

Viewer discretion advised. Despite being abused by his mother, Sain finds himself cherishing her even more. But his mother is always ridiculed in their town for being a maniac. How will Sain protect his beloved mother from the disgusted eye of the society?

Akira_Kei_ · สมจริง
47 Chs

Chapter 6 Uninvited guests

The server responsible for our table strides and brings some water. 

"Hello miss, are you okay?!" He panics and attempts to touch her.

"Don't touch her!" I stretch my hand. "Give me the water please."

"Ye.. yes." 

The supervisor of the restaurant rushes out to the commotion. "Is everything alright?"

I pick up my mother and wrap her arm around my shoulder. "I'm sorry but I need to take my mother to a hospital. You can keep the change."

"No. Its okay. We hope that she doesn't have food poison. In that case I'll refund your money." 

"Thanks and sorry." I drag her out of the restaurant and take her to a nearby hospital. 

The doctor checks her eyes and tongue. Then her pulse and pressure. 

"It appears she's not physically unhealthy. But please take care of her mental health."

Its a relief that nothing is wrong with her body. 

I grasp her hand as she walks slightly behind me. "You know how scared I was. What would I've done if something happened to you."

She doesn't respond but keeps her head hung low. I'll assume that she's repenting for scaring me. I chuckle and softly tell her.

"Now now. Don't look so down. You're alright. The day was fine. I enjoyed a lot today." I look over my shoulder and smile brightly. 

She looks up and corresponds to my smile. The sun sets stunningly behind us with us walking back to our small but peaceful apartment. 

We climb up the stairs and discover Mrs Eilin along with a few other people.

What are they doing in front of our door? 

Upon noticing us Mrs Eilin points at us. 

"Which one?" 

She replies. "The woman." 

"Are you sure?" 

"Yes. You heard from others too, right!" 

Those people walk closer to us. 

I hide mom behind my back and ask them.

"May I ask who you are?" 

"Err." The man in the centre coughs and clears his throat. "I'm a doctor and these three nurses are from the town rehabilitation centre." 

"Rehab? Whom do you look for?" 

"We received a complaint that your mother.. eeer. Her name was.. ro.. rose?" 

"Rosalyn. What about her?" 

"Correct. We've received complaints and investigated that your mother Rosalyn needs some mental support and rehabilitation. So we're here to take her to the centre for check up." 

"Are you trying to tell me that my mom is mentally ill?" Darkness shadows my eyes.

"We cannot tell unless we check her up. And even if she is, there's nothing wrong in being mentally ill. She can still be fixed." 

"Sorry. You got the wrong person then. I've been living with her my entire life but I've found nothing wrong in her." 

"Perhaps you just didn't notice. As her son we ask you to cooperate with us for her betterment." 

People from nearby start to surround owing to our commotion.

"Mrs Eilin." I glance behind the doctor and at Eilin. "What did you tell them?" 

"Sain!" She flinches. "Look. Dear. Your mother is dangerous. She spoke gibberish with a knife in her hand! I'm worried about you. You should let them take her away."

"My mother is not insane!" 

Mom embraces me tightly from behind, preventing me to step ahead. "Why are you trying to separate her from me?!" 

"It is for both of your betterment." 

The doctor flailed his hands in an attempt to convince me. "Listen sir. Let's agree with you and believe that your mother is just fine. What's the problem in trying to assess that? Why don't we do a check up? If nothing is found wrong in her report you can just bring her back." 

"I do not consent!" I push through them and take mom inside our home. Before I closed the door on their face, I tell..

"I thought Mrs Eilin was a good person. I didn't expect you'd do that to me." 

The doctor looks at her and disappointedly nods. "We can't force them unless they are willing to work with us." He leaves along with the nurses. The spectators leave back to their places.

Mrs Eilin stares at our door for a while and goes back into her home.