


The woman leads me into a large room with blue and brown checker flooring and wooden walls and ceiling. It has a huge fridge, a metal door that I guess leads into some sort of freezer, counters on every wall, two large sinks and an entire wall of stoves.

I hear the younger woman giggle as a gawk at the pure size of everything.

Max grins, standing beside me, "Massive isn't it?" I can only nod as I watch the woman start to rummage through the fridge. She pulls out a box of strawberries and hands them to me.

"Eat up, dear," she says and goes back to rummaging.

I sit on a stool and open the box, I bite into one of the lucious fruits and moan as the sweat juices fill my mouth.

I'm about to take another bite when a low growl fills the room.

I jump, nearly choking on the fruit in my mouth as arms encircle me. I start to panic when Snow's growls fill my head. Everything moves faster then I can keep up with. Scarlett is purring with joy, Snow growling at her to shut up, someone yelling, electric tingles cover my body as the arms hold me, and my own heart feeling like it's about to explode as it races in my chest.

I whimper and begin to shake as I become overwhelmed by everything.

Then as if by magic everything slows down.

A new set of arms hold me, Snow stops growling and Scarlett goes quiet. A scent so familiar I'd know it anywhere surrounds me making me relax fully, yet only seconds later a new scent meets my nose. It smells like roses and honey.

I look away from Ella and twords the owner of the new scent. He stands a few feet away, shaking slightly. His eyes are pitch black, fear starts to creep back up as I notice the familiar look.

His wolf wants to take over, wants to hurt or even kill something. John and a few other male rogues have had that look before and I know it all too well.

"Ella," he says in a deep voice, "give me my mate back." His eye go fully black and his wolf glares daggers at my sister.

Snow growls at him, He has no right to call is that! You haven't excepted him! Yet he wants to take us from your sister just like the other Alpha!

I feel my own eyes cloud over in white as she starts to take over. It's the first time she's tried so I can only gasp as I feel the control of my body bleed out of my grasp.

I watch as Snow stands in front of Ella in a defensive stance, right next to Max who I hadn't noticed was in front of us until now.

My body begins to shake again as she shifts. I whimper silently as I hear my bones cracking and replacing. Everyone gasps loudly when the shift is complete and Snow stands tall beside Max, nearly taller then him on her four paws.

The man takes a step twords her, hand extended like he's calming a wild animal, and he might as well be.

Snow growls warningly at him as he takes another step closer.

"Axel, I don't think she's your mate man." Max says, backing closer twords Ella. Scarlett and the man, Axel, growl at him. He sighs and runs a hand threw his hair, "What I mean is, she said she has both, a tiger and a wolf, so maybe only the wolf is your mate? That would explain why she looks like she wants to bite your hand off." Snow nods at him.

Everyone looks like it makes perfect since but I'm completely confused. What's a mate?

Axel sighs and runs his hand threw his hair. "Can I at least speak to my mate?" He suddenly looks like he hasn't slept in days and his eyes fade back into an ocean blue color that makes Scar purr.

Snow rolls her eyes, as much as a tiger can anyway, and shifts back. Axle growls again when he sees only a few pieces of clothing survived. They cover the more important parts but I still have more skin then nessisary showing.

I quickly wrap my wings around myself and look up at Axel who is as still as a statue. Everyone is.

Scarlett sighs, Bunny I think it'd help if you shifted again.

I nod my head and slowly shift into my black, white spotted wolf. She's quite smaller then Snow but still massive in size. I lay down with my head on my paws as everyone slowly comes back to reality.

Axel steps closer to me and kneels in front of me. He touches my head slowly and Scarlett purrs in affection.

He looks up at Max and asks, "Where did you find her?"

Max scratches his head, "I wanted to talk to you about that, I found her in the rogue hideout, she must have been kept prisoner or something. My men saw a lot of experiments there, most dead or brain dead. Mixed species of all kinds. It was gruesome.. " he trails off when I whimper at the reminder of home. After me John had tried to mutate several other kids, most older then me, he always got mad when they didn't work.

I remember once he had dragged me into a lab room and set me on a table, next to me was an older girl, probably 18 or 19, who must have been new. She didn't have a scratch on her and she was clean. She took one look at me and screamed. She thought I was a monster.  John tried to put wings on her but ended up only killing her while I watched, she stayed awake through the entire thing.

Tears track down my face as the memory, and many others circle threw my mind. Axel pulls me into his lap and runs his fingers threw my fur.

"Shh, it's okay Angel. No your safe here, no one can hurt you."

I nod against him, smiling at the new nickname. I silently giggle at the fact that everyone had their own nickname for me yet none of them knew my real name.

My name is Eve, Axel, I link to him.

He smiles, "What a beautiful name for a beautiful girl."

I close my eyes, blushing internally, when I hear a choked sob come from Ella.

I instantly forget Axel and jump around to face her. She has a shocked facial expression, tears are streaming from her eyes and Max is trying to sooth her bit she doesn't pay attention to him.

"Y-your-" she brakes off again and instead of talking chooses to link,  Everlive?

Tears spring to my eyes as well. She remembers me.. Ella.. I link to her and she rushes to me, engulfing me in a hug.

"I told them you weren't dead!" She sobs into my neck, "I'm sorry, Bunny, I looked I swear. I didn't want to give up but-" she's cut off again as sobs rake her body.

I wrap my neck around her's in a hug, promising silently to make up for lost time.

Yay! As I promised I updating again today. This time it was an entire 1,224 words! I love the ending to this chapter ;-; it's so heart warming it makes me want to cry! Thank y'all for reading this far and supporting me it really means a lot.

Anyway till next time! <3