
Alter Dimension: Lucky Dungeon Master

Alex, a young man with ambition but unfortunate life. He grew up as an orphan and from a very young age, learned to stand on his own feet. Barely making a living by searching through the dumpsite for things that could be sold. One day, when he came back home from the dumpsite, Alex decided to rest on the new sofa that he got from the dumpsite just the other day. But unexpectedly something magical happened to him. A stone inlaid on the sofa suddenly brought him to an alternate dimension! And there, Alex rise started, controlling the luck of the world. Everything runs through his favor. Whenever a problem comes up, it gets solve unknowingly. When he lacks money, gold suddenly fell down from the sky. Opening a treasure chest will always give great rewards. Lottery is nonsense, he will win no matter what. When a strong monster is about to kill him, it will trip on a rock and have its head explode, dying by itself. That's how against the sky he is! From then on, Alex became known as 'Fortune', the one who controls luck!

YouthGod · แฟนตาซี
223 Chs

Cute and Innocent Squirrel

After 30 minutes of walking in haste, Alex finally came out of the pyramid and was greeted by the bright sun.

"Ahh~ It still feels better here outside compared to that gloomy pyramid."

Shaking his head, Alex jumped out of the pyramid and landed at the bottom.

Patting the dust off his hands, Alex said, "Now, I should avoid going inside some unknown structures like this pyramid again in the future."

"Being cautious will help me live longer."

After dropping such words, Alex didn't delay and immediately started moving.

Right now, Alex's only goal is to find 3 more Legendary-class monsters.

However, it seems that it was really harder than expected.

"Haa~, I've been walking for hours but how come I still haven't seen a Legendary-class."

Alex said as he pulled out his knife from the body of a 15 feet long giant worm with countless teeth that looked like shredder.