Only 18+
While the sensations steadily dropped, horror began to replace it. With all the strength of her arms she shoved the soft yet hefty jumble of slimy tentacles off her body until she managed to sit straight on the bed, surrounded by an ocean of green, shiny worms. Realizing that one especially thick extremity still stuck deep in her pussy, Priya
grabbed the slippery shaft to pull it out. How deep it had reached into her! When the tentacle's bud slipped out, she was holding a 15 inches long tendril between her fingers, which she tossed away in shock. Beginning to weep, she jumped off the bed, stepping on some ele like worms as she hurried towards the door. Her entire body was glistening from the greenish slime which those things had secreted. Her crotch was still hurting, so she could merely limp towards the exit. However, when she grabbed the handle, another fear struck her. What had happened to her girlfriend? Had that monster consumed her completely? Was any part of her still alive? Priya turned around and faced the enormous pile of tentacles, which had covered half of the room. Covering the bed and the furniture around it, they rather looked like a stack of thick jungle vines than anything alive. Either way, it had absolutely nothing human on it anymore. Whatever had happened to Maya that thing had consumed her cells completely and had converted them into something entirely alien.
Maya? Maya are you there? Can you hear me?"
A reptilian squeal answered. One tentacle had started to wiggle again. It slithered along the bed's rim, its tiny maw open to produce a soft, shrieking sound. It seemed as if it was trying to wake its brothers, since those over which it snaked began moving as well. A snowball-effect set in as more and more sections of the tentacle-pile became mobile again. Priya still clutched the door handle in case she had to make a quick exit. Yet she needed to know if her girlfriend was alright.
The entire mass wobbled to the floor to pile up in one corner of the room. There it scurried around for a while. As if it was attempting to organize itself. Some tendrils reached up, just to fall down into the horde again. Others bulged up to form different shapes, but collapsed soon after. More than anything, the thing looked desperate. Priya observed the monstrosity with growing understanding: Maya was still in there! Still alive. And now she'd be a pile of tentacles forever!
But then the unorganized wiggling paused. The room fell silent again. This calm encouraged Priya
to step closer. When she was inches away, however, the mass slowly pilled itself together to rise into a column. At about Priya's height it stopped growing. As if the conglomerate would try to mirror her, the top on her eye level shaped into what reminded of a neck holding a bulge, which moulded itself into the form of a head. Realizing what Maya attempted to do, Priya spread her arms to her sides. "You're trying to reform yourself! Ok, alright, try to shape arms." The tentacles at both sides of the column split from the main body to assimilate two appendages which actually kinda looked like arms. Now its shape definitely appeared more human, even though Maya still consisted of nothing but green wormy snake-things. However, from this rough humanoid basis, she accomplished to refine her outlines with increasing skill. Not a minute after, Maya had managed to arrange her mass into the shape of a feminine mannequin. It still lacked a face or hair or colour that wasn't dark green but at least Priya got reassured that her girlfriend wasn't completely gone forever.
"Ok, that's a start. Can you talk?" The shape shook its head. "But you can understand me. Good. Ok. Try… try to form a face. You've come this far, I'm sure you can do it." Where the face should be, the tentacles seemed to split into tinier, thinner versions of themself. Priya witnessed this in detail when she watched how one tentacle directly opposite to her split into five smaller versions of itself, which again divided into even thinner ones. This splitting effect went on until all the tentacles which assembled her head were thinner than Priya's eyes could perceive. The bulge seemed almost liquid. Then, steadily, the contours of a face pressed itself outwards.
"Yes! That's it! Keep going!" The facial details became more defined. The shape's bald head sprouted trillions of microscopic tendrils which lumped together to form the outlines of Maya's hair. Meanwhile all the tentacles forming her limbs and torso had split into thinner ones, which allowed Maya to rebuild her human shape with far more attention to detail. A photo of Maya hanging on the wall helped her to recover her visage.
"It's… ok. I'm…. fine." Maya's voice sounded as if she had her mouth was stuffed with something.
"Ok. Alright, you're almost back to yourself. Only the colors aren't right yet. You think you can do that?" Instantly the green textures turned into a bright pink, which paled into the color of tanned human skin. Next the eyes turned white, with the green returning to Maya's irises, just before her hair assumed its usual dark-brown color. Finally her lips became a lush red to complete Maya's transformation back into herself. From the outside nothing indicated that she was anything else but an ordinary, if not above average beautiful twenty-three year old girl. Priya tilted forwards and hugged her friend. Squeezing her, she felt that Maya still had a flabby consistency, as if she'd embrace an octopus. "Thank God! That was scary as fuck. I thought you'd be gone."
Maya could only snigger. "That must have been the best fuck anyone has ever had," her frisky voice cheered. "I came so hard, I have literally collapsed."
Maya shrugged. "Don't know. I think I'm all tentacles now. But I love it. It feels… better. Arousing. All the time. Even when I was just a pile of those things. And when I've just restored myself, it felt as if I could become… well, anything."
"What do you mean, anything?" Priya asked and let go of her girlfriend.
Alright. Just hold still and look at me. I wanna try something." Priya did as she was told and watched as Maya entire head became green again. Only now she noticed that merely the outer tentacles constructing her face were as thin as hair, while those beneath (where her brain and skull should have been) had their usual width of a finger. Said outer layer scurried around for a some seconds, then rearranged into a face. And not just any face. With both fascination and a bit unease Priya recognized her own likeness standing in front of her. The proper colors appeared much faster this time around: Priya's bright blue hair, her dark eye shadow, her brown eyes, her slightly brighter skin. It was as if she'd be standing in front of a mirror.
Maya how?
" I've got a theory," Maya said while perfectly imitating Priya's slightly deeper voice. She held up a finger and elongated it into a tentacle. "I think that one of those tentacles is actually composed of billions of tinier ones, which have just fused together into a single thick one. Watch." It reminded Priya of mitosis as the demonstrative tendril proliferated into five identical, yet thinner replicas. Each again split into five, which again did the same. This went on until it looked as if a tuft of green hair would grow from Maya's finger . "The finer they are, the more details they can replicate. Like hair for example. Or the pattern in my irises or the pores in my skin. But it's so weird how easy controlling this is. It's like… well… the tentacles know exactly what I want and rearrange themselves accordingly. Meanwhile, I feel like I AM those tentacles. I don't know. It's like-"
"A hive mind," Priya interrupted. "I think you've become a hive mind. Like honeybees. A trillion organisms sharing the same goal. And you're sure that you're still yourself, right? Mentally, I mean."
"Absolutely. I'm in full control of them. Moreover, let me try something…" Looking down at herself, Maya wondered what else her exotic body was capable off. Focusing, she could feel the ocean of tentacles of which she consisted of squirming around inside her, each ready to shoot out at any moment to obey her every desire. If she was able to arrange all of them to mimic the shape of specific persons, shouldn't she be able to reshape certain body parts as well? Giving it a shot, Maya grabbed her bouncy breasts, which caused another small wave of unexplainable pleasure to shoot through her organism. Maya imagined them to become bigger, firmer and rounder, the size she had always wished hers to be. Without delay, she sensed how the tentacles composing her tits started to multiply themselves. From the outside, it looked as if a swarm of tapeworms had nested inside her luscious breasts and now writhed around beneath her skin. Maya felt her overall mass increase as her boobs rapidly swelled up to the size of basketballs, which didn't seem to be affected by gravity at all. Her hands could merely hold the lower half of those enormous orbs as her fingers dug into the newly created flesh.
"Oh… my… God!" At the sight of her own breasts swelling to such covetable dimensions, Priya
had unwittingly began to circle her finger around her exposed pussy. "This is so freaking hot! What else can you do?"....