
Alive again

Is there anything worse than watching your mother get murdered by your father after he used her to get ahead in life in any way possible? Well except you get killed next, then, Yes! I'm stuck in this hallow dark place. I think I've been here for days or months, I don't know. Wait! I feel like I'm moving What's that white thing I'm going to the light Nice, at least it's not hell then... Where am I? And why on earth is that girl looking at me like I stole her money? She's pretty though. Wait, I'm suppose to be in heaven, why am I here? Wait how am I seeing, I feel like my eyes are closed. They are. Gosh I'm soo tired, let me try and get up. My hands definitely did not look like this before I died, this is not my skin.

Sleepyglasses · สมัยใหม่
34 Chs

Six million


At 3 in the morning Marie woke Tia up for their daily exercise routine which lasted till 6 before freshening up to go for the auditions which was by 9.

On their way there, they stopped to get some food and got to the audition place fifteen minutes before nine am.

There was a lot of people there so they went to find a corner to sit after picking a number.

By eleven am, it was Tia's turn to audition, so she went into the audition room.

The moment the director laid eyes on Tia, his eyes lit up because she had a perfect image for the second female lead.

What made it better was she was auditioning for that same role and she was the girl his nephew mentioned to him.

Tia finished her audition and every judge applauded seeing potential in her acting even though she was an newbie.

The director even told her to call her manager immediately to sign the contract so Tia went out to call Marie in.

They signed the contract and Tia's pay was ten million.

She would get a deposit of three million in her account before the end of the day and the rest will be given to her after the shooting of the movie is over.

It was actually a highly invested movie.

At home…


"I can't believe we made six million in a week, I've never had this much money with me since ever."

"Well it's only thanks to your friends, pretty face, luck and surprisingly good acting skills"

"Whoa whoa whoa, give my manager some credit too, believe it or not I wouldn't have done it without you."

"Oh I believe it."

"By the way I ordered you a phone.

You know so you don't have to borrow mine when you have to do something

And I have to tell my parents that I now have a job or jobs"

"Yeah you should tell them today."

"So what do you want to do with the money?"

"oh that,

I was thinking that maybe we could go gambling

You know I can see through things so there's a low possibility that we will lose money and its fast.

What do you say, huh, casino on Tuesday"

"That is very risky

Anything can happen in a casino, for all we know we could get robbed or anything"

After spending hours on convincing Tia, they finally agreed on giving Tia's parents five hundred thousand as their cut of Tia's first paycheck.

And after they make more money from the casino,

Tia suggested they start buying stocks of a electronics company.

Probably one that isn't doing great in the market right now.

Since it will be easier to build it back up rather than building one up from scratch.

Either way they would need to find hard working, talented and trust worth people to work for them.

They also talked about relocating to the Capital since that is the best place to have a successful company in the country.

Tia also suggested that Marie take the college entrance examination with her so they can both get a degree.

Marie was an A student, she would start tutoring Tia and they would study together.

"You've got to be kidding me, its literally been three days"

"What's been three days?"

"Oh shit, don't sneak up on me Marie, it's scary."

Tia muttered as she hid her phone.

"Then what are you hiding?"


Marie started trying to wrestle Tia for her phone before giving up since Tia was holding onto the phone like her life depended on it.

"If you don't tell me I'll pry it out of your mind myself."


Tia glared

"Fine, fine but tell me what you're hiding. We tell each other everything remember?

You promised!"

"Okay… take a look for yourself"

Tia passed her phone to Marie.

"Woooww, so you are jealous.

You know a pic with a girl doesn't mean anything right"

Marie tried to reason with her.

"Oh but it does mean everything Marie.

He doesn't like being close to people especially girls.

The fact that he's taking a picture with one two days after he left for the Capital city means she must be special to him"

"Which means I'm not special anymore"

Tia dejectedly hugged her pillow.

This was the day Marie found out that consoling a heart broken Tia was hard, stressful and filled with receiving hits at random times, anywhere. Literally.

On the day Tia was shooting the advertisement for the perfume brand,

they decided that they would sneak out at night to the casino.

There was no way Tia's parents would allow them to go to a casino even with the supervision of one of them, forget gambling.

At the shooting location…

The videographer and photographer fell in love with Tia's elegance and the way she displayed herself to the camera to portray exactly what they ask of her.

Of course her nice charisma and eagerness to learn melted their hearts soo much they ended up asking her for contact for future collaborations.

It seemed like as long as Tia tried even a little she could make almost anyone like her which could not be said to be the same for Marie.

It was one of the reasons Marie loved about having Tia as her partner. Even if a person hated her guts, they wouldn't be able take it too far as long as Tia was close to them.

That and also the magnetic ability she has that makes you want to get closer to her, even confiding your deepest secrets in her.

After the shooting was over, they left for a Chinese restaurant, since they were hungry.

"You are fired Tim, I never want to see your face at the company again. I can't believe the designs of my son was stolen by you and you took credit for it. Leave!"

Tim's ex-boss said as he pushed Tim.

Thee girls were about to enter the restaurant when Tim bumped into Tia which caused Tia to fall before he helped her up.

Tim Clory is a automotive engineer around the age of thirty-five but the way he was currently dressed and looked un-kept would make you think he was in his late fourties.

He was a married man with two kids and although he works in a car company he could not afford the most basic of things sometimes.

This was because he was constantly being suppressed by his boss's son who takes credit for his work all the time so the company regards him as useless therefore paying him way less than they should.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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