
All Dogs Have Their Day

A Jack of All Trades Is Better Than A Master Of Only One. A simple guy that worked whatever crap job let him pay his rent. Dying alone and forgotten, he wakes in a world ripped from D&D. What happens when he is made Keeper of the keys of a manse under constant attack from adventurers? How does he deal with the female monsters that all want his kids? At whom does he unleash his considerable malice?

Jaycren · แฟนตาซี
9 Chs

The Devil At The Crossroads

"Sebastian!!!!!" The shrill scream reverberated into the library.

Shooting upward, Sebastian sprang to his feet.

Immediately at parade rest, he shouted, "What is your order, your Ladyship?"

The doors burst opened and in walked Lady Amora Aphrontus, first Duchess of Castle Lorean. In her left hand, she clutched Sebastians reports. Stalking forward she began her tirade

"I had no complaints when you 'performed your duty' with Maker. That is part of your job. I had no complaints when you were disrespectful to me about how I handled my own home. To a certain point, I agree. Tartarus below, I have no problem with any of your other new plans or policies, as twisted as they are. But where I draw the line is the Rape of Makna and her new name. Explain yourself!"

Sebastian sighed, "I believe I already gave the particulars and rationale behind my actions in my report. But I shall elaborate. I awoke to find Slut sucking my dick. I had not asked for this. So I took action to assure that I would not be so violated again. Plus, it had the added benefit of further diversifying the bloodlines among the kobolds. I guarantee that some of my brood will be males."

"You mean to use her for breeding?" Lady Amora shrieked, "You intend to strip more from her?"

"I am not striping anything away from her," Sebastian snarled, "I am allowing her the opportunity to earn it all back. Fact: She was outcast from her clan for being a runt. Which is a death sentence for a Gnoll. It means that her own people found her unfit even to rape. Fact: She violated me! I can't let such behavior continue. I'd never get anything done. Now I have a pet that will guard me. Fact: Slut is much stronger than me, she could've stopped me at any time. Thus she was a willing participant. Which makes you guilty of making a false accusation and being speciest."

Amora stepped back, her anger stripped from her, "How am I speciest?"

"So you admit to the false accusation?" Sebastian rebuked, "Well, admitting a mistake is the first step to rectifying it. You're speciest because you assumed that rape for a human and rape for a Gnoll are the same thing. I assure you they're not. You can't use your standards to judge cannibalistic homicidal intelligent hyenas. They'll eat you if you do. What happened between Slut and me was a play of dominance. One I'll thank you not to undermine by calling Slut by any other name except for Slut. Unless I decree she has earned a different name of course."

Amora snorted, "Very well, I will bow to your knowledge on this. One day Sebastian you will face someone you can't out talk or out malice. I wonder what you will do then?"

Striding from the room, she took her leave. Back to her own business.

Sliding into his chair, Sebastian ran his hands through his thick mop of hair. Closing his eyes, they opened to hear Index's teasing.

"Fuu Fuu Fuu," she laughed, "You Taurus crapped that entire statement. You did not utter a single lie, but you did not tell the truth either."

"Never tell the total truth to management," Sebastian snarked, "Tell them what they need to know so that you can do your job and they can hang you out to dry if it goes bad. I like Lady Amora, thus I did her the courtesy."

"Going to be gunning for Amora too?" Index cooed, "Fuu Fuu Fuu, you are insatiable aren't you."

Sebastian blanched, "Banging the boss is a bad idea, besides all the girls I've been with have something Lady Amora does not."

"And what is that, my canny casanova?"

"Simple, they're all severely unbalanced and dangerous. Lady Amora is too boring," Sebastian clarified, "Moving on, when can you get those Permancey scrolls to Maker?"

"It will take me three hours to get them all done."

"Splendid, please do so. The sooner we can begin working on those surprises the safer we will be. They may be only a stop-gap to the greater problem, but they allow us to move on to other things," Sebastian affixed Index with his eyes, "How soon can you begin implanting the knowledge within the kobold leaders?"

"I can begin as soon as they get here. You slept throughout the night. I am completely charged once again."

"Then we need to begin sooner rather than later, can you get in touch with Maker?"

"No need," Maker's voice snarked into the room, "Stupid Master held us up by sleeping. Maker ready since yesterday."

Alongside her were four Kobolds of varying builds, all of their eyes darting over the room. Their tales coiling and their tongues tasting the air.

"Good, then let us begin. By the way Maker, if I'm to get any further in my duty to your tribe, I need to get the next Kobold as soon as I can. Remember, the Kobolds are entitled to me once a day. No more no less. And with what you're building, your tribe may be out of danger entirely."

"Maker thought of that already. Need Fixer for current project, but find another. This one is Cleaner."

A silent kobold, wearing a maid's uniform stepped forward. Bowing deeply, she muttered.

"I hope to please you with my service."

"Well then, I have a busy day ahead of me," Sebastian gestured, "Come Cleaner, rest upon my lap."

Easing back in his chair, he released himself from his pants. His hardness clear for all to view.

"The rest of you follow Index, she will give you further orders."

As the other Kobolds filed deeper inside the library, Maker escorted Cleaner forward. Stepping to the side, she helped Cleaner astride Sebastian. Rising up Cleaner parted her panties, then slide the entirety of Sebastian inside herself. Gasping, she began slowly rutting his cock deeper in. Pulling Maker to him, Sebastian kissed her, their tounges intertwining as Cleaner continued milking his cock. Sebastian's left hand reached toward Maker. Trailing down her shirt, he slipped inside her overalls.

"Naughty Maker," he chided, "you're not wearing any panties."

Covering her mouth once more with his own, Sebastian slipped his finger inside Maker. Sinking his finger deep inside, he proceeded to finger fuck her. Cleaner began riding harder as she felt Sebastian swelling inside her. All three climaxed as Sebastian shot deep inside. Resting against his chest, she held out her hand for the plug.

"Oh, we're not done here yet," Sebastian growled, "I can go a little longer."

"But you said only one was ours?" Cleaner protested.

"Exactly, only one," Sebastian clarified as he started moving her hips, "and this one isn't done yet."

Raising and lowering the Kobold on his cock, he used her as his own fleshlight. Cleaner's gasping turning to moans and then howls as he came a second time deep inside her. Her eyes rolled back in her head, as she collapsed against his chest.

"Maker, I think it is time you plugged her," Sebastian ordered, "Then climb up for your own ride."

Removing the plug from her overall, she paused.

"Master, I don't understand."

"Simple," Sebastian smiled, "Mating with the other members of your warren is a duty. A pleasant one, but still only a duty. But with you, it's something more. I want you to be the first to bear my children among the kobolds. I want to keep you pregnant. That way you will bear more of my brood then any other."

"Then its good I got two, Master," Maker sighed, "I was hoping you wanted me again."

Slipping the plug inside Cleaner, Maker laid the comatose Kobold upon one of the couches. Dropping her overalls, they clattered to the floor. Discarding her shirt into a heap, she took Sebastian's cock between her breasts. Her tongue once more entangled his cock as she coaxed it back to life. Moaning as she was able to take the tip in her mouth, she smiled as she heard similar moans from Sebastian.

"Cleaner didn't get those," Maker thought, "those moans are only for Maker, they mine."

Feeling him swell, she hummed as she excepted her favorite treat. Gulping it down, she smiled up at her lover. Noticing his continued hardness, she crawled on top of her Master. Sliding him into her she snuggled into his chest. His strong arms wrapped themselves around her and for a moment the two stay there. Purring to herself, Maker raised herself up, then dropped onto his cock. Sebastian pulled her tighter as she felt him swell once more inside her. Grasping her hands into his shirt, she pulled him into another kiss. His hips began to rise up to meet her, as they both sought their mutual high. His hands running down her spine sent her over, as her pussy tightened over his cock. At that moment he spurted his full load deep into her.

Look up, Maker cooed, "Master I love you."

Her Master's Hazel eyes looked back into her Yellow, "I love you to Maker."

Closing her eyes, Maker fell asleep against her Master's chest. His gradually softening hardness still sending cum deep inside her.

Sebastian shifted slightly, looking up he saw Index walking back into the room. Ushering out the Kobolds, she strolled over to the trio.

"So she was the first to admit it huh?" Index inquired, "Somehow I knew she would be. Mak was always the most romantic of all of us."

A glow surrounded Cleaner, floating her out to join her companions.

"I think we both know this was a foregone conclusion," Sebastian snarked, "Now it's a matter of if you or Slut confess it next. And Slut can't talk. I already fell for both of you. But I refuse to say it first."

Blushing, Index stepped back. Her mouth opened and close a moment, then she disappeared.

"Hey!" Sebastian whispered, "We have a lot of work to do! Get back here you coward!"

Silence was his only answer.