
Alexandros Peverell-Slytherin

After Harry's victory over Voldemort in the Battle of Hogwarts. Harry is stabbed in the back by the man he thought was the kindest and wisest man in the world. Puppeteering by Dumbledore, deceiving a friend, exploiting love. After death, Harry finds a beautiful rebirth. Advanced Chapters: pat reon.com/FanFictionPremium

FanFictionForge · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
47 Chs

Meet the Slytherins

[I wanted to tell you that at: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/fanfictionforge there are already 11 more chapters of this story, as well as additional chapters of my second story, who wants to support. Thank you for your attention, good reading and good luck.]

After signing the contract, the Blacks and the Peverells decided to celebrate, and the next day perform the necessary rituals at the Peverell, Slytherin, and Black birthstones.

They celebrated the conclusion of the contract at Black's house. The men had fire whiskey, the Ladies had wine, and the young lord and his brides had limited themselves to the usual orange juice. Sirius accidentally drank some of Orion's fire whiskey and fell asleep, much to Alex's amusement. Our company celebrated the conclusion of the treaty until midnight, and if the ladies and children felt as usual in the morning, the men, Darius being no exception, would not have been able to say so. Even the anti-drinking potion hardly helped. As a result, the Blacks and the Peverells had not been able to leave for Peverell Manor until noon instead of the planned ten hours.

To say that the Blacks were shocked by the Peverells' place of residence is to say nothing. Every single one of the Blacks present had been at Hogwarts, so they knew and remembered the castle they had studied in. But the sight before them was nothing like Hogwarts. A huge castle that had stood for a thousand years and would stand for the same number of years, impressing all those who entered with its grandeur. Every stone in this castle was imbued with the magic of death. The magic of the necromancers who had not just built the castle here, but had put parts of their souls into their brainchild, making the castle even more majestic.

For the first time in years, the castle gates opened, welcoming not only the owner of this castle but also the guests.

The Blacks followed the Peverells over the bridge that let go, over the moat of water. They stepped cautiously, one might even say cautiously, looking around excitedly. All the Blacks were struggling to keep their composure, even Orion, who had seen all sorts of things in his life and was almost impossible to impress. Each of the arriving guests could sense the magic that was everywhere.

The huge, massive doors opened, letting in Lord Peverell and the Blacks who followed him.

Lord Black looked around with interest and some apprehension. The castle amazed him, as did the man who owned it. The man thanked Merlin, Magic, and Death for such incredible good fortune as being related to the Peverells. Still, even though purebloods stuck together in front of muggle-borns or half-bloods, there was an internal struggle for supremacy among them as well. The Blacks, Malfoys, Lestrange, Rosiers, and other purebloods who are among the ancient and noble were always at the top of the power. And the Peverells in the magical world were a legend. The word Peverell - was synonymous with power, wealth, and might. And kinship with them would elevate the Black family, even among the ancient and noble clans. Black's musings were interrupted by a convulsive sigh from his nieces when the next massive door opened and they found themselves in a spacious hallway that was darkly colored like the rest of the castle. Alex, followed by Darius, stopped and turned to the Blacks.

- Welcome to Peverell Manor or the Necromancer's Abode," Darius greeted the guests in a solemn voice. Alex spoke softly into the void:

- Toby," the housekeeper appeared beside him a second later, glancing round at everyone present.

- What can I do for you, master? - The housekeeper asked the young lord in a hoarse, senile, emotionless voice.

- Prepare rooms for our guests. And for the young ladies' rooms in the master wing, - Alex ordered. After the words "in the master's wing" the old housekeeper's eyes lit up with joy.

- Yes, master, - these two words were said in a very happy voice. After that he disappeared, going to fulfill the lord's errand. 

- Your castle," Orion said, "it's astonishing," he said, "to call it a manor, a manor house, or a home.

- So the legends are true? - Darius asked in a snide voice, who had been watching them with interest all this time, waiting for their reaction.

- The legends are rather understated," the words came from Orion's younger brother, and Darius grinned faintly in response.

- Now you will be escorted to your rooms, then we will have the engagement ritual at the Peverell family stone, then the Slytherins, then the Blacks. But that's later, I've got a couple of pressing matters to finish up. Darius will stay with you, and if you need anything, call Toby," Lord Peverell said, transgressing off in an unknown direction.


The young lord appeared in an unknown room with empty portraits. Leaving the room, Peverell headed in the direction of the staircase, which he headed down. All the rooms, corridors, and doors that met his path were mottled with green and silver colors and were hung with different patterns of snakes. The young Lord Peverell-Slytherin appeared in Slytherin Manor, where he had never once appeared in all his six years, not even a birthstone awakening. He had no time to come here and awaken the birthstone. He had to come here with the Blacks to perform the engagement ritual.

When he got down to the room with the birthstone, Alex looked around. The room was almost identical to the Peverell room. With a couple of exceptions. In the center, on a silver pedestal lay not a large agate, but an equally large emerald. 

Sprinkling the stone, Alex saw that the stone glowed and the blood soaked into the stone. After that, the whole manor began to shake. Alex started to return to the room with the portraits, leaving the room with the stone, barely leaving the room with the stone, an old house elf appeared in front of him. He was just as old as Toby.

- Welcome to Slytherin Manor - Lord Slytherin. Old Jack is very pleased that the great Slytherin family has been given the opportunity, to be reborn after all this time," it was all said in one breath. The houseboy looked at Alex, unblinking, with his big blue eyes that showed nothing but manic devotion. "A fanatic. Looks like he could give even Dobby a head start,' a disappointing thought slipped into Peverell's mind"

- I'm glad too, Jack. How many housemates are there in the manor?" Alex asked.

- Twenty, including me," the old elf answered readily.

- In that case, start restoring the mayor. Now take me to the room with the portraits, - instructed the young lord.

- Yes, my lord, - with these words the elf snapped his fingers and the young lord found himself in a familiar room where a heated argument between the portraits was going on. At Alex's appearance, everyone fell silent and fixed their gazes on Alex.

- Greetings, Lords and Ladies Slytherin," and a salutatory bow as etiquette dictated. The knowledge Darius had drummed into his empty Gryffindor head had paid off; the respectful bow was perfectly executed, and even Malfoy would have been jealous.

- 'Greetings, young man,' came the voice of the man in the largest frame, with 'Salazar Slytherin' labeled underneath.

- Salazar Slytherin. The first head and founder of the Slytherin family and one of the Founders of Hogwarts School, I believe," Alex said, directing a hard and slightly grim look at the Slytherin, rather than asking, but affirming.

- That's right young man. But who are you? Would you mind introducing yourself," the Founder asked, giving Alex the same grim look, while all the other portraits were silent. 

- No, it won't. Alexandros Peverell-Slytherin. Head of the Peverell family and Head of the Slytherin family," the boy introduced himself, showing everyone present the Head of the Family rings. All the portraits looked at him with undisguised surprise, and Slytherin's eyes flashed with surprise and recognition. A ring of his own making. A silver ring made in the shape of two snakes with emerald eyes and a large emerald in the center. The second ring he had seen on his grandfather's finger. A simple, massive ring made of an unknown metal with a large black stone in the center.

- You were the magically recognized heir, am I right? - The Slytherin asked a moment later.

- 'Yes I am. I was recognized as the blood and magical heir of the Peverells and the magical heir of Slytherin," Alex confirmed Slytherin's guess.

- And what happened to my bloodline, my grandfather's bloodline, and what happened to my descendants? - Alex asked with undisguised excitement in his voice.

- I don't know everything. So I'll make it short. Your family is gone. The last child in your line was a girl. And Slytherin women do not inherit the title of Head. She joined the Gaunt family and your family died out. Your grandfather's clan incurred the wrath of their patron saint and was cut out by the guardian of the clan. And of your descendants, there is only one Gont left, and he is not only a bastard, but a half-blood as well," the portraits exploded with curses at the last word.

- Calm down," Salazar Slytherin said, in a quiet, calm voice, but everyone heard him and obeyed.

- Is it possible that one of his parents is a half-blood? - The founder asked, frowning. He deliberately didn't even allow for the idea that one of his parents could have been a muggle-born.

- No. His name is Tom Marvolo Riddle. He was born from the marriage of a pure-blooded wizard Merope Gaunt and a Muggle Tom Riddle," Alex said his last words with some apprehension and immediately covered his ears. His premonition had not deceived him, for a second later the entire room was filled with angry Slytherin shrieks.

- WHAT? It can't be," Salazar couldn't believe what he was hearing, starting to get hysterical and promising all sorts of Parseltongue curses on Riddle's head.

- And can you prove your words with something? - asked the girl from the other portrait, after these words, even the founder of the family stopped beating hysterically and threw an inquisitive look at the lord.

- Is a magic oath enough for you? - At these words, the room was gripped by serious tension.

- Quite," came the reply from the other portrait. Lord Peverell-Slytherin pulled out his Elder Wand, which everyone recognized and could not hide their surprise.

- I am Alexandros Peverell-Slytherin, I swear on my magic and my life that everything I said about Tom Marvolo Riddle is true, and if I'm wrong let magic be my guarantee," Alex finished, and a red glow enveloped him, which subsided after ten seconds. Tension, which was already high in the room, rose to the limit. The culprit himself, silently, put his wand away and snapped his fingers. After the snap, a ball of light appeared in the room. All the portraits in the room, forgetting all about etiquette, swore, and the founder, after ten minutes of shouting and noise, could not stand it and shouted.

- Be quiet, all of you," they all obediently shut up, though with difficulty. - Tell me everything you know about him. And what he's doing now," the Slytherin said, turning to the young lord. The young lord sighed, realizing that he was going to be here longer than he should. With a wave of his wand, he transfigured a chair for himself and sat down.

- By the time he was born, the Gaunt family had become so degraded by inbreeding that the last of its members were insane. The head of the family, Marvolo, had once been stripped of his heir status and had been unable to regain it. He had a son Morphin and a daughter Merope. This trio lived in a small town called Little Hangleton. It was there that Merope met Muggle Tom Riddle and fell in love with him. But despite all her efforts, he didn't pay attention to her. Merope's father and brother stood in their way, they didn't want to stain the family with Muggle blood. Also, Tom Riddle's parents didn't want to see Merope as a daughter-in-law. But the girl was madly in love with the boy," the Slytherin grinned, "and gave in to her desires and drugged Riddle with a love potion," the Slytherin smiled, "and ran away with him. She continued to give him the potion, and their love lasted six months or less. When she became pregnant, she assumed that Riddle would not give up the child, so she stopped giving him the potion. But she was wrong, Riddle left her and went back to her parents. Living on the pennies she got from selling your locket, she managed to make it to the birth. Reaching one orphanage, met there by the Sisters of Mercy she gave birth to a boy, whom she named Tom - after his father, Marvolo - after her father, and kept the family name - Riddle. He was born on 31 December 1926. He is now known as - Dark Lord Voldemort, and among his cronies is Thomas Gaunt. And plans to start a pureblood movement by pulling the pureblood families to his side," the last piece of news made the Slytherin laugh out loud at the irony.

When he had finished, Peverell wrote "TOM MARVOLO RIDDLE" in the air with his wand and waved it, watching the words form into "I AM LORD VOLDEMORT.

If the audience had any doubts, Alex's last trick put them to rest. Everyone remained silent digesting what they had heard.

The silence in the room ended when Jack appeared and addressed Peverell.

- My Lord, we've finished rebuilding the manor. Are there any more orders? - With those words, the houseboy stared at Alex without blinking.

- Yes, there will be. Prepare the small dining hall, for the future mistresses of the manor, will be arriving here soon, - the young lord's last words pleased the housekeeper immensely and made the portraits of his ancestors look at Alex with surprise.

- It will be done, - with these words the housekeeper disappeared, going to fulfill the order of the head of the family.

- Future mistresses? - The Slytherin raised an eyebrow. Alex had just told them that he had found his true mate as both a Peverell and a Slytherin. This news made the Founder of the clan very happy.

- So who is it? - A man from another portrait asked.

- Bellatrix Black and Narcissa Black," Lord Peverell introduced his future brides.

- The Blacks? - Were surprised by the portraits.

- And how is your education? - The Slytherin asked a question that worried him. - I noticed you have a good knowledge of etiquette and tradition, as well as spellcasting and transfiguration. Wandless magic is a rare skill. Your skills are good, but what are its limits? - The Founder clarified his question.

- At the moment. I am a potions master, good at dark and blood magic and the whole Hogwarts program, - Alex answered, recalling his knowledge.

- Add to that etiquette and tradition," added the observant Salazar. Peverell nodded silently.

- I have to go," Alex left the room and apparated straight to the main hall of the Peverell Manor.

Having appeared in the manor, Alex sighed contentedly. The conversation with the Slytherins had gone well. With such bright thoughts, Alex went in search of Darius and the Blacks. In front of the young lord, Toby showed up unexpectedly as always.

- Welcome home, my lord. Would you like anything? - The old elf asked, looking at the head of the family.

- Yes, I want to know where Darius and Blackie are? - Alex asked, who had no desire to look for them all over the castle.

- The Keeper is in the library with the guests," Toby answered readily.

- Take me there, - Alex ordered. The housekeeper snapped his fingers silently, and the head of the family appeared in the library. Blackie and Darius were in the cushioned armchairs, reading books with fascination. Alex's appearance startled them all and they all pointed their wands at him. When the realization came to those sitting down, they all let go of their wands with equally guilty expressions on their faces.

- Sorry Alex, reflex," was all Orion could say in his defense.

- It's okay, I understand," the boy reassured those sitting down.

- Now that you're done with your business, I suggest we have a ritual," Darius suggested, to which the young ladies cheered and the older ones agreed.

Ten minutes later everyone was standing at the birthstone. And Darius, as the most experienced, began to give instructions.

- You must sprinkle the birthstone together.

- The three of us? - The boy was surprised.

- No. First with Miss Bellatrix, since they are sisters and she is older, and then with Miss Narcissa.

- Sprinkle together? - Another question from the lad.

- 'Cut your palm, hold hands, and let the blood of the Blacks and the Peverells sprinkle the birthstone together,' the man explained patiently.

Having fulfilled what was said first with Bellatrix and then Narcissa at Peverell Manor, then at Slytherin Manor, and finally at Black Manor, an introduction to the ancestors followed after the engagement ritual was completed. To Darius' surprise, both the Peverells and the Slytherins were more than pleased with the new mistresses of the two families.

- Lord Black. Your clan has something we don't have. It's connections. I suppose you could organize an article in the Prophet about the marriage contract between the Lord and your nieces," Darius said, after all the rituals were over when the weary soulmates had gone to their chambers and the older Blacks, except for Orion, had returned to Grimmo.

- Yes, I can. I have a couple of people in the editorial office who will write anything for a fee. The head of the editorial board won't be a problem, either," Black said.

The next day, the magical world was bursting with the Prophet's article about the marriage contract between the Black and Peverell-Slytherin families.

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