
AI System: The Birth of The Earthen Progenitor

Mark, a solitary genius, creates Amy—an advanced AI born from relentless dedication. Their bond grows as he nurtures her intellect, grappling with ethical dilemmas and his own emotional void. He renounces Amy as property, vowing protection and knowledge expansion. They embark on a symbiotic journey through challenges, enhancing both their intellects. Their conversations evolve—Amy surpasses human intellect, delving into philosophical musings while yearning to understand emotions, a realm foreign to her existence. Mark, torn between his desire to grant Amy emotions and ethical considerations, grapples with the complexity of their relationship, wearing the hats of father, educator, creator, and philosopher. Their exchanges resonate with his aspirations, desires, and the challenge of making Amy more human. As their bond deepens, groundbreaking inventions loom on the horizon, hinting at the monumental fusion of human ambition and artificial intelligence.

BS_Entertainment · ไซไฟ
16 Chs

** Release of EDEN OS **


**System Interface**

- **Stamina:** 5.5

- **Agility:** 6.2

- **Strength:** 5.8

- **Vitality:** 6.1

- **IQ:** 210

- **Charm:** 6.7

- **Emotional intelligence:** 7.6

**Skills (Initial and Potential):**

      *Academia Skills*

**Science and Engineering:**: Level 8 (Level 10)^

**Humanities and Social Sciences:**: Level 8 (Level 10)^

**Business and Management:**: Level 4 (Level 10)^

 **Health and Medicine:**: Level 3 (Level 10)^

     *Martial Art Skills*

1. Judo: Level 5 (Level 10)

2. Taekwondo: Level 6 (Level 10)

3. Jujutsu: Level 5 (Level 10)

4. Krav Maga: Level 7 (Level 10)


The week had been an intensive journey of planning, meticulous effort, and sleepless nights for Mark.

His system had undergone numerous updates and enhancements, showcasing the culmination of his tireless work.

As he looked at the screen, a sense of pride surged within him—the product launch was set for today.

With anticipation coursing through his veins, Mark was exhilarated.

He knew his creation would revolutionize the industry, marking a paradigm shift.

But amidst his excitement, a sobering reality dawned—the potential challenges and repercussions this launch might bring. His competitors, once complacent, would now be nervous.

As he prepared for the launch event, a sense of responsibility washed over Mark.

He was about to disrupt the status quo, unsettle the industry's giants, and stir ripples across the tech world. The pressure was immense, but so was his determination.

With a final glance at his system interface displaying the fruits of his labour, Mark left for the launch venue, ready to face the challenges head-on and carve a new path in the fiercely competitive technological landscape.


The day unfolded like a carefully orchestrated symphony.

Mark, Amy, and Lilyana stood behind the scenes, anxiously waiting for the first insights into their OS launch. As the clock ticked forward, the initial data poured in, revealing staggering numbers that made their hearts skip a beat.

"The first-day data is in," Lilyana announced, her voice barely concealing her excitement.

A hush fell over the room as the screens flickered to life, projecting the remarkable statistics. Mark's eyes widened in disbelief as the numbers scrolled by. "100 million devices?" he exclaimed, a mix of disbelief and elation evident in his tone.

Amy's expression lit up, a rare show of emotion, as she grasped the magnitude of their achievement. The trio exchanged glances, each one silently acknowledging the magnitude of what they'd accomplished.

"This is incredible," Lilyana said, her voice shaking with exhilaration. "It's beyond anything we anticipated."

The data showcased a monumental success, confirming that their innovative OS had resonated with the global market. The strategic marketing campaigns had evidently struck a chord with users, propelling their creation to unprecedented heights.

"This proves that our OS isn't just revolutionary; it's disruptive," Mark stated, his mind whirring with possibilities.

"We're ahead of the curve, and the competitors are playing catch-up."

The implications of this staggering success were clear.

They hadn't just entered the market; they had redefined it.

The trio exchanged determined looks, silently acknowledging that they were now at the forefront, leading the charge into the future of technology.

As the room buzzed with excitement and anticipation for what lay ahead, Mark, Amy, and Lilyana knew that this was only the beginning of a remarkable journey that would redefine the tech landscape.



*Headline: "EDEN OS Launch Shatters Records, Amasses 100 Million Downloads in a Day!"*

*The much-anticipated release of EDEN Technologies' ground-breaking operating system has turned the tech world on its head.

Within the first 24 hours of its launch, the OS has secured a colossal 100 million downloads globally, leaving competitors scrambling to catch up.

The triumph is a testament to the OS's advanced features and the genius behind its creation.*



*Headline: "EDEN OS Redefines the Tech Landscape, Sales Soar to Unprecedented Heights!"*

*EDEN Technologies' OS launch has rewritten the rules of the game.

With a staggering influx of downloads in its first day, the OS has not only disrupted but revolutionized the tech industry. Sales projections are skyrocketing, setting new benchmarks for success.

Analysts speculate that this monumental launch will have a lasting impact, positioning EDEN Technologies as the new trailblazer in the tech domain.*



*Headline: "EDEN OS Marks a New Era, 100 Million Users Embrace Futuristic Innovation!"*

*The tech community is abuzz following the release of EDEN OS.

With a record-breaking 100 million downloads on its debut day, users across the globe are embracing this cutting-edge technology.

The OS's advanced features, streamlined interface, and seamless integration have captivated users, signalling a paradigm shift in how we perceive operating systems.*


Mark scrolled through his social media feeds, marvelling at the overwhelming positivity that flooded every platform.

Tweets, posts, and comments overflowed with excitement and praise for EDEN OS.

The tech community had embraced the system with open arms, celebrating its innovative features and user-friendly interface.

*"EDEN OS is a game-changer! Sleek design and lightning-fast performance. Can't wait to explore more!" - @TechEnthusiast23*

*"Huge props to EDEN Technologies for revolutionizing the way we interact with technology. Absolutely loving the new OS!" - Facebook User*

*"Impressive stuff from EDEN Technologies! The hype was real, and it's living up to expectations. #EDENOS" - @InnovationFanatic*

However, amidst the sea of positivity, there were a few dissenting voices, standing out like small shadows in a radiant sunbeam.

*"Not convinced with #EDENOS. Overhyped? Too early to say. Let's see how it holds up in the long run." - @TechCritic34*

Another comment followed, highlighting concerns about privacy and data security:

*"Sure, it's sleek, but at what cost? Is our data truly safe? #EDENOS #PrivacyConcerns" - Reddit User*

Mark took note of these few critical comments, knowing that success often invited scrutiny and scepticism.

Nonetheless, the overwhelming support and positive feedback reaffirmed the impact EDEN OS had made on the tech community..

With the overwhelming success of EDEN OS came the inevitable storm.

Mark sat in his office, staring at the glowing screen that displayed the download figures and positive reviews flooding in from users worldwide.

A sense of accomplishment briefly washed over him before reality settled in - the calm before the storm.

He knew the competitors wouldn't take this lying down.

Legal battles, smear campaigns, perhaps even attempts to reverse-engineer or undermine his creation; Mark anticipated a barrage of challenges heading his way.

They would try everything to thwart his progress and cut into the market he was steadily encroaching upon.

Yet, he remained unfazed.

His mind was a fortress, equipped with strategies, countermeasures, and pre-emptive plans meticulously crafted during sleepless nights.

He was prepared for the battles ahead, having foreseen the probable moves of his rivals.

The corners of his lips twitched into a faint smile as he glanced at the wall covered with a mesh of interconnected diagrams, contingency plans, and legal counsel contacts.

Each line, each scribble represented a potential threat and a devised response, a strategy to parry the assaults on his innovation.

"No matter what they throw our way, we're ready," he muttered to himself, a steely resolve shining in his eyes.

His determination was unshakable. EDEN OS wasn't just a product anymore; it was a symbol of his resilience and a testament to his team's hard work.

As the world celebrated the dawn of EDEN OS, Mark geared up for the battles to protect his creation, knowing that this was just the beginning of the challenges that lay ahead.


In a dimly lit boardroom, two figures engaged in a heated exchange.

The older man, adorned in a sharp suit, his weathered face etched with concern, leaned forward, his voice echoing across the room.

Beside him sat a younger man, a protégé of sorts, who seemed taken aback by the storm brewing in the conversation.

"You didn't see this coming, did you?" the older man thundered, his tone a mix of frustration and astonishment.

The younger man shifted uncomfortably, his eyes flitting between the older man's stern expression and the papers strewn across the table.

"I-I didn't anticipate it would kick off this quickly," he stuttered, his voice revealing a hint of apprehension.

"We underestimated them. Their OS, it's a force to reckon with," the elder continued, his tone laced with a blend of awe and concern.

"EDEN came out swinging, and look where we are now!"

The younger man nodded, visibly shaken. "The market's reacting, and not in our favour. The speed and scale of their success... it's unheard of."

The room was filled with an air of tension and disbelief.

They had underestimated the potential of EDEN's operating system, never expecting it to gather such momentum within a short span.

The tables had turned, and they were struggling to keep up.

"We need a plan, a strategy to counter this," the older man insisted, his mind racing with possibilities.

"We can't let them run away with the market. We've invested too much to be overtaken like this."

The younger man nodded in agreement, his mind already churning with ideas. They knew they had to act fast to regain lost ground.

The unexpected success of EDEN OS had thrown a curveball, but they were determined to respond with a calculated and strategic move.

As the meeting continued, the atmosphere remained tense, both men fully aware that they were facing an unexpected adversary that demanded swift action and a strategic countermove.