
Alpha Logan

Amora Kirk never thought she would find her mate the way she did. And she knew that when she did, it would be an issue for not only her, but for the entire pack as per a few certain people in her pack didn't like her and the next Alpha in line, Logan Sullivan, being mates. "Your so-called mate will never find you, you kitsune, You think anyone will miss you after we dispose of you?" The guy asks her. Amora looks up at him and smirks as she growls a bit. "Oh I know everyone will and if anything happens to me, you'll definitely hear it." Amora says before leaning her head back and howling very loudly for her mate to hear.

CORPSEWife99 · แฟนตาซี
12 Chs

Chapter 2

I sigh and drop my hands from my hair before walking to my closet. I open it and grab a pair of jeans and a shirt. I walk to my bathroom and over to my sink. I put my clothes down before walking out of my bathroom. I walk to my dresser and open my first draw, grabbing an udnerwear set and a pair of socks. I close the draw and grab my small speaker before walking back to my bathroom. I put the speaker and other clothes on the sink before turning the speaker on. The speaker connects to my phone as I get my phone out. I unlock my phone and go on Pandora, playing my 'Sad and Lonely' playlist. 'If I had you' by Adam Lambert starts playing as I put my phone next to my speaker, stripping out of my clothes and leaving them on the floor. I walk to my shower and open the sliding door, walking in. I close the sliding door and turn the hot water on, feeling the hot water on my skin. I sigh as I change it to warm, feeling the warm water hit my body.


I dry my hair with my towel as I turn the music off. I turn the speaker off and put my phone in my pocket and walk out of my bathroom. I walk to my desk as I hear someone knocking on my door. I tense before looking at my door. "Amy, you in here?" I hear Logan say as he knocks on ym door again. I sigh as I ignore him, continuing to dry my hair. 'I know you're in your room, Amy. Can you open your door and let me in?' Logan mindlinks me. I forgot that he can also mindlink me. 'Why should I? Shouldn't you be f***ing your b***h, Sawyer?' I ask him, already annoyed. 'What are you talking about, Amy?' Logan replies. I scoff as I walk to my door, unlocking it. I open the door and look at him, hearing my wolf already whining for him. "You must be joking, Logan. Do you think you can fool me?" I ask him. "Again, what are you talking about, Amy?" Logan replies. "You really think I don't know about you f***ing Sawyer? Seriously? That's all she talks about besides saying how she's gonna be Luna because you asked her to be." I snap at him. "Amy, I never asked her to be my Luna. She isn't my mate. And I only f**k her when I'm drunk to get my mind off of someone else." Logan replies. I roll my eyes before crossing my arms. "Don't lie to me, Logan. You know that skank is your mate. She is always here even though she doesn't live here and whenever I wake up, I see her walking out of the North Wing. So don't play stupid, Logan." I snap at him.

Logan growls, making me sumbit a bit. But not competely. I am not going to sumbit for him. "And when was the last time you saw her come out of the North Wing? Because I haven't gotten drunk in three months." Logan asks me. "You're stupid then because I saw her come out of the North Hall 4 days ago." I say. Logan shakes his head as he looks at me, his green eyes staring into my blue ones. I look away before looking down at the ground between our feet. "I haven't been f***ing her, Amy. I don't know why she comes out of the North hall but it isn't because of me." Logan replies. I roll my eyes before giving him a look. "Can you please stop acting stupid and just admit it?" I ask him. "No because she isn't getting f***ed by me. I'm not going to admit to something I'm not doing." Logan replies. I roll my eyes before slamming the door in his face. "Amora, can you not be so damn dramatic?" Logan says as he bangs on my door this time. "Not until you know when you tell the truth to someone who you know is going to be close to you later on when you realize it." I say loudly before walking to my window. I open my window and look out the window. "Come on, Amora. Can we be adults and talk about this?" Logan says as he bangs on my door again. I roll my eyes and jump out my window, landing on my feet. This isn't the first time I have jumped out my window. I have done it plenty of other times. Not going to be specific about it. That's for another time.

I dust myself off before jogging away from the pack house, jogging to my car. I stop when I realize my keys are in my room, on my desk. I groan and facepalm, hearing someone chuckle behind me. I turn around and see Dad walk over to me, his arms crossed. "Is there a reason you didn't use the front door? It seems to be working well." Dad asks me. I sigh as I look down. "Logan." I say quietly. "Wanna walk and talk about it?" Dad asks me. I nod as we walk away from the pack house, walking into the woods. "So, what happened now?" Dad asks me. "He wanted to talk about something but I didn't want to talk about it. I wanted to be left alone and he wouldn't stop. So I ended up snapping on him and slamming the door in his face before jumping out of my window. And I know I shouldn't have because I know you and everyone else can hear my wolf whining for Logan." I explain to him. Dad chuckled and nods as I ignore her whining. "Yeah, she sure is whining. Why is she whining for the Future Alpha, though? You didn't say anything about that." Dad replies. I sigh as stop walking, making Dad stop and look at me. "I think he's my mate, Dad." I say as I look at him.

Dad looks at me with wide eyes before putting a hand on my arm. "You sure, Amy? That's defintiely something big to even say." Dad asks me. I nod as I look down. "Yeah, he is. When he grabbed my arm before I rushed into the house, I felt sparks go from my arm all over my body. I think he is." I tell him. Dad nods as he smiles at me a bit. "What?" I ask him. "You'll not only be a 1st in command, but you'll also be a Luna as well. That's more on you than anything. Are you sure you want to be 1st in command?" Dad says. "Yes, Dad. If I'm 1st in command then that means you can relax and not have to worry as much because you won't be 1st in command anymore." I explain to him. Dad chuckles and nods as he kisses my head, making me smile at him.