
Forgotten Past


Ella and I stayed with each other for the next few hours, she refused to let me go, she kept crying even when she was smiling, she told me of how she's visited the theater, how she looked for me, how she almost never lost hope, how sorry she was. I never said a word, I was still shocked alone to have my sister back, my best friend.

We're sitting on the couch now, I'm wearing one of Ella's shirts, it fits like a dress on my thin frame and covers my wings completely, -we haven't talked about my past which I'm growingly thankful for- watching my favorite movie growing up, Lilo and Stitch. I laugh as Ice Cream Man, or so I've dubbed him, dropes a mint icecream on the sand when Lilo runs by, in a hurry to catch Stitch.

Ella smiles at me, running her hands through my hair and humming a song that makes my heart ache, it's the lullaby Mum used to sing me when I was upset.

I curl into Ella's chest and close my eyes and feel her chest vibrate as she hums.

I hear a low growl and feel Snow smirk, Axel has been trying to make Ella give me to him for nearly the whole time we've been together.

"Oh shush you big goon," Ella says sassily as she puts her arms around me, "Get your own Bunny, this one's mine and mine alone."

Axel saunters into the living room with a scowl marring his hot features- wait did I just call him hot? Snow smirks and Scar laughs at my shock.

Axel's smooth voice cuts into my confusion, "She is mine, Ell, you just can't except that," his scowl turns into a smirk, "Or shall I Maxy Pooh you don't believe in mates?"

Ella blushes a bright red, "I do too! But Evey is my baby so you can't take her." She pulls me closer and throws a blanket over me, hiding me and making me giggle.

"She's my baby now," I hear a smile in Axel's voice and Scar blushes deeply at his words.

I feel arms encircle me, shoving Ella's out from around me and lifting me up, I hear Ella's protest but it fades as Axel runs somewhere, unable to see where we're going I curl closer to him, peeking my head out from the blanket I see we're outside, heading to a large stretch of trees.

I smile and perk up, it's been forever since I was in the woods, I used to hike with Ella before I was taken.

I shake away the memory and focus on Scar's excitement for being in his arms.

After a few minutes he slows down, "Your too light," the frown on Axel's face is concerned, something I'm seeing too much of since Max found me.

"I've gained weight!" I say happy with myself, and it was true. Since coming here I feel like I've been eating buffets all day, more than I've ever eaten in a week.

Axel raises an eyebrow, "Is that so?" He pretends to scale my weight in his arms making me laugh, "Nope, still too light."

I push his chest as hard as I can which doesn't faze him making me pout, "I'm still bigger then when I was lil," I say trying to sound energized.

"That's cause you were lil, now your all grown up, Ella said you'd be, what sixteen now?" He says smirking.

"Wait I'm sixteen?!" My mouth hangs open in slight shock, "but thought I was still eleven.." I counted in my head, ya I only remember three years, I even had a calendar once, and an alarm clock.. three years, the year I was kidnaped one in between, and this year. "She must have miscounted.." sadness rolls through me at the thought of Ella forgetting my age and birthday.

"What year were you born Angel?" Axel's voice is calm now, like he's talking to a upset child.

"Two thousand six," I look up at him as he does the math.

"That's a year after me, I'm seventeen this year. Angel, your sixteen." I purse my lips in confusion, " You were through a lot, it's normal to block out some of it." He rubs circles into my knuckles with his thumb and sits down next to a tree, holding me in his lap as I think.

"So.. I don't even remember five years of my life..?" I murmur into his shoulder, trying to remember. Five years was longer than I could originally remember.. I barely remember most of my childhood let alone the three years I do remember with John.. most of my life forgotten.. gone..

Tears spring to my eyes and I forcefully blink them back, I wouldn't cry over this, with so many other reasons to shed tears forgetting my past wasn't one of them. I should be happy.. but then i wouldn't know what actually happened those many years.. would I?

Had I had friends there? Did I ever help anyone or anyone help me? Did anyone else think I was a freak? Was I normal in those forgotten years? We're they when Snow and Scarlett came to me? I don't remember when they came so maybe?

I put my head in my hands and groan, how could it be that easy to forget something so huge?

Axel runs is fingers through my hair, "Don't think about it too much, I'm sure they'll come back. Or one day you'll realize your better off forgetting."

I nod against him. Maybe it was better to forget.. Snow and Scar whine quietly at my inner battle and I shake the thoughts away. My past didn't matter, what mattered was the present.

I look up at Axel who's eyes hadn't left me, "So umm.. what's a mate?"

He looks at me knowingly and thinks about it, "When someone has a mate it's kind of like love at first sight, they would jump in front of a bullet for that person. They are the only one you see, the most important person in your life. No; they become your life, your everything. They hold you to the Earth, like your personal gravity. Without them around you feels like your only half, never whole unless you are with them." Hearing him say all these things about mates like he's felt it before.. does he have a mate?

The thought makes Scarlett growl and a wave of pain pulse through my heart. I bite my lip and look up at him, "That'd be nice.." I think of having someone see me like that, care about me unconditionally without worry of them leaving me. But the thought of him having a different mate stuck pins in my heart. "Axel.. do you have.. a m-mate?" It hurts getting the words out and I feel Scar snarl at that response but Snow grins in satisfaction.

Axel looks confused for a second, "Angel, Evey, your my mate."

My heart speeds up with his words, Scarlett lets out a help of excitement, but Snow growls. Still, Axel's my mate? I smile brightly and hug him, feeling love radiating from him and comfort from being in his arms.

I feel whole.. but something feels like it's still missing..

Sorry y'all! Haven't felt my best but I'm all good now! .. I think? Anyway thanks for the support! Also I'm publishing this on Wattpad now as well! So please help me out there! Thanks!

Till next time, zzzDayDreamingzzz<3