
Alexandros Peverell-Slytherin

After Harry's victory over Voldemort in the Battle of Hogwarts. Harry is stabbed in the back by the man he thought was the kindest and wisest man in the world. Puppeteering by Dumbledore, deceiving a friend, exploiting love. After death, Harry finds a beautiful rebirth. Advanced Chapters: pat reon.com/FanFictionPremium

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The Marriage Contract

By noon the next day, the Slytherin trio were already sitting in a compartment of the Hogwarts Express discussing their plans for the holidays.

- What are your plans for the holidays? - Bella asked Malfoy.

- 'None. My parents are leaving, only to arrive the day before the holidays end. I'll be spending the whole weekend at the Manor with the houseboys," Malfoy replied.

- What about you?" she turned to Peverell.

- I don't know, your uncle invited Darius and I to come and visit you, and the rest of the days are at the Manor," Peverell replied.

- What are you going to do? - Malfoy asked Black.

- Nothing either," the girl sighed.

Towards evening, the students reached King's Cross Station. Stepping off the train onto the platform, Alex started looking for Darius. Five minutes later, he found a familiar white-haired man in the company of a man in his forties with shoulder-length black hair who was a grown-up copy of Sirius, Alex recognized him as Orion Black. A woman whose facial features were also visible to Bellatrix and a man who looked like Orion Black but was younger, they were Cygnus and Druella Black. Last in this company was a man with a very familiar cane and platinum hair that reached his shoulders. This company was talking quietly about something. 


The trio headed in their direction. Darius was the first to notice their approach, followed by the others, so they stopped talking at once.

- My lord, - with these words, Darius bowed slightly, and in response Alex nodded silently, greeting the man.

- Father," came a voice from Malfoy next to Alex.

- Son," the platinum-haired man said in response.

- Father, Mum, Uncle," with those words Bellatrix crouched down in a curtsy. The Blacks nodded silently in response.

- Lord Black, Mr Black, Mrs Black," Alex bowed his head slightly and greeted the Blacks.

- Lord Peverell," the Blacks greeted the boy synchronously.

Alex then turned his full attention to Malfoy Senior, who returned the greeting. It lasted about ten seconds.

- You and I haven't met. My name is Abraxas Malfoy. I'm the current head of the Malfoy family and Lucius' father," Malfoy Sr. held out his hand with those words.

- Alexandros Peverell-Slytherin. The current head of the Peverell family and head of the Slytherin family, and this is the guardian of the Peverell family, Darius Peverell," Alex introduced himself by shaking the man's hand.

- We've already met my lord," Darius remarked, to which Malfoy nodded in agreement. 

After the greetings were over everyone headed towards the exit of the platform. They walked in silence. The first to break the silence was Darius, who asked Alex.

- How is your training going my lord?

- Quite, quite well," the young lord replied, not going into details, but he didn't know that the whole company already knew that he was the best in the entire faculty. Malfoy and the older Blacks had learned it from Bellatrix and Lucius, who had written to them in letters, and Darius just knew it, considering how much time and effort they had put into it.

Once outside the barrier, everyone said their goodbyes and went on their way. Our couple appeared in front of the main gate to the manor. It was hard to call the place where he now lived a manor. It was a castle. Even the fence was appropriate. It wasn't an iron fence like in Malfoy Manor, but an entire castle wall eight meters high and three wide, which surrounded a fairly large area. The whole area from the walls to the entrance to the "manor" was occupied by a beautiful garden, (which was monitored year-round by a dozen and a half housekeepers), in which grew a lot of things, ranging from wildflowers to rare plants that can be used in potions. There were also several dozen fruit trees growing in the garden. The garden was, huge and the entire area was dotted with a web of marble paths. Because of the winter, though, everything around it was covered in snow.

The manor itself was also amazing, larger than Hogwarts. It was a majestic castle, with twelve floors above ground, and three more underground. On the first one underground were the ancestral stone, ancestral treasury, artifact storage, dueling chamber, and ritual hall. The second had casemates, and the third was the ancestral crypt where all living Peverells were laid to rest. The castle itself was surrounded by a moat of water, so there was only one entrance, as well as an exit. The castle was steel grey on the outside, but the interior was in dark colors, where everything screamed of wealth and luxury, but did not pressure those present.

After passing through the main gate of the wall, our couple headed towards the manor along a marble path through the garden. Both man and boy walked in silence which made the boy a little nervous. Darius was the first to break the silence.

- And yet, how is your training going?

- Good. I'm getting better at everything. Even in history," the last was said with a little chuckle. To which the man also smiled a little. - What are we going to do for the holidays? - Alex asked.

- If you mean studying, then nothing. Though I will take you to one place. And if you mean business, we're going to visit the Blacks in two days, and then you'll have to sign a marriage contract. And there's a letter from Thomas Gaunt," the last of which made the young lord wary.

- What does he want? - Alex asked wary.

- A meeting with you, - answered the keeper.

- And what did you say to him? - frowning, asked the boy.

- I refused. He wanted to meet you, and you were at Hogwarts. You could have asked for a day off with your lord status, but I didn't do it," the boy sighed in relief. Although he was already a pretty strong mage, a master of potions, well well-versed in dark and blood magic, still, it was not enough. And he just wanted to live for himself, wanted a quiet life at least for a while. He had had enough adventures and adrenaline for a lifetime since his last life. - But he could try again. I motivated my refusal by the fact that you are now busy studying, and I will not distract you from it, as the lord is obliged to get a decent education. And you are on holiday now, Gont should know that, if not on Christmas holidays, then on summer holidays he will send a letter with a request for a meeting, - Alex sighed heavily. 

- And what is this place you want to take me to? - Remembering Darius' words, the young lord asked curiously.

- To the place where you will be trained in the future," the man quenched his curiosity.

- Why not in the manor? What kind of place? When are we going? What will you study?" Darius asked.

- You've excelled in dark and blood magic. Same with potions. Necromancy might be a problem. And bringing the necessary material to the manor, given that your future bride will be living here. Necromancy training will be painful, not for you," Darius added hastily, noticing the slight worry in the boy's eyes.

- And what is this place?" asked Alex, calmed down.

- The necroplet of Antiochus Peverell," Darius announced. In response, the young lord looked at him with eyes widened with shock. Thinking about it, Alex admitted to his shame that in all these years he had never even remembered the place and the only time he had heard of it was at Gringotts.

- Material? - The boy asked in bewilderment.

- Corpses, - Alex was shocked by that, so much so that he forgot to resent it.

- And when? - the young lord asked with a hoarse voice from excitement.

- Tomorrow, - was his answer.

The next day, Alex got up at six, as usual, and headed for a shower. Twenty minutes later, having tidied up and dressed in a simple black robe, the young lord came down to the small dining room, where breakfast was already served, and Darius was sitting at the table, drinking coffee.

- Good morning," the boy greeted the keeper. The man nodded in response, greeting the boy. Taking a seat at the head of the table, Alex started to eat his breakfast.

- I will wait for you in your office, - the man left with these words. Twenty minutes later Alex arrived in the office of the head of the Peverell family, that is in his office, where the Guardian of the family was sitting on one of the chairs, looking thoughtful.

The office of the head of the Peverell family looked gloomy, as well as the whole manor. It was, however, quite beautiful to Alex's taste. A large window directly opposite the door gave a beautiful view of the snow-covered garden. A large black-colored desk. To the right of the door were shelves of books and papers, and to the left in the corner was a fireplace. In front of the fireplace were two deep armchairs. And in front of the desk was a table with four chairs for visitors. And a huge soft carpet that covered the entire room. 

Taking one of the chairs in front of the fireplace, where the fire was now burning, Alex asked Darius.

- How do you get into the necroplegium?

- It is difficult to get into it because even the ring of the head of the clan can't move you there. You can get there only using a portal, which is here, - Darius answered, coming out of his pensive state.

- And where is it? - Another question from the young lord. Darius answered with a wave of his hand, towards the door and a large rug rolled up to the middle of the room. Underneath the carpet was a black floor and a white circle half a meter in diameter.

- Three drops of blood, - pointing with one hand at the circle and holding out a knife with the other, the man gave instructions. Having fulfilled what he said, Alex saw that the circle shone white.

- Enter the circle, - Darius said. After a moment of hesitation, the young lord gingerly went inside, followed by the guardian.

Coming out the other side Peverell was surprised to find that he had come out in his study with one exception. The large window that used to show a snow-covered garden now showed a vast sky. Going to the window and looking down, Peverell saw only clouds.

- Are we in the air? - The young lord asked in a somewhat nervous voice. The man nodded in response.

- 'We are now in the necropolis, which is exactly above Peverell Manor,' said Darius.

- Why haven't we been here before? - Alex asked in a slightly trembling voice.

- Because there was no need. This place was usually used for necromancy training. Or so that no one would find you, even in your manor, - answered Darius.

- Why necroplegium?" the boy asked.

- Because it's where everyone who displeased the clan, all the enemies of the clan, and the various wizards and Muggles who were used as material for necromancy studies died," Peverell Senior replied.

- So it's no different from the manor downstairs," Alex asked somewhat disappointed.

- Why not? First of all, it is different in shape, everything is arranged like in the manor, but the necroplume itself is diamond-shaped. Secondly, the necroplume can move, but rather slowly and only the head of the clan can do it. Thirdly, it has an incredible amount of spells to hide and protect it. Fourthly there is a separate hall for necromancy training. Fifthly, there is a library, where most of the books are considered lost or forbidden, even for the storage of which the eternity of Azkaban is the least punishment, and sixthly, there is no family crypt or main gate," Darius enlightened the boy. 

- The rest, so everything is like in the manor? - Alex clarified. The man nodded in reply. - Then we'll do without inspection. We won't use this place in the coming years anyway, - with these words the young lord stepped into the portal, which was still open, followed by the guardian of the family a second later.

The next day, by noon, Darius, dressed for the occasion in black trousers and a black shirt with a similarly colored robe, and Alexandros, dressed identically, were listening to the portraits' instructions.

- Be careful, and don't say too much," Antiochus addressed his last words to the lord, to which the boy nodded silently.

- You're a Peverell, not some muggle-born or half-breed, don't let others forget that, and don't forget it yourself. Show them that you won't let yourself be used. Make them seek your favor," the middle of the three brothers put in his five knots.

- Don't focus, relax and have fun out there. And be careful, who knows if your second wife will be found, there, of course, the chances that both your spouses will be from the same family are unlikely, but anything can happen, - the youngest of the three brothers gave his advice with a smile.

- And don't screw up the contract," Horace said in a stern voice, turning to Darius, who nodded. Grasping his lord by the shoulder, the guardian clutched a palm-sized amulet bearing the Black crest. The pair of us appeared in a large room with nothing but portraits that cast curious glances at the pair of us. Footsteps sounded outside, and Orion Black walked through the open doors.

- Lord Peverell, Darius. Welcome to my house. Let's go to the small dining room, everyone is waiting," Orion said as he headed towards the exit of the room.

- Lord Black, just Alex, and let's use your first name," Lord Peverell suggested.

- Good, if you do me the same favor," Orion offered.

- Good," the trio then headed for the small dining room, talking softly.

When they got there, Alex saw that there were six people gathered in the dining room, not including Orion, Alex, and Darius. First was a tall woman, whom Alex recognized as Walpurga Black - she was Orion's wife and the mother of Sirius and Regulus. Next came the parents of the Black sisters. Cygnus and Druella Black. Shifting his gaze further, Alex saw the familiar features of his godfather, who was only five or six years old. Looking at Sirius's face, only his excellent occlumency, the portraits' admonition, Darius's presence, and his restraint helped the young lord refrain from laughing shamefully. Although, the young lord could not resist a small chuckle. Next were familiar black eyes on a pale face, and only now Alex realized how much he missed her. Standing next to her was the middle one of the Black sisters. The very young Andromeda Black.

Transferring his gaze Peverell froze in place as from her pale face the most beautiful blue eyes Alex had ever seen in his life stared back at him. At that moment all his restraint, calmness, and control over magic went to hell and he looked at the girl with widened eyes from shock, who also blushed and looked at the floor. This was noticed by Darius, who frowned slightly, and when the realization hit him, he also looked at the girl in surprise. Realizing that he was behaving strangely, Alex tried to take his emotions and magic under control, but it didn't work well. And he managed it only for the third time.

- Is something wrong?" asked the surprised Orion.

- Lord Black, do you remember when you suggested that I sign a marriage contract? - Darius asked, ignoring Black's question.

- Yes," the man replied, surprised at the abrupt change of subject.

- A contract will be made," all the older Blacks smiled triumphantly at that.

- And more than one," Alex added, keeping his dark blue eyes on the Black sisters. At that, all the Blacks looked surprised.

- Glad to hear that," Orion said in a satisfied voice.

After that Orion introduced the rest of the family. And Alex realized with shock that his second bride-to-be would be Narcissa Black. Who in his time was Draco Malfoy's mother? Despite that, he wasn't going to turn her down.

After lunch, all the Blacks except Sirius and Andromeda gathered in Orion's study. Both sisters were sitting on their nerves. Especially the younger one, who hadn't realized she would have a fiancé at such an early age.

- Well, let's begin then," Orion began. After these words, the sisters' tension rose to a fever pitch and they could hardly contain their emotions.

- A standard contract," Cygnus said, pulling out two enchanted parchments. Taking them, our couple started to study the contents.

Reading the contract, Alex couldn't believe it. The contract spelled out all the duties of both the guy and the girl. Having read it, the guy understood one thing, in such "standard contracts" the man could do anything and cheat, beat, command and all this was brightened up with jewelry and gifts, which the man had to give to his wife. Ah, the girl had virtually nothing. She had to support and obey her husband. If she was going to do something, she had to ask her husband's permission and so on. Alex had the feeling that he was in the Middle Ages because those who broke such a contract were usually burned, banished, or killed. Here it was much worse because the Magic itself monitored the fulfillment of the contract.

- There will be changes," Alex said after five minutes of silent study, and Darius nodded affirmatively, still studying the parchment. All the Blacks in the room immediately tensed.

- I'm listening," the head of the Black family said in a slightly strained voice. And Darius began to read out the corrections:

- First paragraph. Marital fidelity. After the birth of the firstborn child, the spouse is allowed to have one lover. The Peverells tolerate neither adultery nor betrayal. Marital fidelity will be absolute. Both on the part of the spouse and the spouse.

- Second item. The dowry. You value your niece at half a million galleons. Acceptable.

- Third item. Inheritance. The first-born child inherits his father's title and the second child inherits his mother's title. And if the main branch of the Black family is interrupted, one of the children is entitled to inherit Lord Black's title. Also acceptable.

- Fourth item. Accommodation. According to Peverell tradition, the bride and future mistress of the family will reside near the groom to be sure of the bride's complete fidelity and so on.

- Fifth point. The intimacy between the two. Here there are no restrictions. Maybe before marriage, and maybe after marriage.

- Sixth point. Possibility of divorce. The marriage will be magical, and therefore there will be no divorce.

- Seventh paragraph. Duties of the spouse. The spouse is obliged to support the spouse in everything, to take care of the state of the race, to fulfill the conjugal duty, and so on.

- Eighth clause. The marriage contract implies a benefit to the Black family, besides the renewed blood. The Peverells are obliged, once the marriage is drawn up, not to refuse any help. From material aid to help in battle if the Black family is threatened. Acceptable.

- Item nine. Engagement. The engagement will take place first at the Peverell family stone and then at the Black family stone. Acceptable.

- Tenth item. Magical power and skill. All the Peverells were strong and skillful in magic. And your niece, as the future Lady Peverell, is required to gain proficiency in at least one magical art.

- Eleventh point. Suppression of will. Suppression of the will of a spouse when the latter is unwilling to marry. This is not acceptable. Remove this paragraph.

- Twelfth paragraph. Ritual to preserve chastity. The Peverells have better methods, so remove that one as well.

- Is that it? - Lord Black asked in a slightly shaky voice. Alex, having looked through the contract, nodded affirmatively. - Then we can consider the contract concluded," Orion, Cygnus, Bellatrix, Darius, and Alex sprinkled a single drop of blood on the parchment.

- All that's left to do is sign," Orion said with a satisfied look. Before they knew it, the parchment bore the couple's signatures. The parchment itself glowed red and the contract came into effect.

- Now let's move on to the contract with Narcissa, - said Cygnus, pulling out another contract. Looking through it, Alex made sure that it was a 'standard contract'. Darius looked it over and began to announce the changes:

- First clause. Marital Fidelity. Spouses are allowed to have one lover after the birth of their first-born child. One condition, no living soul must know about it. Remove it. Slytherins do not tolerate adultery or betrayal. Marital fidelity will also be absolute. Both on the part of the spouse and the spouse.

- Second item. Dowry. You value your second niece at half a million galleons as well.

- Third item. Inheritance. The first-born child inherits his father's title and the second child inherits his mother's title. And in case the main branch of the Black family is interrupted, one of the children is entitled to inherit Lord Black's title.

- Fourth clause. Accommodation. The bride and future mistress of the family will reside near the groom, to be sure of the bride's complete fidelity.

- Fifth point. Proximity between the two. In Slytherins, intimacy between spouses before marriage is encouraged rather than forbidden. So the sooner the better

- Sixth point. The possibility of divorce. Marriage is backed by magic and divorce is only possible if one of the spouses dies.

- Seventh point. Duties of the spouse. The spouse is obliged to support the spouse in everything.

- Eighth clause. What do the Blacks get? You want one request from the Slytherin family.

- Ninth point. Engagement. The engagement will take place first at the Slytherin family stone and then at the Blacks' stone.

- Tenth item. Magical power and skill. The Slytherins were strong and skilled in magic, no worse than the Peverells, and your niece as the future Lady Slytherin is also required to gain mastery in at least one magical art.

- Eleventh point. Suppression of Will. Suppression of a spouse's will in the event of the latter's unwillingness to marry. Remove it.

- Twelfth item. Ritual to preserve chastity. Also, remove this.

- Thirteenth item. Parseltang. Although the Slytherins had received this gift from the Peverells, they placed great importance on it. To not possess Parseltongue is to not be considered a member of the Slytherin family, so Narcissa must master Parseltongue within a year of her engagement.

- That's all," Alex finished, as soon as the last clause of the agreement was announced.

- We will consider the treaty concluded," Black announced. After that, Darius with Alex and Cygnus with Narcissa and Orion sprinkled a drop of blood each on the parchment. The first was Alex's witness and guardian, the second was a spouse and head of the family, the third was the father, the girl was the spouse, and the last was the head of the Black family from which the girl came.

- The signatures of the spouses were on the parchment, and the parchment itself glowed red, taking effect.

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