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More Priya yelled in between her panting and moaning. "I want more!"
"Oh, I got a lot more for you," Maya breathed and concentrated on her nine other fingers. Each elongated into tentacles, which instantly began to coil around her girlfriend like snakes constricting their prey. The slimy film on their surface allowed them to slither smoothly over naked skin, intermeshing and knotting together. Merely sliding over Priya's body caused Maya another set of powerful orgasms, which she expressed with a boisterous laugh.
"Oh my God, yes!" Priya screeched as Maya fulfilled a dream of hers which had been impossible to satisfy up until today. "Cover me!" Obeying, Maya made two tentacles circle around Priya's tits and willed them to squeeze. They clutched her honkers so hard that they were pushed upwards and turned red and blue. Meanwhile, Maya subconsciously kept multiplying her serpentine friends, which continued to wrap her prey and started to spill over the bed's rim. Layer after layer Priya got embraced by the wiggling tentacles, while the thickest one kept pumping in and out her dripping pussy. Only her head was left uncovered, but a bunch of tentacles had coiled around her neck like tight chokers.
"Oh, my babies like you," Maya teased, now sweating out a sticky substance which turned her skin all glistening. "Why don't you invite them into your butt?"
"Fucking SHIT!" Priya cursed when she felt another thick one press itself through her asshole. This one hurt a bit, but the pleasures far drowned the pains. She yelled and reached out her entangled arms when feeling it squirm its way pass her rectum and deep into her colon. Deeper than anything had ever penetrated her.
Maya's body quivered like jelly. The more tendrils she branched off, the intenser the pleasures became. She knew she should stop since they already masked the entire bed and would soon fill out the room should they replicate exponentially, but the continuous and mind-numbing orgasm which she fell victim to wouldn't let her consider stopping. Sensing no sign of fatigue, she fastened up the pace of the two penetrating tendrils, letting them slide in and out in unison. Priya spat out some drool as her head violently shook to both sides. "Nnnnhgggghhh…"
Sensing a bunch of tentacles sliding over her own tights, Maya wondered if her own honeypot was still functional. As soon as she formed that thought, one tendril slithered towards her vulva and dashed itself in. Suddenly the slimy sounds of a thousand wobbling tentacles scurrying around and over each other got drowned when every bud-like tip opened its four jaws to screech out a high-pitched alien shriek. Maya herself emitted a sound which was off this world: A scream of sexual gratification which turned into a deep, monstrous growl. She bended her neck backwards to moan towards the ceiling. But instead of air, she screamed out a bunch of tendrils which somehow sprouted from the inside of her mouth!
Again, the thought of stopping crossed her mind, but it was already too late for that. Maya felt powerless to interrupt the orgasmic pleasures which dominated her world. With terror she watched how her hands turned green, slimy and splitting into tentacles. That effect continued along her arms, which collapsed into what looked like a billion capillary tendrils. They dropped down into the growing mass of wiggling alga on which she kneed in.
"No no no, stop, stoopmmmhhh-" But also her head turned green before disintegrating into a mass of waferthin serpentine creatures. The pleasures caused the rest of Maya's body to fall into itself, all over her orgasming girlfriend, who got buried beneath a pile of wobbly green tentacles. what next transformation ...
Grasping what had just happened, Priya began to dig herself free. Even though the tentacles which buried her had become limp and motionless, their combined mass still weighed more than she guessed. ....