

Viewer discretion advised. Despite being abused by his mother, Sain finds himself cherishing her even more. But his mother is always ridiculed in their town for being a maniac. How will Sain protect his beloved mother from the disgusted eye of the society?

Akira_Kei_ · สมจริง
47 Chs

Chapter 28 A devil's face

(Disclaimer: The following chapter may include some explicit scenes and languages that may be uncomfortable for some viewers.)

Realizing Worock's cold body with his feet, Ivian takes a step back and notices a silhouette created by thunder flashes at the back of his eyes.

Before Ivian can even react, he looks down and notices..

Someone stabbed me in my liver!

The person twists the knife.

"Gh-" Ivian, out of pain, drops on his butt and the person clenches his mouth to prevent him from making any noise.

A pool of blood flush out with the knife that the person pulls out from his stomach.

Ivian falls on his arms, grabbing his stomach.

Who is it? The crazy bi*ch?! Who the hell wears a sweatshirt in this weather?!

Ivian raises his head to see the face.

Its too dark! I can't see!

The person trudges and sits next to Worock. With a laid-back and low tone, they say..

"Heeeeyyy. Can you hear meeee?"

That voice!

They stab Worock and say. "Listen. You're the worst stalker I've ever seeeeen.... Even i.... Am a.... Better stalker.." they stab again. "Than you." In between the pauses they impaled the knife in him and pulled it out for a multiple of times.

Ivian witnesses it all. He's too stunned to even make a noise. His eyes quiver in fear. He can feel himself taking in a small gasp as they stop stabbing and stand up. Their head hang backwards and they sway a little before sitting on the bed. Their chest crouches closer to their thigh, coming in range of the light shining from another house through the covered window.

"S.. Sain Sinzer!"

Sain glares at him. His eyes show complete disinterest and disgust at them. His face made no expression whatsoever. The knife in his hand drips blood.

He speaks in a very low and heavy tone. "You haven't died?" He scratches the back of his head. "I can't take a break. Can i?"

"Ahh!! Ahh!" Ivian tries to scream.

Sain comes forward and steps on his vocal cord. "You're too noisyyyyy." He keeps pressing his feet on his throat. "I'm leaving you at mercy for not killing you immediately."

Nonononono! How the hell did it come down to this?! That frail.. malnutritioned boy.. it is not his mother.. it is him..!

Sain is not sane!

[My head sticks to the floor. Blood that pooled out from my stomach has reached upto my head. I can't call out for help nor can I move my body. I'm just helplessly lying here waiting for my death.

F*ck! It feels like an eternity now!

For lying so long, my eyes adjust with the darkness. This house looks burnt. That b*tch and her psycho son weren't living in this house in the first place. That's why those locks were broken!

I glance at Worock's lifeless body.

That madafaka brought me here! That mothe**ucker!

I flail my legs in agony.

Sain walks over me and heads to the kitchen. I hear him joyously saying,

"Great. the faucet works!" He washes his hands a multiple of times and then his face. While wiping his hands he walks over me again and kneels next to Worock. He takes out his phone, fiddles with it for a while and then drops it on his body. He crouches in front of me and searches my pockets.

I keep glaring at him which he notices.

"You stilllll haven't died?"

Does he normally speak by stretching his words so long?

He takes out my smartphone and taps on the screen. He points the awakened screen at me.

"Huh? Uuuuhhh. You are the one, riiight?" He tilts his head and smiles with his fangs out. "You wanted me to take you to moooom. Huuuh?" He slouches even closer and deepens his voice. "You dare say that about my mother… I'll cut off your ****. Then it'll be fun, won't it?"

Scaryscaryscaryscary! I'm terrified that he might actually cut mine off! No! I'm more terrified by the fact that I'm still conscious and defenceless!

He stands up. "Haha. Smartphones these days are so convenient." He grabs my finger and puts it on the fingerprint to unlock my phone.

He again walks over me and sits on the bed.

My eyes follow him and I see Worock again. At first few glances I didn't notice but Worock was stabbed through his throat first. No wonder he died noiselessly.

I look up at Sain.

What is that psycho even doing?!

He puts my phone on his ear and waits for a while. He clears his throat and speaks as soon as the other person picks up.

"Eclise! Ec..lise! I'm scared! Its scary! Scary! Scary!" His voice trembles and stammers.

I'm on my deathbed and I can't laugh out loud. What a melodrama he is. He completely changed his personality in seconds.

"Eclise! I'm terrified. I.. i.. don't know what I should do! My whole body is shivering! My head is dizzy! Please help me! I'm so scared!"

"Alright! Sain! Please calm down first! Don't panic! Tell me what's wrong."

"I.." he takes several gasps and sniffles. "I can't tell you on the phone! Can you… please come to my place?"

"Okay. Tell me your address."

He tells him the address. "The first apartment that you see with.. three locks. Please.. come hurry!"

"Don't worry. I'm coming!"

He cuts the call and wheezes. His eyes roll up. He flipped again!

"Aaaaahh~ I gotta wait until he comes. What should I do? Practice.. how I should act before him? I also need to stab myself to make it credible."

He caught another fish into his net!

I can feel the corner of my lips curling up.

I sometimes thought I actually was pretty evil. I took drugs. Ruined women. And even stole.

I glance at Sain.

I'm happy.. there's someone more evil than me.

My eyelids come together and my vision blackens.

I guess this is it. I hate it that I had to see a devil's face before dying.]