
Alita's Vampire: The Rise Of The Rejected Princess

Alita, the princess of Perest, half human and half fairy, hated and was fiercely underestimated. Despite her royal blood, she struggles to find her place in a land where she feels unwanted. She was hated because of her human heritage. "We can not allow a half-blood to rule over our descendants, she is an abomination," they whispered even to her face as they spoke of their contempt. Alita was betrothed to Philippe Fairybug who secretly hated her but had to marry her because of his family prestige and power he had always longed for. Bowen Archibloodie, a ruthless and bloodthirsty vampire, has spent centuries conquering kingdoms and amassing power. His latest target is the Perest Kingdom, a prosperous and magical realm that has withstood numerous invasions due to its formidable defenses and the powerful fairies who protect it. Bowen has the chiseled physique of a god, but of course, he’s off-limits because he is a vampire. Fate takes a dark turn when Bowen and Alita encounter each other in the village square. Instead of mortal enemies, they discover they are bound by an unbreakable bond as mates. In Perest, the laws are unforgiving: anyone mated to a vampire is condemned to death. Alita must choose between her kingdom and her bond with Bowen. Meanwhile, Bowen grapples with his bloodthirsty nature and the realization that his conquest might mean the death of the one person who has ever stirred his long-dead heart. As war looms and tensions rise, Alita and Bowen must find a way to unite their people against a common enemy threatening to destroy them all. Their bond could be the key to peace or the ultimate destruction of everything they hold dear. Hey Readers – I’m known for over-the-top stories, and this one delivers! We’re back with an alpha male who’s utterly POSSESSIVE, and a beautiful girl with fire and sass. Watch as Alita and Bowen tear up the lands in this emotional and dramatic story. You’ll love it, I promise! Xoxo, Skywings.

SkyWings · แฟนตาซี
59 Chs

The Unwanted Guests

The corridors of the palace echoed with the clattering of armor and the hurried footsteps of servants. Outside, the sun was beginning to dip below the horizon casting long shadows across the courtyard.

Inside the grand hall, King Aric stood tall, his eyes were filled with a spark of anticipation.

As the togiculo was escorted to the kitchens, the king turned to Philippe, "Will you return to your home, or will you wait in the palace for dinner?" he asked.

Philippe pondered the question. Before he could respond, Alita interjected. "Dinner? Dinner with whom, father?"

King Aric's eyes softened as he regarded his daughter. "It escaped my mind, princess, but we should prepare to receive the fairybugs for dinner. I have an important announcement to share."

Philippe nodded. "I shall remain in the palace and send a messenger to Goldfish, my family butler, to prepare dinner wear for me."

Alita rolled her eyes, a gesture that did not go unnoticed by the king. She walked away, leaving her father and Philippe to converse.

Meanwhile, in the Fairybugs Manor

The Fairybugs Manor, a grand estate surrounded by lush gardens and shimmering fountains, was a sight to behold. Inside, the halls were bustling with activity as servants hurried to prepare for the evening's journey to the palace.

Charlotte Fairybug walked alongside her mother towards the awaiting carriage. She was a vision of elegance in her beautiful dinner gown, the latest fashion from the capital. Her blue hair hung loose, cascading over her shoulders like a waterfall of sapphires. Around her neck, a shiny piece of jewelry sparkled and her wrists were adorned with jasper bracelets.

As they approached the carriage, Charlotte muttered unhappily to her mother, Lady Fairybug. "I invited Princess Alita to my party, but she declined. And now I am going to see her in the palace."

Lady Fairybug placed a comforting hand on her daughter's shoulder. "Don't be ridiculous, Charlotte. We are not invited by the princess but by the king himself."

Charlotte's expression soured further. "King, princess—what is the difference? They both live in the palace. Can't I decline this meeting?"

Before Lady Fairybug could respond, Lord Fairybug, Charlotte's father, stepped forward. His presence commanded attention, and his deep voice resonated with authority. "Don't be foolish, child. The king invited us to this dinner to officially announce Philippe and the princess's engagement. We have to sit and talk as a family to decide the day for their engagement ceremony and also the wedding ceremony."

Charlotte huffed and looked out the window as the carriage rolled away from the manor. She listened to the clatter of the wheels against the cobblestone path but said nothing more to her parents.

The carriage of the Fairybugs rolled to a stop at the entrance of the palace. Charlotte, Lady Fairybug, and Lord Fairybug stepped out. They were met by the palace's head butler, who bowed deeply and gestured for them to follow him.

"Welcome to the palace," the butler said, his voice smooth and practiced. "The king and Lord fairybug await your arrival in the dining room."

As they walked through the vast corridors, Charlotte felt a mix of awe and apprehension. The palace was a world apart from the Fairybugs Manor, its scale and splendor overwhelming. She glanced at her parents, who walked with a confident stride.

The dining room doors were opened by two footmen, revealing a lavishly set table. It was covered with an array of dishes, from roasted meats to delicate pastries, all arranged well. At the center of the table, the head of the togiculo was displayed as a grand centerpiece.

King Aric and Philippe stood at the far end of the room, engaged in quiet conversation. Upon seeing the Fairybugs, the king's face lit up with a warm smile. He approached them with open arms.

"High Lord Fairybug," King Aric said, clasping Lord Fairybug's hand firmly. "It is a pleasure to have you and your family here."

Lord Fairybug bowed his head respectfully. "The pleasure is all mine, my king. You don't know how I longed for this day, and now it is finally here."

Lady Fairybug curtsied gracefully. "My king," she said, her voice filled with reverence.

King Aric looked at her with appreciation. "High Lady Fairybug, what a delight to have you here with us."

"It is my pleasure, my lord," she replied.

The king then turned his attention to Charlotte, who curtsied with a practiced grace. "My king," she said softly.

"You have grown so well, Charlotte," the king remarked, his eyes filled with fondness. "I could hardly recognize you."

"Thank you, my king," Charlotte replied, her voice steady despite the fluttering in her chest.

Lord Fairybug glanced around the room. "Where is our beloved princess?" he asked.

At that moment, the doors to the room opened, and Princess Alita entered. She wore a flowing pink dress that complemented her hair, and a blue sapphire necklace rested elegantly on her neck, bringing out the brilliance of her eyes. Her beauty was dazzling, and she carried herself with a regal grace that left the room in awe.

Charlotte couldn't help but curl her lips in envy. Alita had everything she aspired to have—wealth, power, and beautiful ornaments at her disposal and the unfair part of it was that she was a half-blood. A half-blood shouldn't have beautiful ornaments more than the pure ones.

Lord Fairybug smiled warmly. "You are a sight to behold, my princess," he said.

Alita returned the smile and approached the Fairybugs, exchanging pleasantries with them. "Thank you, Lord Fairybug. It is wonderful to see you all here."

King Aric clapped his hands, and a flurry of servants entered the room, each carrying trays of food and drink. They moved with practiced precision, serving each guest with the utmost care.

The meal began with a toast from King Aric. He stood at the head of the table, raising his glass high. "To the Fairybug family, whose loyalty and friendship have been invaluable to the crown. Tonight, we celebrate not only our bond but the future we are forging together."

Everyone apart from Alita raised their glasses, echoing the king's sentiments. "To the Fairybugs!"

After the lavish meal, the atmosphere in the dining room shifted as servants brought out fine wines. The guests settled into a more relaxed mood, but beneath the surface, tensions simmered.

Lady Fairybug, sensing the moment was right leaned forward with a smile. "So, my princess," she began, her voice honeyed, "have you agreed to marry our handsome son, Philippe?"

Alita returned the smile, though it didn't quite reach her eyes. "I am thinking about it, High Lady Fairybug."

Lord Fairybug chuckled, though there was an edge to his laughter. "You are still thinking when the engagement party has already been decided."

Alita's smile became uneasy. She spoke cautiously, "Surely you are mistaken. I was only told about Philippe two days ago. You don't expect me to marry him so soon."

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