
All Dogs Have Their Day

A Jack of All Trades Is Better Than A Master Of Only One. A simple guy that worked whatever crap job let him pay his rent. Dying alone and forgotten, he wakes in a world ripped from D&D. What happens when he is made Keeper of the keys of a manse under constant attack from adventurers? How does he deal with the female monsters that all want his kids? At whom does he unleash his considerable malice?

Jaycren · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
9 Chs

Wet Dreams May Cum

Sebastian opened his eyes, a mirror showing a familiar form.

"Well no wonder the injuries matched," He snarked, "I started over at 21. Really glad I didn't get reset to earlier, going through puberty again would've been a bitch."

Glancing around the room, Sebastian noted that the mirror was the sole other occupant of his little circle of light.

"Heh, I'm dreaming," He laughed, "wonder if whatever asshole prevented my rest is gonna come forward and declare my glorious purpose."

"Sebastian Jason O'Dunne," A low feminine growl issued from the darkness, "Isn't it fucking obvious what I wish you to do. Yah fucking twat."

"Ahh, Its a propper goddess I get," Sebastian blasphemed, "One that already talks like the whore she is. I was ready to die. I wanted to sleep. Instead, I have to live my life again. Using the same skills and doing the same jobs that I despised."

"And you're indeed one of mine," The voice snarled back, "Once the day ends, ready to drop the mask. But you'll do the job. You got yourself hired of your own free will. All I did was drop you in the shit face first. After that all your actions were yours. So stop being a cunting baby and man up. At least now one of the perks is going to be all the pussy you want."

Sebastian slumps, a giggle shaking his frame. Dropping to his knees, he cried into the shadows.

"Like I could ever ignore a cry for help or let a task be undone. Why me?" He demanded, "I never mattered, no one like me does. We're just the cogs that run society. Inflicted with a terminal sense of duty and a suicidal will. The better for those above us to work us to death. Why did I get this reward? I that was never worth remembering."

Resting back on his knees, his hands settling to the floor. Bowing his head, he was silent.

Warm fuzzy arms pulled him into a bare stomach. Breasts rested on either side of his head. A gentle growl purred into his ears.

"Shhh, Sebastian," It cooed, "All will be made clear. But know this, men and woman like you are rare. They are the reason society exists at all. The leaders may get the credit, the soldiers the glory, and the sages the accolades, but it is those like you that are truly important. For without those of my brood the leaders have no power, the soldiers no home to return to, and the sage's knowledge is wasted. But for now rest, we will talk the next time you slumber. Continue on your path, you already have exceeded my expectations."

Wrapping his gibbonous arms around his goddess, he pulled her tight. Closing his eyes, he fell into blackness once more.


Once more rising into the light, he felt a slobbering wetness upon his cock. His eyes shot open as an unruly tawny mopped head boobed upon his cock.

Grabbing the girl by the hair, he yanked her off. Flipping her to the side, he rose. Dragging the Gnoll to her feet, he growled into her ear.

"You want my dick, then you shall have it."

Yanking the gnoll along, he bent her over the nearest table. Ripping her clothes from her, he pinned her. Thrusting forward, he entered dry into her sphincter. Laughing at her howls, he proceeded to ram her.

"You're nothing but my bitch, to take as I want," he snarled, "That is the penalty for touching me without permission. You'll eat and drink out of a bowl. I'll have a collar crafted with your new name. Slut. From now on you walk on all fours, act like an animal I'll treat you like one."

Continuing to slam her ass, he emptied his first load inside her bowels. Withdrawing his shit covered dick, he cast the gnoll to the ground.

"On your knees Slut and clean my cock." he demanded.

Her mouth once more engulfing his cock, she whined at the bitterness. Slut looked into his eyes and found no mercy. Moving her snout she twirled her tongue around his member causing Sebastian to let loose a small moan. Feeling his hardness return, he yanked her off again.

Slapping her across the face, he pushed her onto the floor. Entering her pussy, he was surprised at the wetness.

"You really are a Slut," He taunted, "you're getting off on being raped."

Feeling her pulse as his words sent her over the edge, he wrapped his hands around her throat.

"You communicate through yelps and barks unless I say otherwise. Whomever I wish will get access to your holes. For trying to take what wasn't yours," he proclaimed, "you've lost everything."

Thrusting into her pulsing wetness, he continued his degradation, "Do You Understand, Slut?"

Yipping and nodding her consent, Slut Climaxed again. As she milked his cock, he came. Ribbons of cum pumped directly into Sluts womb. Withdrawing from her, kicked her to the side. Walking over to his clothes, he slipped on his undergarments. Turning back, he watched Slut crawl over to her clothes.

"Animals don't wear clothes, Slut," Sebastian admonished, "So neither do you. Go find a corner to curl up in. I'll make sure to find a proper bed for you to sleep in, later. Until then the floor is good enough for you."

Whining at her master's displeasure, Slut slunk off into the stacks. A shuffling thump was heard as she found her spot.

"Index are you awake?"

"Yes Master," Index chortled, "Fuu Fuu Fuu, you certainly know how to train animals."

"I need you to confirm some things for me."

"Fuu Fuu Fuu, as you wish Master."

"First, Slut is the only Gnoll in residence."

"Correct, she was cast out from her pack for being too weak and small. None of the male gnolls wanted her. She's a fantastic rouge though."

"Second, when can you confirm any pregnancies?"

"Two weeks with a 90% accuracy. It goes up to 100% within a month."

"Good add Slut to the list. If I'm right any female I creampie will be carrying my child."

"Third, You're not able to be impregnated."

"Fuu Fuu Fuu, There is a small possibility that the seed you poured into me will form an intelligence that is a combination of us both. I would say .01% chance. Most of this round would have been used to power the transfer. With a full load that rises to 1%. Fuu Fuu Fuu."

"Scan yourself too," Sebastian ordered, "I've no reason to believe that you'll be an exception to the rule.

"Thirdly, I used up all three uses for today. Plus it'd be a bad idea for me to go under until next month."

"Fuu Fuu Fuu, you are a smart one," Index laughed, "got it right again."

Sebastian shrugged on his coat, looking around he picked up a quill and inkpot. Finding a random piece of parchment, he began to sketch.

"What about if I wanted to force another to take a full three? What'd happen to that beings mind?"

Index hissed, "You'd shatter the mind. All that would be left would be whatever knowledge I pumped into it. All free-will gone. Only a drone would remain."

"If I told you part of my plan was to do this to the adventurers we capture, in order to increase our genetic diversity and resources, what would you say?"

Index was silent, several minutes passed with the only sound of Sebastian's quill scratching.

"Fuu Fuu Fuu," Index cackled, "I would say that this is the beginning of a great love affair."

"I'm glad," Sebastian answered, "Call Maker in here, would you?"

"Yes Master," Index purred.

The library shifted, clutter caused by Slut's taming righted itself. The blockade against the door shifted, the double doors creaking as the allowed Maker entry.

"I'm here Master," Maker called as she strode toward Sebastian, "What you require?"

"First, I wish to know have you picked out the teams yet?"

"Yes Master," Maker Replied, "All the teams have been assembled and the leaders look forward to learning all they can."

Sebastian chuckled, "Good, have the first three leaders report to Index in the morning. Also, I wish to know if you've made the roster for my other duties."

"I have Master, the first will be with you first thing tommorow. I have assigned every Kobold in the warren a day and time to come to you."

"Splendid, I knew you were the Kobold for the job!" Sebastian handed her the sketchings, "You claim to be able to create automatons. What would you require to create these?"

"Master want just one of each or more?"

"One of each for now," Sebastion replied, "As things proceed we will need to build more variants."

"Need Permanency Scroll from Index, One of Each mean 4," Maker speculated, "Need two weeks work with three other Kobolds. Plus a week for Dianah to make fabric. Also gonna need Makna for leather accents. That add another week. If we do whole process at once take two weeks, if not it take four."

"Makna?" Sebastian cocked his head, "someone else I have to meet?"

"Maker means Slut," Index clarified, "You turned our tanner into your pet."

Sebastian pursed his lips, "Slut, HEEL!"

Trotting quickly out of the rear of the library, Slut sat on her haunches next to Sebastian. In perfect position, she waited for her master to give her another command.

"Master a freak," Maker declared, "Stupid Master break our only tanner. How Makna do job like that?"

"Have some faith Maker," Sebastian chuckled as he scratched behind Sluts ears, "And that's not her name anymore. Slut, you shall make whatever Maker requires of you. Be a good girl and there will be treats."

Yipping excitedly, Slut loped out after Maker.

"Oh, Slut you may talk with Maker and only Maker while on this task. And Maker, her name is Slut now. She tried to take what wasn't hers. Something I won't tolerate any longer, am I clear."

"Crystal Master," Maker called back, "C'mon Slut, I'll make sure you will have plenty to do."

Silence reigned once more as the duo exited the library. Sebastian grabbed another parchment and began writing once again.

"I've always hated the nessacay evil of paperwork," Sebastian grumped, "But I better get this all down or I'll forget it."

Scritching away, Sebastion ended his first day on the job. Amora later found her Keeper of The Keys asleep upon his notes. Chuckling she had Index through a blanket over him.

"Finally after all this time, a little bit of hope," Lady Amora smiled.

Leaving the man to his rest, she gathered the papers. Walking from the room, she ended the day in her own rooms. Determined to read what he had written in the morning.