyle's place where we were going to have a sleepover.

Brenda and I in the guest bedroom upstairs and Kyle and Justin in separate rooms in the basement. We hung out and talked in the living room for awhile in our PJs eating ice cream and drinking from our smoothies since we each got both. I was sitting on Justin's lap leaning back against him while Kyle was lying down on the couch with his head on Brenda's lap, looking up at the ceiling. Times like these spent with awesome friends who always had your back were the best well spent. I'd literally do anything for Kyle who will always be my brother and for Brenda who will always be my best friend God willing of course and for Justin who I hope and pray will always be my guy to call mine forever.