
Alive again

Is there anything worse than watching your mother get murdered by your father after he used her to get ahead in life in any way possible? Well except you get killed next, then, Yes! I'm stuck in this hallow dark place. I think I've been here for days or months, I don't know. Wait! I feel like I'm moving What's that white thing I'm going to the light Nice, at least it's not hell then... Where am I? And why on earth is that girl looking at me like I stole her money? She's pretty though. Wait, I'm suppose to be in heaven, why am I here? Wait how am I seeing, I feel like my eyes are closed. They are. Gosh I'm soo tired, let me try and get up. My hands definitely did not look like this before I died, this is not my skin.

Sleepyglasses · Urban
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34 Chs


That's probably why they got along, with a single glance you would believe that they weren't inferior to each other at all.

They introduced themselves to Marie nicely and agreed to watch a movie at the cinema.

As they were going to the cinema, they asked Tia about her new post.

"I'm thinking of becoming a celebrity like acting, modeling and all that." Tia replied.

They were all shocked especially Cathy.

"Really, you've never told me this before and even when I suggested it you refused. What changed your mind?"

"Just decided on a whim, nothing special but if you guys want to shower me with resources, who am I to reject you guys."

"Well my uncle is a director and he's having a audition for a movie this Saturday, I could call him and get you in."

Ramsey sighed.

"Even though your acting doesn't cut it, I'll make him make exceptions for you to gain experience and exposure."

"Yeah my family's perfume brand is about to shoot an advertisement, I'll talk to my dad about it. He'll probably agree since the whole family adores you."

Cathy said as she pulled on Tia's arms.

"And since we have no resource to give you right now, if you run into trouble later, just call us and we'll back you up."

Jared and Jessie said as they clenched their fists like they were making a vow.

"Yes, yes, good children. You have to not only protect but bring good resources for me to make money of.

I'll reward you lot with goodies."

Tia magnanimously said like she was coaxing kids while they all laughed.

"This is actually good, I didn't even have to stress myself to find nice jobs for Tia.

Her friends are all reliable" Marie thought to herself as she smiled.

"Just in case, I should probably read their minds to make sure they don't have bad intentions for Tia."

Marie read their minds and confirmed that they didn't have any ill intentions towards Tia, infact she found out that Tia and Ramsey seems to have a weird relationship history together.

"I'll tease her about it when we get home."

The group got their tickets and went into the cinema.

It was a horror movie and just as they were about to take their seats.

Marie noticed that Cathy was staring at her as if contemplating on something before she ended up leaving a seat between herself and Tia.

Ramsey then sat there, on Tia's right while I was at her left.

"Maybe she wanted to seat where I am." Marie mumbled to herself.

The movie started and it was actually quite scary and Ramsey was constantly trying to hold Tia's hand but she kept moving it until she noticed what he was trying to do and ended up holding his hand.

They held hands the entire movie while everyone acted like they didn't see a thing even though they clearly did.

After the movie, they went go carting.

Cathy proceeded to drag Marie away from Tia while whispering into her ears to give the couple some space.

And everyone ended up leaving the both of them together throughout, until it was time to leave.

At home…

Both the Tia and Marie collapsed on the bed with a sigh.

"So you and Ramsey, huh"

"What do you mean me and Ramsey?"

"Nothing, just holding hands, giggling nonstop, smiling like a fool,

oh and completely forgetting that you went there with a friend that isn't close with your other friends.

So just like I said, Nothing!"

"Okay, you are being ridiculous.

I didn't leave you, you left me and I wasn't giggling and smiling for that long, it was just a little… I was acting like a fool wasn't I."

Tia said as she covered her face out of shame.

"What do you think?

If it makes you feel any better I thought it was hella cute and stupid but mostly cute.

So y'all dating or fooling around."

"We are not dating, we were supposed to but he's moving to the capital for college because that is where he is from and I on the other hand didn't even pass my college entrance exams."

While they were talking Tia received texts from her friend about the audition for the movie and Cathy's dad agreed that Tia will be shooting the advertisement for the perfume brand.

She is to go to their company tomorrow to sign a contract and they will shoot the advertisement by next week.

Tia decided to audition for the role of the second female lead since she was more attracted to the role.

The second female lead is the male lead's sister that hated the first female lead and spared no effort to make her life hell and it was easier because she was a rich spoilt brat.

Although people would imagine that she would be hated by the viewers, she was actually very likable.

"Can you help me practice? I don't want to end up embarrassing myself at the audition."

They ended up practicing till it was time for dinner and after that before going to sleep.

The next day, they did their morning exercise routine, had breakfast and went to Cathy's family company.

When they got there, Tia called Cathy's dad so his assistant can come to take them into the office.

Tia was actually very familiar with the office that someone coming to take her in was just for formalities sake.

When they entered Cathy's dad office, Tia sat down on the couch calmly even helping herself to some biscuits and juice.

After Cathy's dad was done with his call he came over to the couch where Tia and Marie where and sat opposite them.

He started asking Tia about her wellbeing like a concerned parent before asking who Marie was, Tia told him and he was not convinced that Marie would be a good manager to Tia mostly because she was too young.

After a while he called over the company's advertisement manager so Tia can sign the contract. Her pay was three million which was a lot and was probably given to her because she had a close relationship with Cathy's family.

Before they left, Cathy's dad asked about her plans in developing in the entertainment industry and told her that if she could become popular within the next couple months that he will hire her as the spokesperson of the company.

Also if she runs into any trouble she shouldn't hesitate to come to him for help.

Hello everyone, I hope you enjoy his novel. Do add it to your library, post reviews and comment, thanks!

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